Basecamp 34 Update - 1/16/20

I’m ready to do what needs to be done.
And if it helps sort my brain out, well, bonus.


(sorry for any additional pings, just updating list. Also, quick guild referances so we can check to see if we need people from a guild to step up if you’re going 2 from each.)

Edit: by the way, we also have a week today. So, if we’re making stories/objects to give/poems/chants we should probably start doing that and working out who wants to be in wave 1, and if anyone from 34 with @Eaves can take part to help with the symetry/spreading/growing magiq idea


Re: the song/poem/chant -

Do we have anything that we want to include in all of them? A connecting thread of sorts?


We’re here to help however we can. Let us know what we need to do and we’ll get cracking.


Ok, I went back and grabbed the original words from the Cataclysm. Could we possibly adapt them for this?

Token, you are bound
Your power now promised
Vowed token unbound
When need of you has ended
You are claimed for a time
And tethered by my telling
Onward to the source
Until you are released

Seems like a place to start if nothing else.


I do very much like this. I don’t know anything about the original use, but it sounds very appropriate to what we’re doing, knowing nothing else about it. Maybe that makes it quite strong for our purposes?
I personally think there’s something to reusing things. It’s part of ritual, after all. I think people in the west sometimes have an obsession with novelty. But, I think the more something is used, the greater power it gathers. Same goes for our tokens, even if it isn’t what you call magiq exactly.


I like the idea of modifying it!

For those not here for the Cataclysm, we used that phrasing to pledge the magiq in our items toward the Big Bang that helped us locate the crack in the veil.

Since we’re using things that are mundane as vessels to receive some small amount of magiq from the aliquary (and sending the items out into the world?) we’ll definitely need some adjustments before Saturday.

…speaking of Saturday, I should really get to writing my piece for this. :sweat_smile:


Also, do we happen to have another non-aliquary-activating Ebbie available on the 1st willing to hop on board with the magiq making? I noticed we were the only guild with one symbol on Nimueh’s list. :eyes: :ebenguard:


Im okay to go for bali if you need me.


I know it definitely needs help, but maybe it’s a starting point?

Seed to be planted
Filled with potential
Waiting for spring to come
With love and with light
Germinate where you are
Grow beyond expectation
Go out into the world
Shining forth for all to see

(I’m mainly hating on lines 5 and 6, though they’ve been worse)


Depends on what time Saturday as I’ll be out of town and have no idea of a schedule. So you can call me in if you’re desperate?

If another Ebbie wants it, please take the chance.


line 5/6 alternative maybe?

Seed to be planted
Filled with potential
Waiting for spring to come
With love and with light
Germinate in our hearts
Grow bold strong and true
Go out into the world
Shining forth for all to see


This is looking great! Well done, @Ashburn and @Sapphire .

I really do love that prism imagery though, and line 4 ends with a reference to light. Maybe:

With love and light
Refract through our hearts
Gleam bold and strong and true

The seed feels perfect for setting a stage of growth, but the prism feels like it might spread and reflect magic more quickly. At the speed of light, you might say. ;D But if mixing metaphors doesn’t strike right, I do like the lines as they were as well. We have something powerful here.

EDIT: removing the extra and may be a good move, I dont know where that came from.


This is great! I love the prism imagery as well, but the germination fits more with the seed line.

Have we decided on a theme for our stories yet? Maybe I missed it :sweat_smile: I’d like to get cracking on mine.


I think we were aiming in this direction:


I think the idea I was going for was to be a contrast to the last book.

Rather than a Book of hoarding, collecting and accumulating magiq, to make this one of bounty, generosity and more than enough for all. Sure, it’s idealistic, but why not aim high?

My two cents anyway.


Thank you! I completely overlooked this. Sorry @Robert :slight_smile:


I think I need an example for what we’re looking for in our stories…

11 Likes “Shine forth anew” makes for a better end bit ;3


Oh man, I’d love to help on this, but I’ll be at work most of the day. But hey, I’ll be making food, so maybe there will be a bit extra ‘creation’ for stuff to latch to? I dunno, I’m new to all this.