FOUND: Fragment Twelve: Into Hell - Aorthora

Someone should probably warn Deidre to keep those talismans close to her. They might keep her and Cole safe. I emailed Laureen for the hell of it. She helped us, she deserved a heads up and it’s not like we care if KS taps our emails to her now.


Whoever it is removed something to “protect” us.


Can someone post a transcript (in the fullness of time)?


I was trying to, but there are some parts that are not fully clear


@Revenir Revenir usually does it tho


I . . . don’t even know what to do right now.

Review the video for clues from Aether, I guess.


Well, the Books background is the same as the end of the Aether’s stream.


A bit jumbled but

the dance has begun
we the ?? storm descend once more
as always the gates have moved to protect the worthless lives of their naive little mountain climbers
ever lost ever misinformed
reaching for a peak that you will never find
they care for you as they have never cared for previous manipulative ?? they make themselves vulnerable
and in doing they stretch their meagre power too thin
soon what little power the council ?? will fade and they will disappear back into the frame
then one by one we will come for you and wipe you from our world like marks upon a looking glass
how could you have ever won? to defeat an enemy you must know
that the gates will never win as they do not understand their ??
we have no desire to abandon a world we control in completure we were not learning how to open doors, we were learning how to close them and in doing break that precious book of yours once and for all


I’m turning in.
But, yes, the backgrounds are the same.
Stay safe.

Good luck. I’ll catch up in 10 hours.
Again. Stay safe.


Yeah, we do what we always do. Gather anything we can. Look through it. Take care of our friends. Find answers and more questions. Things have changed. We need to know how bad it is, and that that text @Firefish posted, it’s not good.


Final thought from me tonight.

What do we do different to previous generations of mountaineers? How about not giving up on this. Not ever.


110% @MissEvans


Thanks for that, @Firefish.

So it was the Storm. The Council… has moved. To protect us. It . . . “they” care for us?

Well, that stupid ominous voice can take all that and shove it where the Sun don’t shine.

We got close once. Bet your a :ebenguard: we’re going to keep going.


The dance has begun. We of the churning storm descend once more. As always, the Gates have moved to protect the worthless lives of the naive little mountain climbers. Ever lost, ever misinformed, reaching for a peak that you will never find. They care for you as they have never cared for previous manipulative/momentary(?) outlets(?). And in doing, they’ve made themselves vulnerable. They stretched their meager power too thin. Soon, what little power the Council still possesses will fade and they will disappear back into the Fray. Then one by one we will come for you and wipe you from our world like marks upon a looking glass. How could you have ever won? To defeat an enemy you must know them. The Gates will never win because they do not understand their enemy. We have no desire to abandon a world we control in completion(?). We were not learning how to open doors, we were learning how to close them. And in doing, break that precious book of yours, once and for all.


Does anyone have any ideas on the secure server Marty mentioned? Where it could be or how to get into it? Maybe we could start our search there.


Picking through this like its on an English Lit exam:
The Storm regards humans as worthless
The Storm regards this world as theirs
The gates are a…thing that has more interest in current Mountaineers than it has had past ones.
The Storm doesn’t know how to close the doors but also deem themselves unworthy of opening them. OR it’s beneath them to open them.


“The dance has begun. We the ever-churning storm descend once more.
As always the gates have moved to protect the worthless lives of their naive little mountain crawlers.
Ever lost, ever mis-informed, reaching for a peak that you wil never find. They care for you as they have never cared for previous manipulat(ing/ed) acolytes. (garbled) They have (garbled ) themselves overboard, they have stretched their meager power too thin. Soon whatever power the council still possesses will fade, and they will disappear back into the Fray.
Then one by one we will come for you, and wipe you from our world like marks upon a looking glass. How could you have ever won? To defeat an enemy you must know them. The gates will never win because they do not understand their enemy.
We have no desire to abandon a world we control in completion. We were not learning how to open doors, we were learning how to close them. And in doing, break that precious book of yours once and for all.”


Remember what the Oracular Eye told us, guys and gals:

You are more resourceful, more keen, more bonded than any who have come before you."

The first line is the most important. We chose it. We chose hope, not despair. Time to put our magiq where our mouths are.


Well I’m done guys :frowning:
That spell was intense, and then what followed…

And it’s late here. Not sure I’ll get any sleep tonight!

But yes, we need to Hope. We are strong if we stand together. Here’s hoping Marty and Aether are okay wherever they are!


So Mote It Be.