FOUND: Fragment Twelve: Into Hell - Aorthora

Yeah, and tell stories (or write haiku) around the Campfire :grinning:


Maybe its just because the Twelth Fragment hasn’t started, but even the Campfire seems a little inactive the past few days. I’m probably just over-reacting, though. I hope Aether messages us again.


If I’m inactive for tonight/the next few days its because my area us being bombarded with tornados


Be safe please


Stay safe, and keep us updated.


We don’t want to lose any more mounties, stay safe and keep us posted asap. Best of luck


Be careful, please.


Be safe Brit!

As to why the forums are so quiet? I dont thibk its lack of activity…

Its the calm before the storm.


I know what it’s like to live in storm-torn states before. Plenty of memories from my childhood of being hunkered down into the darkest corner of the cellar as floor boards and roofing overhead creak and yawn. I trust you’re “used” to them by now (you can never really be used to tornadoes, you can only know how to prep for them) so I’m sure you know the drill.


He wrote back:

I can’t risk trying to physically get into medical.

But I can pull up the video feed on the server level because I can delete the action log there as it shows up. So I did. I found Kendrick, he’s out, hooked up to tubes and had a wire coming out of his head. But I didn’t see the kid you’re looking for.

There’s a room in medical though that’s cut off from the rest of the lab. No cameras. Looks like a hermetically-sealed door. Swipe lock. Maybe he’s in there?

I didn’t see anybody go in or out, but I had to go back to “work” because those people who wander around the servers passed by. And about an hour later I got a call from Fallon’s office.

He wanted to see me. He must’ve figured it out.

I was waiting outside his office for almost an hour, then he had me brought in.

We small-talked. I was trying to play it cool. Zombies aren’t nervous, right? Do they laugh at stupid jokes? Do they ask questions? I did my best. Probably too much. Then he got down to it. Why he brought me in.

They’re ramping up a big project on the secured level again and he wants me to participate since we’ve had security issues over the past couple months. I tried not to show that I remembered doing this before.

He wants me to monitor the systems while they run a series of experiments, and he wants me to monitor them live, on the secured level, during the trials.

Monday. They’re starting whatever it is on Monday.

So what the hell do I do now?

I need a plan. I’m on the inside. I know this place better than you or probably anybody else with any kind of free will. Monday I’ll know what I’m really dealing with I guess. Then I gotta figure out what to do.

We have to stop them.


I suppose it’d make sense that they’d keep Aether away from technology in a sealed room.

I have zero idea what to do, honestly. Without any form of communication we’re just sending him out into the void we know nothing about every day with vague directions and then hear back the next day.

All I know is we need to find a way to punch a hole in their defenses to let Aether get back to his body. But I have zero idea if he can do that, or it’s even safe to do with thatever predator virus they let loose.


Silly, crazy, tin foil hat idea. Kendrick is unconscious with ‘a wire coming out of his head’.

If we opened a hole in the firewall before Monday…would it be possible for Aether to get in and hide inside Kendrick? Maybe partly hang out in his body, and could also stay in the medical tech near him. That might be easier than doing this while all their defenses are up for their big experiment.

You know…I used to say sane, reasonable things before I joined you guys. Now I’m suggested we hide a teenager’s disembodied mind in a coma patient. I can’t tell if this is progress or not.


Well now we have a deadline.
We need to work out what to do to save Aether, before Monday so that before Monday shenanigans do anything dangerous, we have him safe.

There will be a transfer moment.
If Whistler is going to monitor something in that hermetically sealed room, they’re going to have to put sensors in there, or move Aether. There will be a weak point there.
We need to find a way to exploit that.
I am glad Kendrick is hooked up to monitors, and like the suggestion that we could get Aether in to him via that wire…
Could Whistler get Kendrick transferred at the same moment as they move Aether, or move into his room? If they pass in a coridor, and Aether was hiding in Kendrick, he could get back into his own body?


The only thing is I can’t tell if Monday is a deadline, or the starting point. We may not even have any actionable information until Whistler gets home Monday night to report on what’s happening… and then it may be too late.


Then we need to draw on whatever knowledge Whistler has already.
We need to consider layouts around that sealed room.
Corridors, cameras and exits, primarily.
We can safely assume that is where Aether is. We need him out of there and out of the building, safely back in his own skin, in my opinion.


Whistler needs to be cautious. These people are dangerous and there’s no telling what it is exactly they want with him. Our only ally in there is risking a lot and I hope Whistler doesn’t get hurt. If they find out that he’s helping us this could potentially go very badly for Whistler, Aether, and Kendrick.


So what do we know? Like definitely. Itd be better to start there and then build up on a plan.


We know Aether is weakening, and is trapped; we know Kendrick is hooked up to tubes with a wire coming out of his head, and we know they want to use Whistler to monitor some “trials.” These trials might prove useful for us. I know this is dangerous, but what if Whistler could find a way to record the trials? If not record them, then stream them on a secure site that can only be accessed through a code that Whistler gives to Martin. That’s wishful thinking of course, and most likely impossible, but it would be amazing. Whistler’s position as a monitor will give us much more insight. I only hope that these trials(I presume they are testing Aether somehow)don’t cause damage to Aether. If they harm him, Whistler can NOT freak out. No matter what, Whistler can’t act rashly and do something that will jeopardize his position. If they can tell that Whistler is mad about whatever they do to Aether, they’ll know something is up, Whistler must feign carelessness, and has to reject showing any sort of anger. We can’t let him get hurt; he is an ally and the only access we have inside.


Of course the best option would be to break Aether out before they can do anything to him, but we can’t assume that we will have the option to do so.


So we can either learn more about these trials or get Aether out before they happen.


It’s a risk either way; the escape could fail, Aether would still be trapped and Whistler would be gone(or dead). If we wait for the trials, we would be able to glean what they’re trying to learn from him, but Aether could be put into the path of harm; Whistler might lose his cool. We don’t have enough solid information.