5. The Search for Magiq: "Elemental Disruption"

I could possibly leave them in places around my school.
just depends on the time and where it needs to go.
Hold the symbol with me for the week, and place them in spots that may be of use to the area.

also, I could leave the forest one in the middle of the haunt trails.
(being a teacher is great for this, plus,any residual energy from the life around us can be used to help bolster the resonance.)


I work at a hospital and live near the ocean with varying tides throughout the day. I could help with as many elements as needed
Edited: also lots of bush walks nearby and could even drive to a scenic reserve if needed


So, update on that travelling boi named chi, uh,

it would appear this is my next travel point. Does this count as a mountainous area if i toss my mark on the top of the crevasse?


So just to clarify, weā€™re going to start casting/figuring (?) On the Day of Change. 1 symbol per week in the order they were revealed to us?

Also, I have easily accessible ideas for all of them! One that seemed like a clear fit to me for Wilds (but please tell me if Iā€™m mistaken!) was graveyards? Maybe itā€™s the tarot fan in me, but Iā€™ve always connected Death and Change, and the wilds is associated with endings/night the way Weatherwatch is associated with beginnings/dawn, right?

I know the circumstances are dire, and I take this very seriouslyā€¦but Iā€™m very excited to participate in my first bit of magiq with you all. :smile:


Graveyards seem right to me. Death is one of the cards I associate with Balimora, tooā€¦being the ultimate change, and all.


Excellent! Thank you for the confirmation. :slight_smile:


Weā€™re working on packing up everything thatā€™s necessary, but thereā€™s so much weā€™re going to have to leave behind. Iā€™m trying to remember that the sanctuary has always been about the people and the search for magiq, not the location. Not the things.

The herald is awake. She is clear-eyed and determined to help us get ready for the exodus. Sheā€™s giving us hope, and youā€™re giving us strength.

I donā€™t want to put too much pressure on you, youā€™ve all been through so much, but once we leave, in the early hours of the 23rd, you will be the only shield we have from the Silver.

There are people here who are older, and people with disabilities of all kinds. There are children. And for what itā€™s worth, my dog Theo is here too and Iā€™d really like to keep him safe. (Itā€™s not lost on me that Iā€™m taking Theoden to what weā€™ve nicknamed Helmā€™s Deep.)

I want to keep them all safe, but I canā€™t do it on my own. Not this time. Itā€™s going to be up to you. This is our darkest hour, our deepest uncertainty, but I have no doubt that youā€™ll be there for us.

If I can, Iā€™ll message again before we leave, if not, weā€™ll set out in the witching hours on the Day of Change.

Thank you, Mounties.


We got you, Eaves.


Okay, so maybe we should do a roll call for people who think they can take part week 1? Based on the order from before, weā€™re starting with Tides. Anyone got a location for that they can definately get to next week?


I donā€™t have a location but I have a bunch of lighthouse figures that I used to collect the I could put the tides symbol on.


I have a creek right next to where I work that I can get to no problem. I was also considering a local court house thatā€™s not too far off - justice, balance, purposeā€¦seemed like a good fit. But for certain, the creek is literally three steps away from where I am every day, and it flows through my whole town.

EDIT: Eaves mentioned they would be leaving early in the morning, and I can definitely be there really early if thatā€™s particularly helpful.


Iā€™ll be walking by the Bell Tower starting Thursday, but if I need to get there sooner its an easy walk. Let me know when you want me to go!


I mean, we could also cover it with someone on a different timezone depending on who can do what. Letā€™s see what we have to work with :slight_smile:


I can participate with Tides.


I could definitely make it to the shore on the 23rd, since Iā€™m off work.


Even if we canā€™t go anywhere particular during the week, as many people as possible can bear the symbols! Iā€™ll be wearing them drawn on my body and Iā€™ll be doodling them here and thereā€¦ Iā€™ll also see if thereā€™s places I can go, but I recommend a doodle on the back of a hand or arm for as many people as possible!


OMG, Iā€™m such an idiot. I have a school right next to me. That can cover purpose, right? Or maybe I should use it for thoughtā€¦ or aetherā€¦ Thoughts on schools?


I would say thought or purpose?


My school is an arts school, and everyone here is on such a clear vision of their lives. Def house of purpose energy here.


Also, do we want to have everyone that can cover Tides do so on the 23rd? Or do we want to spread that magiqal goodness throughout the week until we hit Ore on the 30th? And if we do spread it out, do we want to make sure at least one person can cover it per day?