4. The Search For Magiq: Peering Arts

Omg welcome back Eaves!!! We need your guidance and leadership now more then ever!


It’s weird and awesome to be back. :eaves:


Happy to offer guidance if I can, will follow up soon.


Good to have you back Eaves! Heal up, and stay well! :rabbit2:


Keep us posted, yeah? This isnt a road you need to walk alone.


Eaves :heavy_heart_exclamation: thank goodness you all are safe for now, and I hope the recovery comes swift.


Welcome back!! Whatever’s going on, it’s nice to see a friendly face (username???) back here!


Happy to finally get to talk to you Eaves!


So glad your ok Eaves! Welcome back into the fold.


There’s a lot happening here at the sanctuary, (follow-up impending) but I’ve also spent the past 24 hours catching up on everything that’s happened here on the forum.

You’ve been busy.


You know us; keep on keepin’ on, even in the midst of the possible destruction of the world as we know it! Maybe especially in the midst of that. Hope you heal up well and quickly; I feel terrible that you got hurt waiting to hear from us.

I wonder why the Guide un-revoked your access to the Forum? Not that I’m complaining, it’s lovely to hear from you! Just curious how it happened, and whether anyone else from the original core might make it back in, as well.

And I was going to suggest you guys should obviously prioritize safety over advertising at this point, but then I remembered I probably wouldn’t be here if the Mountaineers had gone underground when The Storm was after us, so…yeah. Do you think there are people out there who just can’t see the MAGIQ Guide? Like, are they misdirected whenever they look at the URL? Is there some sort of Determiner-based 404 error?


we’ve missed you Eaves.

Yeah, we’ve been busy, and sabes has been really making sure we stay on our toes with all the being possessed and stuff.

So, my guess is once we found and completed the puzzle for our guild bearings, it may have allowed others who have, or had, access to the guide to reconnect via the bearings. especially since they’re more connecting with how we are. also 18s are lucky for us right?

Have you had Endri give it a shot? maybe she can regain access as well?
just as a test of course.


Maybe the veil let Eaves back in because we’d need something of/from Sanctuary to modify the determiner spell?


Silly question. Are we sure the veil is still up?


I feel like if the veil had fallen recently, we’d have the Silver on us already, tearing the network apart. I guess we could try contacting others who were outside again to see if they can get back in now, or if it’s just Eaves who was given permission as a go-between.

Actually, that’s really interesting. Before, none of us inside could contact anyone on the outside, either. It was almost always someone outside giving us a way through the cracks, so to speak. But @Eaves, if you’ve been moved “inside,” while you’re physically with another group who are “outside” but know about the Forum, can you still talk to them about us? Or is the info one-way only now, were you can talk to them, but not vice-versa? Or are you the awkward lone individual who’s stuck in the middle of us now?

And I, for one, would love to hear about this coma dream you had…


Maybe the wall isn’t as rigid as we thought? Like @Eaves said,

Maybe the Guide determiner is always determining? It would be a pretty useful trait if it could change its “mind” based on need or necessity?

From the AGP side, we can see in our analytics that there are a lot of people who come to the Guide site but don’t “join up.” There’s always a big discrepancy between visitors and sign ups. We always thought it was because it was too weird for them or they just thought it was a game. Maybe… the Guide doesn’t let them sign up?

Also, we now have access to the bearings pages on the backend. They just… appeared two days ago. We’re trying to figure out where’s the best place to put them and grant access to everyone. We don’t want to overwhelm new recruits with so much information. We’re working up plans…


If it’s mind did change, what changed it? Did the mirror witch’s attachment to Ascender have anything to do with it? If the Bearings did unlock the Veil, where’s everybody else? Did they also resign themselves like Marty had? How do we get the word out that we’re accessible again without accidentally letting the Silver in (if they were/are, in fact, part of the access issue)?


I don’t think the bearings unlocked the veil.

I think our Peering Arts spell did what it was originally intended to do. It gave us deeper insight into the written work we were (inadvertently) focusing on. And just to clarify, though I have little to no idea what I’m talking about, I think that the Guide may have changed its mind about Eaves not everyone. Since he’s the only one who’s reached out so far.

If anything, it makes me worry about him and everyone else at the sanctuary, because it might mean they’re in serious danger.


So what you’re saying is… The guide has decided Eaves is one of us after all, despite his absence? I mean, that makes sense, right? He was one of the first of us, and he undoubtedly has the heart of a Mountie.


That or the guide decided that he was no threat, or he is truly someone we need.

either way, I hope we can get our friends back. I miss them.