Basecamp 34 Update - 1/16/20

I’m holed up at the inn where I usually message you (nearest internet) and I wanted to let you know that I just got a call and BC34 has all cast their parts of the spell. And I’ve done mine.

A fog rolled in and it’s now almost midnight so I’m holding off on the hours long trip back to the castle. But we’ve done everything on our end. I sent a message back to ask Yuridia if she’s felt anything.

But, I don’t know… something feels different. Not like a big bang or anything, but… new. Bright. Like New Year’s Day.

I’m an optimist, and not at all qualified to say, but I think something’s happening.


A windstorm started this morning that hasn’t stopped all day. I’m used to chinooks, but this is something different. Dad was outside, and the wind picked him up and threw him into a ditch 10 feet away. It’s sort of scary, but feels like a good sign.
There was a regular chinook last night, and I thought it was a good omen - Chinook is Blackfoot for “Snow Eater” and cleans the prairie - It seemed appropriate for the end of a Book - This new storm though isn’t gradually eating the snow away. To me it feels like it’s pushing something towards us instead of pulling snow and dirt away. I have a good feeling about this guys. A new age is coming.


Exactly! Like brushing the ashes of the Book of Kings out the door.

P.S. Not sure if you’re still in the office, but when you can, let us know how the aliquary is looking, Sabes.


I stayed away from the office today per Sabes’ orders, and I still haven’t heard anything more from him, but I just wanted to let you guys know I did my part as best I could.

I didn’t have a story planned out because I spent most of my day running around the city catching up with friends I hadn’t seen in a long time, but my day was so full of the small kindnesses of the people who know and love you better than anyone that it was almost overwhelming. People who think to ask about your parents, and remember your siblings’ names. People who hold your hand and keep you steady when you’re about to fall on your butt ice skating. People who don’t ask questions when you say you need to go duck into the woods for a little bit to cast a spell with the acorn that you’ve just been casually carrying around in your coat pocket since October for no reason other than it felt right to pick it up and hold onto it one day.

I don’t know anything more than you guys do at this point, and I’m just as anxious about what I’ll be coming back to on Monday. But I will say that today was one of those rare New York days where, despite the cold and general overcast gloom, things felt pretty okay. More than okay, actually. I felt a kind of optimism that I haven’t really felt since I first moved here two years ago. Whatever we’re doing, I really think it’s working.


How is everyone? I’ve been reading everyone’s figurations and they’re so warm and fuzzy!


Um, guys? Did the Book of Briars just share…a link…to…itself?

Or part of itself?


I see 9 pages of something there…fascinating


REALLY?! I get a blank 7-page download with an error message about my page tree containing an invalid node.


Someone (EDIT: it was eternalhearts, as evident from the above post) was talking about the pages being blank…anyone else having that issue? Mine have text.

I think…both of those sentences are the first two sentences in The Book of Briars. And wow that sounds weird and Inception-y.


I have text in mine! I am also just SCREAMING!


Text! Seven pages for me starting from page 3. Theres something hidden here, i swear. Anyone else get the message about ilya?


I am raging with jealousy over here!!! I don’t even care that it’s almost 11pm and that I should be working. I jsut want to immerse myself and read!


I’ve got text in mine! Pages 3-9, about Ilya.
@eternalhearts, is your browser all updated and everything? Or do you have a different browser you could try on? Not sure if it’s a magiqal problem or a software one ^.^


@Cirydae, I got it on Firefox, thank you!!!


Yay! Now you can join us in ABSOLUTELY FREAKING OUT!!!


Freaking out is right. This is the very reason I read the last chapter of books, and why I prefer to watch TV a season (or series) behind - I cannot wait, I need to know all. the. things.

I’m dying over here knowing that this is going to unfurl over time. I cannot even deal.


It sounds like it’s set in Neithernor. The sign says welcome, so that would imply the sign is in Neithernor, and unless I’m off, the sign is with Ilya.


lays under blanket in the dark like a kid again reading from the tablet feeling oddly like Bastian Bux


Um… I think this is the best thing to wake up to on a Sunday morning!


I have things to do today but I HAD to stop and read this first…