Basecamp 34 Update - 1/16/20

I think we were going to try for figuration this time to try and give the aliquary’s power places to go, rather than wrought.


I think someone smart once said, “Creation is not possible without destruction.”

That being (re)said, intelligent destruction isn’t always a bad thing. If some form of sacrifice is required to get magiq flowing again, why not?

After all, we’re magimystics. Can’t rightly be that without the magiq bit, me thinks.

Have been having some weird dreams lately though. Weird in the sense that I haven’t remembered my dreams for years because of coughbad decisionscough when I was younger and partied. But also weird because of the big black wormhole looking thing that keeps appearing above my bed in said dreams.

But oh well, likely just the ravings of a Mad Hare…


Well, we have figuration, which is basically magiq generated from creative energy (eg. stories, songs, poems, imagination), so we don’t necessiraily need to destroy anything. It’s really difficult to do, but with a lot of planning and thought it can be done, and we’ve done it in the past.


I like the idea of doing it in reverse!
If we could do it so that people who are closest to Saberlane and the aliquary go first, and then kind of…‘pass’ it along to those further away, like pulling a blanket over something, maybe that would work? It would be a lot harder to coordinate than just having everything happen at one moment, but it’s feasible.


I like the idea of kindness, it doesn’t have to be made up, does it? I have something that really happened to me. I think it has a giving spirit, the story. I don’t know if I’ve thought of it that way before, but it’s simple and special at once. And, I have an artifact related to it that I’ve never thought that much about (other than a spirit supposedly gave it to me). I’ve never used the item in any sort of ritualised way. I just keep it because it was maybe the nicest series of things that’s happened to me. What do you think? Is that the kind of thing I could write up for this purpose?

You guys sound like you’re very experienced in all this. I’d think it was all crazy (or silly) if I haven’t had those little run ins here and there all my life. So, I want to give this a go. But would I even have any power, given I’m new to this and haven’t been bestowed (is that how it works)? And magi(q) is gone?

Let me know what you think. Seems important. Seems like you guys know what to do to make this better.


For new folks (and those who just need refreshing)!

The first time we did some heavy figuration magiqs was the Day of Change (highly recommend reading through Cosmos and Time to avoid spoilers).

Here’s where the planning of the story and casting took place: Back to the Future Part Three: Telling the Tallest Tale - #30 by Augustus_Octavian
I linked straight to the full story, but there’s some more info on its magiqal purpose in the posts before.


Some of us are more experienced than others, but we’re also sort of making it up as we go. There isn’t much in the way of established methods, so we’re just sort of going with what feels right and hoping that it works. What I’m trying to say is, there are no experts here, so don’t feel bad.
Also, you can totally participate if you want. We’re going to need lots of volunteers for this spell, it sounds like, so the more the better. I for one really like to see new Mounties casting spells for the first time, and I think many others here feel the same. We want everyone to be able to experience the magiq. I actually joined in casting a spell the week I found the forum, knowing next to nothing other than that I wanted to help.
You’re here, and you don’t need any more qualification than that. :cjheart: don’t be afraid to ask questions, or dm me or another leader if you’re not sure of something.


I think I might join in this time around. I haven’t done a spell in a while. The object I use will depend on whether or not we’re giving them away after (I think someone suggested that here but I don’t remember who). I have a few small ornaments I might use if they’re being kept, and I’ll probably crochet something new if it’s to be given away. Besides that, maybe making the item myself could create some small amount of magiq. Figuration is born of creativity after all. It wouldn’t be much, if any, but maybe it would be something.

The “how” of what we’re doing aside, what if it doesn’t work? What if we coordinate all this, write our stories, chant our verses, and then nothing happens? I know I’m probably supposed to be more positive, but there’s a real chance we’ll just be a bunch of idiots wishing on our little talismans only for nothing to change.
Magiq might not come back. This could be the end of it. Our Book is ending, and maybe the last chapters aren’t going to be big and triumphant. Maybe we’re done. We were heroes once, but what if we’re not anymore? What if we had our chance, and it’s someone else’s turn now? I don’t know if we can be heroes twice. That’s sort of egotistical to think we can be isn’t it? Idk.
I really want this to work. I want to celebrate together, to know that we made a difference. I want the world to be bigger, and full of magiq. I do. I just don’t know if it’s possible anymore.
Sorry. It’s almost 3am so I’m sort of rambling. I’ll put on a more hopeful face tomorrow and get back to work, but if I’m being honest, I’m scared. I don’t know if we can do this.
Sorry about the accidental essay, I just had to get that existential crisis out of the way before I can be productive again. Back into problem solving mode! :aetherdetermined:


I’ll see your 3am rambling with 4:30am rambling. (long story, but I don’t sleep a lot lately)

I have a long, long…very long history of saying pretentious things on this forum. Here’s my best yet: The key to happiness in life if really simple to state (harder to live, I grant you).

Everything in life can be broken down into 2 steps.

  1. You do you. You step up and do what you want. Do what you think is right or do what you think is easy, or hard, or impossible. Whatever you want to try to do. Do it. Whoever you want to try to be. Be that person.

  2. The universe will react to what you did in step 1.

The trick is to realize your happiness can only be found in step 1, and never, ever in step 2.

Once you’ve completed your step 1, you’ve already won. You did what you intended to. Drop the mic. How the universe reacts? How the results fall? What if someone else does it first or better? That’s outside your control, so why let that stop you from doing your step 1?

Trust me, I’ve had my negative moments when times were dark around here. You guys got me through those, like we’ll get us all through this. It’s what we do. And if it doesn’t work? Well, we’ve done our step 1. We’ve already won. If we need to do a new, better step 1 later, then that’s what we’ll do.


I have no doubts that our efforts will (somehow!) Bear some fruit, we can only hope that it’s the fruit we needed! Looking back at what people have suggested so far, it seems like there’s some concern over:

  1. the order of things
  2. how many people should be involved (and whether or not to stick to 18s)
  3. whether to do it as a slurry as quick as possible or spread it out

Here’s my suggestions! As for the order, starting from Saberlane and working our way outwards seems the best and most popular order so far, we might want to settle on that fairly soon.

As for people, here’s an idea for how to get as many as possible while also sticking with 18 as our main focus! I like the 9 inside 9 outside idea proposed right near the beginning, and the 12 inside 6 outside to take into account how difficult it might be to get outside help with everything that’s going on. We can settle on one of these together, and work from there.

So! My concept is pretty simple; we choose our 9 or 12 people to head the charge. These will be scheduled, more or less, and will be the ones to start everything off. After the last of those is done, the initial casting will be done, but more people supplying their figuration, their stories and so on, the better! So after the 9 or 12, we’ll have a time to just fill up with as much as possible, everyone who wants in can jump in, effectively becoming the boosters and helping to spread the magiq around the world! Does that sound good to anyone? Let me know!


This sounds like an amazing idea! I love that we’d have the symetry with the initial spell, and then the extra intent/magiq boost as everyone that can/wants adds their stories as well. Nice call!

Okay, here are the people so far that have said they’d like to help/will be around on the 1st (just so we can keep track). You guys can decide among you who’d like to be in wave 1, and I’ll update as we go:
@SabineBean :gossmere:
@Louisa :weatherwatch:
@Eden :flinterforge:
@Ashburn :ebenguard:
@Augustus_Octavian :gossmere:
@Tinker :flinterforge:
@Sorrel :balimora:
@Fox :balimora:
@BrokenVoid :thornmouth:
@Remus :weatherwatch:
@Connielass :gossmere:
@Cirydae :weatherwatch:
@Amruneth :thornmouth:
@Danweel :thornmouth:
@Sellalellen :thornmouth:
@Sapphire :thornmouth:
@Helios - Backup :balimora:
@BairnSidhe :balimora:
@Ginger :ebenguard: (Potential)
@Cj_Heighton :balimora:
@Mikasi :thornmouth:

Edit: (Sorry for the ping, but my “omg, must be organised” mode kicked in, lol)


I’ll second this whole heartedly. I think what you’re worried about is that you’re assuming you’ll get a reaction from the universe. You know, acting because we think we will succeed. I’ve always gotten more stamina from just trying to do right and not worrying about the results. (hard to do). If things fail, that’s what you use to give it another shot - should the data you get indicate that makes sense. I’d rather react to results than react pre-emptively to probable unknowns.

–I mean, if it doesn’t work, then we have something we can make decisions about. If it does work, great, we skipped a bothersome step of problem-solving. Succeeding is a gift really, not an expectation. I don’t think you guys have anything to worry about.


I like 12 on our end. There are 6 guilds, and having two reps from each just feels right. Additionally, I agree that we might not be able to pull on resources from outside the Veil with such short time constraint.

Additionally (and please correct me if I’m wrong) the aliquary is on the inside of the veil, with us.

I’m thinking in physics here, but if the above statement is correct, then it might make sense to stack more magiq on the inside of the veil, then, as we cast it allow it to take its own momentum to spread outside of it. Think High to Low pressure in fluid dynamics.

That’s me whole 3 cents on that, thanks for comin’ to my ted talk :sweat_smile:

@Nimueh I also recognize that this looks like I ignored your post (you mentioned symmetry with the original spell, which I know this post isn’t entirely aligned with aside from the 18 total people) Thanks for organizing things!


I need to read and fully understand the plan rather than skim in stolen moments, but always happy to help.
In theory im going to a LARP fayre that day. I’m sure I can convince a few people there to help if we still want a bunch of non mounties.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. We don’t get to choose how the universe reacts to us - the only thing we can control is how we react to the universe, and how we interact with it.

The Mounties have a history of relentless positive energy in the face of horrible odds. Let’s keep that legacy up, shall we? I find it hard to believe any of us would be at peace with anything short of that. :slight_smile:


If anyone has to drop as we approach the first I’ll be available as a backup!


Glad this just happens to be on a Saturday. I’ve got the nosiest coworkers in the world. :unamused: I don’t think I could get up to much. More time to really concentrate on the working of it.


Judging from the list that @Nimueh has made, we have well over 12 people who will be available to head things off, but I also love what @Eden has said about having 2 people from each guild involved! We really need to decide if we’re starting with 12 or 9, and are we including Saberlane as part of the 12 and 9, or as an additional entity? The starting cry, rather than one of the runners? Let’s work this out!


sticks hand up for Gossmerim


I would imagine Saberlane and the aliquary are in addition to the 9/12, personally. That just feels right? But that isn’t much of a reason so if others disagree, I’m not married to that instinct.