FOUND: Fragment Twelve: Into Hell - Aorthora

Has anyone emailed Aether to tell him about Monday? His consciousness is out there somewhere.


Just sent him this.

Watch out. On Monday they will start testing. Be prepared, fight or flight. We’re doing what we can, but take what openings they give us.
Get safe.
Miss Evans


Just got a message from Whistler. He seems nervous.

I’ve been so busy wading through all these memories and imagining the company burning that I forgot something pretty important. Because of Fallon retasking me, I’m gonna have access to the elevators I’m not supposed to see. I can see really see what they’re doing. If I could somehow get proof, or bring something out with me, something that shows what they’re doing to people, this could be the turning point we need. I’m trying to remember to be careful, patient, but there are people’s lives at risk. How careful can I afford to be?

I remember pieces of what happened down there, the chair, the girl, the teenage kid. Was he the one you mentioned? Do you know what they’re doing down there? Do you know what I’m really gonna see?


That is pretty important. On the one hand, we can’t have him getting caught. On the other, he’s in a unique position and, he’s right, there are lives at risk besides his own.

Can we make that choice for him? Does he have the right to decide how much risk he wants to take on for himself?

We haven’t told him everything, because we can’t. Even if he believed us, it may not be in anyone’s best interest for him to know they’re mining for Magiq by torturing kids and other folks they’ve kidnapped.

He needs to know Aether is the teen boy. And he probably needs to know that’s where they’re likely keeping the people they’re experimenting on. He deserves to know that much, at least, going in.

Alarming him may be a bad idea, but if he sees something that shocks him, it may cause him to behave erratically and do something dangerous.


I think it’s go time. This is the opening we need, and we have to take it. Whistler seems like he’s as ready as he ever will be to make a move, so we need to take advantage of this before the window closes. If we miss it, who knows when we’ll have another chance?

It’s time to explain everything we have to him. We need to tell him about Aether, and about the Chair. We need to tell him everything we know about KS, and what they’ve done to people down there. I agree with @Deyavi here, he has a right to know. And more than that, we need him to start thinking of ways to get the proof we need to bury this place for good.

This is what we’ve been waiting for, people. Let’s not waste it.


I agree with @Deyavi and @Kingsington. He needs to know what he’s getting into so he can be prepared. Emotionally and physically. I’m trying to think of some ways he could get any sort of evidence out of there. Would he be able to secretly record what he sees with a phone or something like that? Maybe even just audio?


KS is probably going to have some wicked magiqal anti-surveillance down there. The only thing I can think of him taking would be a solid copy of something.


Another thing is that KS is depending on him to do his job. They have no reason to suspect him as far as we are aware, and they trust him to work to keep their assets and operations safe. It may be the opportunity he needs to open up a hole for Aether to return to his body or leave a minor, undetectable weakness. Even if only for a few minutes.


I like the way you think. It looks like he has a perfect opportunity to introduce a little ghost into the machine, as it were.

I’d be interested to see exactly what the “Chair” is, and how it does what it does. If Whistler could find out more about that, it would be great. If Whistler could find out more about it and discover a way to covertly damage or destroy it, well, that would be even better.


What concerns me about the Chair is that it is supposedly inherently dangerous to be simply in its presence for any period of time. And if it’s Magiqal, not technological, he may be out of luck. But maybe he can get information while he’s there, remember it or write it down. Then we may be able to take it from there and figure out what to do about it next. Whistler’s involvement in this project is likely not going to last only the duration of Monday.

My greatest and most morbid misgivings at this stage are that we assume KS doesn’t know Whistler is in contact. I may be paranoid, or have watched too many movies, but this could be entrapment on their part also. We should ask him to plan to make moves, but be prepared to abort.


I’m wondering at the possible connection between “technological” and “magiqal”. Arthur C. Clarke once said that “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. It could be possible that KS has found a way to meld the two, at least in the case of the Chair. It would make sense, since Aether had to escape into something while they were testing on him. If that is what they’ve done, Whistler may still be able to throw a wrench into the works.


Quite probably. I want to destroy the thing, so… selfish, maybe, but if Whistler sees an opening, I won’t be a bit mad if he goes for it.


I don’t think any of us want the Chair to exist a second longer than it needs to.


Somehow I wonder what it was originally made for. Whatever soul created it, when Magiq was still in the world, what did they intend it to be used for? Experiments? Punishment? Against their enemies? Heck, we don’t even fully understand what it’s become and how KS is using it.

Off topic, I know, but the thing haunts my dreams.


I have to say, I’m inclined to tell him everything we can before he goes down tomorrow. This most likely won’t be something that can be handled by technology and brute force. He needs context and he needs to know the stakes. It might keep him from panicking, might keep his head cool. Maybe he won’t believe me, or maybe what he sees tomorrow will bear out exactly what I tell him. But the closer we are to the same page the better chance we all have of coming up with a plan together. I say we arm him with as much information as we can.


But it can also have the opposite effect and make him freak out.


It’s better for him to know what he’s dealing with than be unprepared. If he freaks out, we lose him. But if he goes in blind, we’ll lose him just as surely.

I think Whistler’s had an inkling for some time as to the extent of what’s happening at KS. If he couldn’t handle the pressure, he would have tried to run by now. I think we need to trust that he’s made of sterner stuff.


I agree with you. He can’t go there, fully possessed of his senses and morality, and keep his cover if he doesn’t know what to expect. And leaving him hanging means that he’ll have to make a lot more guesses and assumptions than is necessary. He’s risking his neck. He deserves to have all the information, so he can make educated decisions on his own.

We don’t really have the right to decide how much risk he accepts.


Argument withdrawn


I agree. If this is turning into a rescue mission, then they need to know everything they can about the situation. If you can kind of cushion the weirdness of the magiq aspect, that would be good, but there’s a point where they need to know. We just have to hope they’ll believe us (and hopefully their experiences with KS will make them more inclined to do so).