5. The Secret Society: "I looked across the cold and silver swirling sea."

Originally published at: The Secret Society: “I looked across the cold and silver swirling sea.” - Ackerly Green

Nothing out of the ordinary has happened in the office since my last post, just the usual sounds (and smells every now and then, like flowers maybe? Perfume?) so just normal haunting, not full on poltergeist materialization. NBD.

But… Something else has been happening. Something I hadn’t picked up on at first, but looking back has been going on for a couple weeks now?

Every once in a while I would think about going back to the storage warehouse Orvin and I visited. The rundown Lower Eastside former apartment building where we found some old mundane paperwork about this version of Ackerly Green, as well as the pins, which I suspected were from the other version of Ackerly Green. My mind kept wandering back to the little room where we found everything. The room we’d cleared out and stop paying the lease on months ago. It belonged to someone else now, but every now and then the idea of going back would consume me…

It happened again this morning and then I realized… I was wearing the Hippocampus pin. And I can’t be sure, but I think every time I thought about that room I’d been wearing the pin. The pin was trying to tell me to go back.

Far weirder things have happened, and if these pins really were from The Book of The Wild, The Lost Age, well, maybe they have some residual magic in them?

I just want to go on the record that I personally don’t think it’s breaking and entering if all I had to do was lean against the locked door of the storage space to open it. Like, a hard, repeated leaning.

I broke into the storage room.

It was already full of someone else’s boxes. I have to say I thought that maybe the ghost with the mustache was gonna be there to give me some useful and profound piece of magical information. But instead the place was stacked to the ceiling with banker’s boxes from the bookkeeping firm who’d taken it over. I looked around the boxes, seeing if I’d left anything, but I (with Orvin’s tsking supervision) had been pretty damned thorough when I cleared it out. There was one small window in the room, the only light aside from the strip of fluorescents on the ceiling. A gray stream of cold winter light was cutting through a gap in the stacked boxes to the floor in the far corner of the room. I went to the window, looked out, for a sign, a ghost…

When I turned back, I’d blocked the light and could see, stuck in the space between the wall and the baseboard, was the edge of a yellowed piece of paper. I shimmied it out and found it was a folded up sheet of aged carbon paper. For all the non-old Mountaineers, carbon paper was how you made copies of things back in the day. You’d put it behind a sheet of paper you were writing or typing on to make an exact copy.

It was a copy of a letter that Warner Green himself had written decades ago! An exact typed replica. He’d probably put the carbon paper in the typewriter himself.

It had faded with time and sun, but I could make out that it was from the desk of Warner Green, it was written sometime in the 60’s, and it was a draft of a letter to readers who’d bought the pins!


Welcome to The Ackerly Green Secret Society

________ and as you know, elemental [materials] sometimes hold onto magic, and these pins, made of the rarest of metals, I’ve been told contain traces of magimystic energy. __________ and when the time comes, the pins may call on you to find what they have been asked to find __________ Something missing worth rediscovering. Further instructions are included within this mailing.


All you truly need to know is that this must be kept in the strictest of confidence. ____________________ The pin, its purpose, even your membership in this society, must be kept secret from those who cannot bring themselves to believe. But we believe. Magic is real, and it is up to us to seek it out, perhaps learn to use it, but most of all protect it.

Your friend and fellow member,
Warner Green

Okay. So the pins are from The Book of The Wild, and either they were never mailed, or this was outstanding stock that hadn’t been used. Also, confirmed by Warner himself, the pins have some trace of magical energy. (I mean, I guess it could all be make-believe, new readers think I’m making all this up, but we know there’s something weird about these pins, which lends credence, not only to their power, but also that Warner Green himself knew about magic.)

Also, we’re all just casually wearing relics of The Lost Age!

So you’d think that would be enough, right? Enough magimystic adventuring for the day? Nope. I didn’t notice until I checked later, but pretty much the second I walked into the storage room I got a text message on my phone. A notification.

It said “I looked across the cold and silver swirling sea.”

I have no idea what it means. You? I mean, we know that the Silver took up residence across the sea in Neithernor. But what does the sentence mean?

And the bigger question…

How in the name of Herman did the notification come from the Ackerly Green app?


The answer your last question is rather simple when you think about it @Saberlane



There was an ocean on the eastern wilds wasnt there? maybe we cross the sea.


My first thought was the eastern sea as well. I haven’t seen it for myself but I hear its really something!

Also, I’m like… Mildly freaking out I’ve been wearing a rare magiqal artifact on my denim jacket. Ya know. Like its no big deal.


Hmmm. If we could cross the sea, which I suspect is dangerous, I wonder what we would find on the other side… It blows my mind that not only are we all wearing a magiqal artifact, but the very material they are made if is extremely rare. Maybe the Silver could be in trouble… But would they knowingly ask for our help?


I honestly highly doubt it, I think that bridge was burned in the War of Neithernor.

I think… Not to sound like I’ve totally lost it… But I think maybe it’s the ghosts of old Secret Society members giving us this clue, to uncover the work they left undone?

EDIT: I googled the verse and found nothing. If its part of a poem or a “bigger picture” my guess is its magical in nature.


Just because I tend to overthink these things and jump off the deep end real quick, have we considered it could be a ref. to Ebenguard?


That crossed my mind for a hot second.

I’m also thinking it’s saying silver as a color rather than Silver as, well, The Silver.


I mean, it could be the ghosts. But are they really ghosts, magiqal contructs, or something else? I’m looking to far into this at the moment, but it’s nice to get it out. It is most certainly clues, but to uncover what? Maybe there’s something over there that hasn’t been completed?


I’m sure it has nothing to do with it (particularly since it’s only 9 years old), but there’s a Silver Beach in Michigan (which would be cold), and though it’s not an actual beach on an ocean/sea, there’s this:
It came up when I tried looking for a northern whirlpool that had something to do with silver in the name.

This has been your nightly tin foil report :tinfoilhat:


So, the app is becoming sentient, or someone’s using it as a way to get a hold of Ackerly Green? That’s…fun. :scream:

Actually, that made me take a second look at the app and…Sabes, I have a quick question for you - were you the one who added in that chronocompass? When you tap the lil’ Herman at the bottom, it leads to a spinning chronocompass. I thought maybe it was a nod to the knocks we did on the Dawson site, but… if the app is communicating with us, maybe it’s relevant and we need to have the right knock pattern to unlock something further?


I can see the spinning chronocompass as well, Rev. This time, however it’s spinning much faster than I think it ever did during all that time magiq, and the center is also spinning … if anyone cares :+1:t2:


We didn’t put a chronocompass in the app. :neutral_face:


Well, it, this is a lot to find. Also the chronocompass does seem like it could be important, though I’m not sure if right now is the time to use it…


I put the regular image of the chronocompass in the app, under “About Ackerly Green” but not the moving one. I don’t even have access to that image or video or whatever it is.

I will say this though, the process of developing the app and putting it together was really easy, even though I’d never done anything like it before. There were times when it felt like it was already made and I was just assembling the pieces. Maybe I accidentally performed some kind of spell? I don’t know how I would’ve done that… there’s probably a more magimystically logical explanation. Thoughts?

The one thing…
The chronocompass @Revenir found looks like the one that appeared over the messages to Knatz and Augie. Not the kind you solve, but the kind that was already doing something.


Well if we accept the pins are from the Lost Age, and they somehow brought you back to the storage unit you just coincidentally happened to find unlocked and open and just went in to make sure everything was okay… The timing of the notification would indicate it’s also related to the Lost Age. So the app is also somehow connected to the Lost Age.

Perhaps the ease of it’s creation is really because parts of it were already created. Or someone friendly was helping out out to move things along.


“The Book of the Wild The Book of Kings Two Worlds Rebound In Butterfly Wings”

Maybe we’ve done this somehow after opening the Book of Briars? Having drawn the two timelines, Wild and Kings, closer together - maybe now magiq can flow from one to the other?


Random thoughts on the quote.

I doubt we have enough information to come to a solid conclusion, but I thought I’d summarize a few ways I look at this.

-Maybe the sea here is what’s important? A cold and silver swirling sea. Why would a sea be silver? Probably because it’s in moonlight? Cold could mean the temperature or ‘unemotional and impartial’ but it’s also swirling, so I guess it’s the temperature. And if it’s at night that might make sense. Maybe this is a reference to a time on the chronocompass?

-Maybe the ‘I’ is what is important. Who is speaking? Someone, or some thing that overlooks a large body of water? The Statue of Liberty? The Colossus of Rhodes? The Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio?

-I doubt it’s a word puzzle, but if you take “silver swirling sea” and put ‘ag’ in for silver, and swirl the letters of ‘sea’ you can get ‘A Geas’ which is a magic(q?)al compulsion to do something. Maybe that only amuses me…

Huh, I only just now put 2 and 2 together to get that the elemental symbol for Silver is "AG’. I wonder if that makes 4? Probably not…but it’s Friday and I like to entertain weird ideas on Fridays.


Oh shoot! Maybe there’s a puzzle within the app?


Okay, so I followed @Robert 's advice about the camera. I set one up in the office and it sends me alerts when it detects motion.

I’ve had about a dozen alerts in the past hour, and every time I check the camera there’s nothing there. Or almost nothing. There are weird flickers and blackouts every now and then.

I think he’s back. The ghost. We’re in the country but I’m driving back down to the city to see if I can catch him. Not like a ghostbuster, but catch him like, hey, don’t go… let’s talk about pins and apps and haunting my office.

Wish me luck. I’m already sweating.