Ascender's Funeral

All are welcome. You’re a Mountaineer, and he would be so proud of each and every one of you that is helping to carry the torch after the book was opened.


We’re less than an hour out. If you’d like to dress in the customary colors of mourning for your guild, here they are (per @OracleSage):

Weatherwatch: Gold and purple
Gossmere: White
Flinterforge: Dark grey
Ebenguard: Navy blue
Thornmouths: Oxblood, dark red
Balimora: Dark green

Also, and this may be a silly question, but are you hosting this, Oracle?


So, due to really unfortunate circumstances, I may not be able to attend at all. There’s an active crime scene close to my home, and all the roads are closed. I am currently on my bus trying to make it to the stop, but even past that point I’m not sure how we are gonna get through. I planned to be home already, and setting it all up, and now unfortunately I may not be able to attend at all.


Okay, I see what we can do. @Viviane (or any other attendees) do you have YouTube accounts that can livestream? Mine will be ready in 24 hours, but that’s a bit late for our current plans to have this go live. Otherwise, I’m not sure how we can record this shy of screenrecording this (which my computer can’t handle). Anyone have any suggestions?

Edit: In the mean time, it’s probably a good idea to make sure everyone who said they could make it will. @Saberlane, would you be able to make it, or are you just going to be here in spirit? @TheMadHare, @BrokenVoid, @Nimueh, and @Cj_Heighton, are you ready to go? We should be starting soon


Ready and waiting on a link :slight_smile:


I think we might just not be able to record this one, @Remus. I think something similar happened with the Lantern spell on the Day of Change a couple years ago. (Darn technology.)

I’ll post a link here in just a minute.


I’m just about ready. And here I was doing my I’m-Late-So-Very-Late dance :rabbit2:


If you host I may have a solution to record it. Maybe… We’ll see if it actually works as we get everyone together.


Here, try this:

EDIT: apparently I had to make a group to start the call? So the video link is actually this:


Recording inbound, though possibly in the morning as apparently it’s taking time to upload to google. Also wanted to check it over, make sure it was good.

Edit: Link!


My apologies for lack of attendance. Stuff piled up and I ended up going fully non-verbal. Did wear dark green, though.

Fare the well on your next steps of the journey, Ascender. We’ll keep climbing the mountain.


Yay! Thank you for the recording, Nim!

And @BairnSidhe, don’t worry, we all get that things happen sometimes. Glad you could still wear the colors and participate from afar. :slight_smile:


Thank you to everyone who made it, and thank you to Viv for helping me out.

I didn’t get to attend his funeral but I have something I wanted to say:

Ascenders death is a devastation to our family. I know many of you did not know him, and honestly even those of us who were around when he was here didn’t know him very personally. He was a distant sort of father figure, but he wanted us to succeed, he needed us to. He still did, and he proved that to us when he took back Monarchs Mountain, and again when he was willing to die so we may continue this journey. Ascender was a leader, and a wise man. He was flawed, and complicated, and clever. Now we should turn to him as our Further Fire, our guiding force in these dark and scary times. Hail to the first captain, and may he rest easy within the common drum.


Sorry I couldn’t come… Very much looking forward to watching it when I’m finally at home port


And now I’ve heard all the parts I missed! :hermanthumbs:

Also, is it always that hard to hear me on video chats? :grimacing: