Basecamp 34 Update - 1/16/20

Edit: In hindsight I see no reason to cap this at 9 people inside the veil. The more the merrier. I was just shooting for a minimum to keep with the 18 theme. From the Cataclysm, and not going to lie I like the idea of 18 people bringing in the Book / Council of 18 Gates parallel.

As for the people outside the veil, that’s going to fall on @Eaves to locate. I’d wager he’d have a few volunteers there but 9 might be tough. If we have to do 12 inside, 6 out, or whatever, we can make it work.


These are all incredible ideas. I’m in!


Ooooo I love this! I’m definitely down!


Hearing all these ideas I am quickly going from apprehensive to excited!


Hurray, time to plant some magiq seeds! I’m eager to help!


I’m in on the 1st for sure. I’ve been thinking about this for a while, but I think the necklace @Sellalellen gave me would be the perfect focus for me. I’ve never thought of it as magiqal, but I’ve thought of it as having a purpose. Perhaps this is it?

To clarify the idea of the Wellspring, are we basically trying to create a non-human Martin?


I should be available as well!


I was sure it had a purpose, too, but not one for me to find out. It sounds like a great choice.


Not sure I’ll be around in the 1st. I’m bummed that all my artifacts are “dead” so to speak. Or more so just devoid of magiq, which defeats the point of gathering so many things into one spot.

Maybe making a new trove isn’t so bad an idea. But now the question is: How do charge? :cjtea:


I’m so ready to help! I should definitely be available on the 1st and can help out however I’m needed!


This gives me a reason to finish my hat by then! I’ll be around for sure


Oh well this is exciting!
Are we time correcting for different time zones? I’ll be available on the 1st depending on the time exactly.
Is it all at the same time or are we spreading this out as a cascade? Reading through it seems like all at once, which I think makes the most sense, unless it’s more of pouring water instead of planting seeds.
If we don’t have eighteen people, perhaps eighteen lines to say? Or nine? I also like the idea of the items being things either gifted to the person or intended to be gifts, since we’re sharing the magiq.


Hmmmm. Excellent question.

For the Cataclysm, everyone went over the course of 18 days first, and Saberlane kicked off the big finale at the end.

For the Wellspring, I could see the argument we do that in reverse. Saberlane wakes up the aliquary (metamagiqally speaking) and then we follow up with our connections to it.

Although I think it feels like a ‘cleaner’ process if we all go first over the span of Feb 1st (in whatever timezone you are in) and Saberlane closes out the day by opening the aliquary to use all the groundwork we’ve been laying out ahead of it.

I could go either way. Thoughts?


I like the idea of going backwards, but also see that it would probably be safer to have places for all that raw power to go first.

Also a big fan of our foci being gifts/things to be given away.


I’ll be free the afternoon/evening of the 1st and can help out however is needed! And love the idea of starting with a non-magiqal item to imbue with magiq and give away to find it’s own path in the new age!


Perhaps we can work with @Saberlane’s time zone. You’re in HST, yes? So maybe those ahead can lay initial groundwork for magiq channels, the aliquary can be awakened, and then those of us past HST can help even the field for magiq dispersal.

If not, then I can absolutely see the argument for doing this at one time so we are all ready. That would cause some issues for Mounties not in North America, though… and it would be best for us all to be in top form rather than half-asleep for something this important.


RE: Timezone and order of operations discussion

Currently free magiq is gone. So if we (the Mountaineers) were to start would we even be able to cast without SOMETHING? Even if we try to use wrought magiq - which I have some feelings about - would it work?
Maybe it’s better that Saberlane go first so there is some sort of magimystical current for our casting to flow through?
But also take this with a heap of salt because do we really understand how magiq works? Because potentially the aliquary needs us to sort of coax it out of its shell for lack of a better term. We know so little about it.

Back to wrought magiq for a second
On one hand it makes sense to me that in order to create a new age and to ground magiq in our world again that we would need to sacrifice things of meaning.
On the other hand creating a new age by destruction doesn’t feel right.


It’ll be the beginning of the 1st sometime in the afternoon for our Mounties in Australia and adjacent time zones, so it shouldn’t be a problem getting folks’ parts of this in. :aetherdetermined:


I think we were going to try for figuration this time to try and give the aliquary’s power places to go, rather than wrought.


I think someone smart once said, “Creation is not possible without destruction.”

That being (re)said, intelligent destruction isn’t always a bad thing. If some form of sacrifice is required to get magiq flowing again, why not?

After all, we’re magimystics. Can’t rightly be that without the magiq bit, me thinks.

Have been having some weird dreams lately though. Weird in the sense that I haven’t remembered my dreams for years because of coughbad decisionscough when I was younger and partied. But also weird because of the big black wormhole looking thing that keeps appearing above my bed in said dreams.

But oh well, likely just the ravings of a Mad Hare…