Favorite Fantasy Novels

I know it gets a lot of flack for copying, but I really enjoyed the Eragon books (The Inheritance Cycle) by Christopher Paolini! I was pretty young when I started them, and they’ve just stuck with me! I loved the Abhorsen series too and I can never find people who know what they are! I was so excited to see them brought up here! I mentioned The Guardian Vambrace by H Jane Harrington in the other thread, but its a fantasy book I love, so I thought I’d bring it up again here! :smiley:

P.S I didn’t know Outlander was a series (I haven’t seen the show but I know the basic plot) and I am SHOOK. My historical fiction heart is super happy. goes to buy all of them


Augustus, I found the whole Swift universe a nice shift. If you liked them, I would strongly recommend the PC Peter Grant books and its parent series, The Rivers of London.


What is the Paper Magician series about?


I’ve read the Inheritance Cycle, as well.

Fun Fact, though, is that it took me at least 3 tries to read Eragon. But not because I didn’t enjoy it, I simply kept losing it around the house.

Additional Fun Fact: My family has both the original cover and the movie cover, so each time I went to read it, which book I read kept alternating.

Fun times!


Nettie, it’s about a girl magician reluctantly taking on an apprenticeship as a Paper magician. Core mechanic in the world is that magic can only be worked through man made materials, so paper, plastic, rubber, fire, glass and metal. Ie, origami animals that move and act like the real thing. I don’t want to go on too much but it’s a fun read. Has a bit of action, a bit of wonder, a bit of romance.


I’ll definitely check it out. Thanks for the recommendation!


I loved the Eragon books as a kid too! Really was a shame that the movie was so terrible. And YES the Outlander books are great, I’ve only read up through book 5 I think because they are real thick but they’re so perfect for getting lost in, highly recommend!!


That sounds very intriguing, especially the magic system. I’ll have to make sure to read it when I get a chance.


I grew up on the Inheritance cycle, too! I think I like Eldest the best because that’s the one I remember best (I listened to it a lot when I was a kid because I had the audio book), but one of the things I liked about the series is that you could literally see his writing improving over time.

And I don’t have a picture of it, but I have the litograph shirt for Sabriel! It’s kind of a random book, I feel, for there to be a litograph of it, but I love it so much (but everyone is very confused what it’s for because they don’t know the books :joy:).


I loved those books as well. I’d save my money to get each book as it came out, and was so proud of myself when I could understand the Elves’ language without referencing the translations at the back of the book. I had a hard time getting through Eldest, but I really enjoyed all the other books.


My personal favorite has to be the Iron Druid the magic system is very creative and the story is fairly interesting


I just realized that I’ve never talked about MY favorite fantasy novels, and since I created this topic, I probably should. Anyway, my overall favorite series is the Warriors Saga (especially the Power of Three arc) by Erin Hunter. My favorite fantasy novel of all time is a tie between Magyk by Angie Sage and Inkheart by Cornelia Funke.


Even though I just mentioned this on another part of this same forum, I shall restate my love for the Mistborn Trilogy and Brander Sanderson as an author as a whole.
His ‘The Way of Kings’ is the more classic Fantasy and Mistborn is its own little subsection of fantasy because it is so freaking awesome!


Yessss! I’m in the middle of Oathbringer right now!


I’m still only in the first book so no spoilers please!


No worries! :zipper_mouth_face:


already done oathbringer >:3 i cOuLd be mean, but i wont. Have fun taking your time with it ;3


I don’t know how I left out ‘Throne of Glass’ in either of my posts but ‘Throne of Glass’ is so amazing. It’s a classic medieval fantasy with some very lovable characters and interesting plot points!


ooh. if you havent read the shades of magic series, ignatius, i do recommend that too. Lilah bard is the best kind of virtuous thief.


I love Throne of Glass! I have most of them. I’m missing the last two, I think, and the prequel (there is one right?)