Book Recommendation Request Super Topic

I’ll have to give that a look! Thank you :blossom:


Hmm… A lot of the stuff I read probably falls into the dreary/violent/horror category, but here’s some books I don’t recall ending miserably:

  • Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
  • If you like trashy supernatural/horror novels, Poppy Z Brite. Skip Exquisite Corpse.
  • To Summon Nightmares by J.K. Pendragon: Paranormal mystery with a trans main character, it’s kind of dark but I like the book and Pendragon’s work in general a lot
  • The Diviners by Libba Bray: 1920s paranormal mystery book with some prominent queer characters
  • Brew: A Novel by Dane Figueroa Edidi: A witchy novel, a bit hard to get your hands on, but still quite good
  • Kafka on the Shore
  • The vast majority of Elliott Wake novels are like…queer power fantasies

I’m currently reading James S A Corey’s the expanse series and I high recommend them for anyone wanting to get into sci fic!


Ooh, thanks for the list! I’ll be sure to look these up… The library here isn’t amazing, but the one back where my parents lives is much better, and I’ll be there for a month soon so I can get some good good searching and reading done then! :blossom:


Happy to help! Some of these might be a lil niche for a library, but I imagine you could find Carry On and The Diviners pretty easily. Libba Bray doesn’t always have queer characters in her novels, but I found many of her books to be very feminist. Definitely an author if you ever run out of books to check out.


So for those wanting to share your favourite books you should check out the book share thread!


I can’t remember who recommended this book but I’ve bought it! Though unfortunately Amazon decided to run over it with a truck before sending it to me :laughing:


oh hey how havent i EVER recommended the rangers apprentice?!


On that topic, the brotherborn series is also incredible.


After the Rangers Apprentice finished up I tried to get into Brotherband but stopped after the…second book I think. Maybe I should give it another go!


you should!


Okay so I’ve just finished this book and oh gosh is it good. I never wanted to put it down while also not wanting to keep reading it as I never wanted it to end. Urg this book, I’ve never cried or smiled so much before.

I really hope they write a sequel to this book and I’m definitely gonna be read reading it like a madman. I really want there to be a sequel but for now I guess I’ll have to wait for the film adaptation of the book to come out!


Oh @Rimor! You’re bringing back some good memories. Myst and Riven used to PC games and then finally hit on Playstation before they died. Some of the premier beautiful scenes + puzzles games. They were a favorite of mine. Thanks for the memories!


Oh my god a topic where I can gush about my favorite books; I’m in heaven. Some of my favorites:

A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J Maas- faeries, fairytale retellings in the first 2 books but really expertly done, has some LGBT representation, deals with trauma and mental illness (again, very tactfully and realistically), best series evER
Furyborn series by Claire Legrand- fantasy, elemental magic, 2 povs and timelines but surprisingly easy to follow and very gripping
The Themis Files by Sylvain Neuvel - Sci-fi, absolutely brilliant, aliens but not over the top, shady government stuff, really unique narrative style
American Gods by Neil Gaiman - modern reality of mythological figures, but not typical Greek mythology (like Odin and Ostara and Ansansi etc.) and their struggle to survive in the modern age

That’s just the ones off the top of my head but those were all books I read in like a day each, I was so hooked


Furyborn is so good!!! I haven’t read Kingsbane yet though because I think I want to wait until the third book is out to spare myself the pain of having to wait :laurencry:


Omg! Yeah that’s a good move, very smart. I somehow read and finished Furyborn 2 days before Kingsbane was released, so I was like “oh this is fantastic I only have to wait 2 days to read the next one!” and then I finished that one in a day when it came and I realized…now I have to wait…eons… :sob::sob::sob:


I got an ARC copy of Furyborn and finished it the day I got it. The immense pain I suffered when I realised how long I had to wait for the next one was enough to put me off reading currently-publishing series in favor of finished ones :sweat_smile::sweat:


The number of people who have mentioned A Court of Thorns and Roses in this category is the sole reason it’s now on my to-read list, it sounds so neat!

American Gods is so good, as are pretty much all of Neil Gaiman’s novels! I’ve always liked modern takes on mythologies, and his is probably one of the most interesting and creatively done that I’ve seen so far, along with some pointed social commentary. Haven’t seen the show adaptation yet, but it also looks really good.


Neil Gaiman is an old favorite. Have you read any Charles DeLint? Similar mixture of reality and mythology.


Honestly I have no self control when it comes to books, I feel like I could probably spare myself a lot of suffering if i did but alas :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:


ACOTAR is 1000% worth the read, the second book in the series is by far my favorite tho. And yeah I love books that totally immerse you into the constructed world but also give you a lot of points where you’re like “wait, that really messed up thing is totally applicable to the world I live in… WAIT” lol in other words I feel like the best books do it so subtly that you think back on it and are like “GENIUS!”

I haven’t read him but thank you so much for the suggestion!! I will definitely check some of his stuff out :relaxed: