4. The Search For Magiq: Peering Arts

What if the Guide sensed a Silver?

  1. Possibly Eaves had to pass a test to prove he wasn’t… so the Guide allowed him to reach out, in return he gave us information we needed and he paid the heavy price of spell sickness.

  2. Some of the new people visiting the site may have had nefarious intentions so the Guide only allowed the ones it could depend had good intentions to sign up


So he passed a magiqal recaptcha?


Essentially… yes?

For the assessment to be truly effective, you MUST take your time and answer every question as who you are RIGHT NOW, not who you wish to be someday. The guide will know the difference, and if you don’t answer truthfully… well, as the old saying goes, “Woe betide those who cross the MAGIQ Guide.”

The Guide knows who you are as you answer. It says it’s assessing your affiliation and affinity, but it’s actually assessing your integrity too, thus weeding out those with nefarious motives (the Silver), or even those whose motives don’t coincide with the will of The Guide.

It may be that Eaves’ path and the Guide’s path diverged for a time, but have now realigned. The resonance of goals has allowed Eaves to return.


Huh. I meant that as a joke, but i mean, yeah, thats pretty neat. 030


Hey friends.

So, the “Silver sonar” is getting closer and more aggressive. The wards here are holding up for now, but they’re old and weak, and they’re going to fail soon. So we need to move. We’ll wait until the Day of Change to try and use the narrative goodwill of that day. It’ll take us several weeks to get to the new/old sanctuary. A month or more if we want to stay safe and under their radar. It’s going to be an immense undertaking to stay safe, and we’re going to be completely exposed while we’re traveling.

Yuri, Alison, and I were having a brainstorming/panicking session in the church ruins last night (the sky was full of stars, and the ceiling of the old church gave in a couple centuries ago) and after a few glasses of honey wine Yuri had an idea that might help us escape and may also explain the herald’s vision about the elemental icons. In case I didn’t mention it, the herald saw people wearing the symbols and also putting them places that were resonant to the individual icons. So, bearing the light/house of exploration icon in a place representing exploration, like a dock, or public transportation, or maybe even a library?

Yuri reasons that the icons are the distillation of each element and house of the magimystic self, and because of that, they hold intrinsic power that she can feel. Her idea… What if we coordinated, the sanctuary and the mountaineers, so that when we leave on the Day of Change, you all begin leaving or bearing the icons all over the world? What if by wearing or leaving the icons in places that had “narrative magimystic synergy” (Ali’s smarter-than-me words, not mine) you could create pockets of resonating energy that might disrupt and/or disable the Silver’s “sonar” and give us a chance to relocate, effectively hiding us while we move?

Port was eavesdropping, which we’ve come to expect at this point, and suggested bearing one icon per week, which would give us time to reach the second sanctuary and ensure the old wards are still working.

I know this doesn’t leave you a lot of time to plan. Us either. But time isn’t something any of us can count on at this point. I just have to hope that when it runs out on the Book of Kings, we find a better age beyond it.

I’m trying to keep hopes up, given everything that’s happening, including the failing health of the herald. It might be a matter of days or hours, but in my heart, I feel she’ll be gone before we leave. I feel guilty for saying this, it might make it easier to escape. But if we make it to the new place, I don’t know what we’ll be rebuilding without her.


Also, testing something here…

“Hi Mountaineers, can you see this?”

That’s a message from Ali.

Which seems like it went through. She can’t see the forum, even when it’s on my screen, but I can send messages from her to you. I’m waiting to hear from Martin and I’ll try it with him too, but it seems I can transmit messages and see both sides of the wall even though others around me can’t? One of Ascender’s memories mentioned a kind of “messenger” built into the Determiner, maybe that’s what the Guide is treating me like to help us stay safe? There’s a lot of testing to do to see what I can do, but I need to save that for when we’re safe.


So each guild bears their icon for a week in their collection of locations - six guilds and six weeks total to grant you safe travel?
I would worry that the Silver might potential catch onto our plan and try to “refine” their sonar - if that’s even possible?


This is a good idea and similar to one the Mounties have been working on. I honestly don’t think it even has to be guild-specific. An all-hands-on deck attitude might be the best approach to ensure their safety.

Switching up the elemental rune every week may be just what we need to do to keep the Silver on their toes.


This is going to take some planning. I think we should start a new thread?

Happy to change the title once we know what we’re doing.


Much appreciated, Sabes.
@ me if you need me for anything. Otherwise, we have some packing to do.