FOUND: Fragment Twelve: Into Hell - Aorthora

Rip thy Book


The lack of contact from the book presents us with a problem: how will we know when we’re on the right track for our next fragment?
We’re just going to have to keep digging…


I’m still trying to process all that has just happened and a thought has occurred to me. The storm seems sentient or at least partially so if not more with the purpose of swooping in whenever anyone gets too close to piercing the veil. Closing doors. It was theorized that the book might be a spell and opening the book casts it. The storm burned the book. (Hopefully not destroyed beyond salvaging.) I think this could add credit to that theory.
I hope they made it out.


Maybe we can salvage the BoB with a spell?


A spell to recover what has been recently found and lost again. St. Anthony’s square…?


It was Itsuki.

He’d mentioned having a rough time back in April and when I reached out to him he said he’d been ill, but didn’t elaborate.

When Fallon said what he said I suspected, but wanted to be sure. I just heard back from Itsuki’s wife. He had an inoperable brain tumor. He told her he’d been working on a book about magic with some people on the internet, something he could leave behind for their daughter. So she would know about the world and the life he lived.

He died almost a month ago.


Oh, @Endri, @Bash, @Eaves, I’m so sorry. I can’t believe it. I’m at a loss for words.


I had to leave almost right after I cast the spell, but I’m playing catch up today.
As I build a picture I just want to bury my head in the sand, how did we… how did they… How do we fix it? The book is burned, scorched, and ripped apart, how do we continue on?


What are all the spells we’ve learned so far?


I’m trying to compile them all here:

If you find links or pdf’s for any others, post them and I’ll add them to the original post.


It can’t be broken completely, the spells still there. If the Storm had succeeded I think it would have torn the entire website from the internet, and it would of swept us away too. The Storm said the 18 Gates were protecting us. They must have protected the book enough so that we can continue on.

And if the Storm is coming back then we still have something. Something the Storm doesn’t want us to have.


If the 18 Gates are protecting us, then maybe they left us a clue. We’ve had a lot of puzzles and fragments involving them. King Rabbit, The Minnying of Ojard, the painting of Fairyland, etc. Maybe in one of these, something had changed


Oh my god…There’s just no words. I’m so, so, so sorry Endri, Bash, Eaves…


Oh god.
Endri Im, I can’t put it into words. Ituski was the best of us… If you, any of you, need anything just let me know. His wife and his daughter, are they okay? Can we help them at all?


My condolences on the lost of your friend. We’re going to do our best to make sure his daughter gets everything Ituski promised her. The truth.


My feelings to you and to his family.

We lost one of our own, please don’t let your guard down, the storm is still here and we need to keep fighting even while we mourn.


So Itsuki was the leak, the spy?

Why would he prompt us to continue to explore our magiqal selves if he was spying for Teddy? Maybe that was his way or trying to correct the damage he was doing?

I can’t handle this

I’m sorry @Endri
I’ve no idea what you must be feeling. Just know that the Mounties are here for you.


He didn’t even know he was the spy. Teddy said it himself, Itsuki was able to bypass the Joradian Non-Material Protection Spell because he didn’t even know what he was doing was wrong. We got played by KS, played bad.


I think in the end we came out on the better end of that altercation though.


As many of the other Mounties have said, I am so sorry for your loss @Endri, @Eaves, and @Bash.

Itsuki created the campfire for us to explore the world of Magiq. He wanted to know the truth. And because of that, his memory will forever live on in the Campfire itself. Every written piece, whether it is poem, short story, or spell will have a little piece of Itsuki. He may not be here with us, but he will never be forgotten.