4. The Search For Magiq: Peering Arts

I think we have to assume that Ascender was destroyed by Determiner 12. The protective ring was a ruse to allow the other Monarchs to let him sacrifice himself to cast the spell. I think it’s also safe to assume that The Monarchs aren’t “in here” with us, as we effectively can’t reach Bash or Endri. When was the decision made not to protect the manor and it’s residents versus us? Was it something Ascender did at the last minute? Why was the Magiq Guide chosen as the arbiter? Was that a last minute decision, as well?


This bothers me the most, especially considering the fading magiq in our world. It would mean that Ascender conceivably sacrificed himself to isolate us behind protective wall while The Silver cleans up whatever magiq is left out there behind the Veil. That would mean that he really, in the end, only facilitated their goal and not his own with heavy-handed, unilateral decisions.


I can only guess but I’d think they would have had a good few reasons for doing it. The Magiq guide is designed to test people. So it already had the ‘required hardware’ to make lots of constant decisions.

Also, as a pseudo member of the Lost Collection it’s special. I don’t know what protections it possesses, but you have to assume if the Silver could have wiped it off the face of the planet years ago they would have the second it went up. Maybe it’s just that strong, or it’s in a psuedo pocket of the Fray and therefore untouchable by those who’d do it harm. We’ll likely never know.

It’s my nature to play devil’s advocate. We don’t know what will happen ‘in the end’ til we get there. I will say his little prison may have protected the Aliquary, and who knows how many other artifacts from the Silver’s grasp. We aren’t out of tools yet.

It sounds like the Monarch’s had no idea what was coming for them, and in the end panicked into protection mode. Maybe, just maybe, they will buy us the time to know what’s going to come for us when we get this shield down and best it.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m still annoyed Ascender, Bash and Endri did this to us. I’m just trying to find a way it benefits us.


Do we know for sure that it was? Yes, it has become the “door”, but we still have no evidence that there was a plan to do that, or if magiq just did it’s “magiq thing” and intervened and changed things on its own (those pesky quantum rabbits).
If the spell required a touchstone, and the Guide was the closest, most durable thing to function as that touchstone - regardless of what the “plan” was, the spell… In this case myriad spells will find it’s/their own most certain resolution. They were messing with some pretty intense magiq splicing, after all.


I don’t think it was the closest. If they were really in panick mode and needed something close at hand and reliable, they would have chosen one among their own, as Ascender’s memory said through the journals, despite the risks. I think the Guide was a deliberate choice.


It’s my nature to catastrophize. Go team!


Guys… I wasn’t expecting this to happen so soon after the last one was posted, but…
It’s been hot today. So hot that I almost didn’t notice a weird current of warm air brushing over my skin. I did, eventually, and I thought it was weird… We don’t open the windows in this house, so the bugs don’t get in. And I definitely don’t open mine. But my room was where the breeze came from, and when I came in I could see the tome floating in midair. Needless to say I had to take a moment not to panic!! Good thing my door had only been slightly open, or someone might have seen. But that’s not important. What is important is what was written… Super faintly, but I transcribed it as best as I could

Knatz heard glass shatter in the middle of the night and found Wyckstrand in the basement, dead. Starved, withered, his bare feet nearly worn to the bone. We found blood all over the back walls of the manor garden. He’d been clawing against the protections for what looked like weeks. And he finally got in. The Joradians had failed. Maybe just the manor. Maybe everywhere. Maybe not completely. But enough. There was no way of knowing given what little time we now had to act.

Endri, Knatz, and I buried him in the garden without waking anyone. Endri asked me to meet her in the library to go over the particulars of the Determiner one more time. I sat with her in the dark, in the middle of what’s become her base of operations. She slid a cracked hand mirror across the book-crowded table.

Of course she knew.

It’s not just dreams, the woman with the claws. She’s been trying to reach me. Reach into me. I could hear her, looking for ways past the protections. It started when Wyckstrand first came to the door, and I answered. She must’ve been inside him, and sensed me, reached out for me. I could feel hints of her, hear her whispers, and now that we’re exposed, there would be nothing to stop her from coming for me. She wants something, needs something. She’s desperate, and she believes either the monarchs, the mountaineers, or both can help her get whatever it is she’s hunting.

She knew why I lied. Everything we’ve tried to do here, every potential solution we have at our disposal, it will all shatter if their leader falls to the Silver. I made them trust me. Reassured them. I told her I never let on that my storm-wracked mind could be especially ripe for manipulation. Maybe I never really believed it myself. I should’ve planned for this. After all the '94s, after Augernon, I should’ve known.

All I wanted was to guide them, find our way to the top of the mountain. But I was a liability to them now, for no other reason than answering the door. Simple as that, and it’s all done. The ring I brought back is powerless. It’s a lie to reassure them, and Endri knew it from the moment I brought it up. The last lie I’ll tell them. The last truth I hide.

I thought she might try to fight me, try and come up with an alternative to me performing the spell, knowing it will kill me, but she knows how dark the path we’re climbing is about to become, and one weak link could destroy us all.

We agreed. The spell has to be cast, to give them all a chance at making something of the new age. And I can’t be on this side of the wall given what I know, or how well I can hide and lie and convince. I’ll compromise everything. And it just so happens that someone has to cast a spell that kills. It has to be me.

Endri had one request. If the spell starts to fail, if anything goes wrong, she wants me to focus on the mountaineers and the Guide to Magiq as the determiner. Given the chaotic nature of the spell, any number of things could go wrong and not splitting my focus between the manor and the mountaineers could be the key to it working, if it works at all. I didn’t have to ask who would protect everyone else. She will. She has become more of a leader than I ever was. Brave and just, but also compassionate and honest in a way I was always too afraid to be.

I don’t want to go. I don’t want to leave without ever having seen a magical world realized, without ever having met my daughter. But I can’t risk whoever is out there getting in and destroying it all. I’ve been touched by the Storm itself, but I have never felt a darkness like the shadow in the mirror — the shadow in me.

I wanted to sit there for hours. Share stories and secrets. Talk about old friends. Everyone we lost. There was so much more to say. So much I wanted to do.

But it was time to go — one last bit of magic. A final climb, and then —

And that’s how it ended. Can’t say I’m not thoroughly freaked out by the whole thing… This was not what I expected to spend my afternoon reading, that’s for sure…




Gotcha. Just like Sullivan left a clause in his spell protecting Deidre because he wanted her to see the world of magiq. Ascender wanted something too, and it’s probably an out clause in this spell somewhere.

So…Ascender has a daughter. Does that mean, Knatz was pregnant a year ago? And if so, and the daughter is born by now, can we somehow get in touch with her to see if his daughter is tied to this?

Maybe if we fuffill Ascender’s wish, by giving his daughter as much info about her father as we can, it’ll weaken the shield. Or I could be making crap up. I do that.

Also we have an open call to Eaves still. We should probably tell him what’s going on. Someone other than me, I just made him mad last time and a bit ranty…


Oooo boy this is more emotions than I was anticipating for my Wednesday. But also:

What went wrong? If I’m counting right, we have one left to wait for. We should definitely tell Eaves what we found out in the meantime though…

Edit: Turns out that I’m not counting right and we did get all six. So…maybe we let Eaves know and the Sanctuary will have something that could help clear up what went wrong? It feels important that we know…it totally could have been Ascender picking us, focusing on us at the last minute…but what if it wasn’t. If something happened, if the Silver got to the group during the casting, we need to know.


I believe we have all 6 entries now.




How old do we think AlisonB is? I think Knatz might be… erm… past child-bearing age by now (Sorry, Benefactor if you’re reading this! No offense, just trying to narrow down some possibilities).


I’m still speechless over Ascender but had to mention that when Marty and I were working on Cosmos & Time, we both noticed that Knatz obliquely referred to things that Alison didn’t know, aside from her power. Could this be what she meant?


It’s a good a guess as any. Ascender was alone and presumably single for 20 years after the 94s were wiped. He could have sowed a lot of oats in that time.

But Alison is a good starting guess.

If alison has all her mothers memories from before she was born…wouldn’t she know that? Man… I don’t even like to pretend my parents ever did it…much less remember it.


Oh my… Ascender… I don’t agree with what he did to us, but… I’ll recover in a few.

I agree, we really need to tell Eaves what we’ve learned. Now we know the spell (ish), and the circumstances in which it was cast (ish), and that it was meant to protect us from the demon lady thing. We really need to think of what we’re gonna do once we get out of this (cause we definately will).


That’s a good point. Knatz mentions Alison not knowing things but also that she has powers of genetic memory retrieval. So does Alison already know or did Knatz have the ability to not share everything down the line?


I’m both impressed and disappointed in Ascender for all of this. Impressed that he took responsibility for his own stubbornness and dishonesty; disappointed that he chose such an extreme (and somewhat irresponsible) course of action to rectify it.

AND we still don’t really know what happened - Like Marty and the Storm, we’re only getting one perspective right now - we still only have Ascender’s perspective up to the point of casting… And if the mirror witch had attached herself to him already, how does that affect the intention and focus of the casting? If Ascender’s mind was susceptible to her will like he thought, could she have manipulated the spell through him? Was all of this in some way her doing from all the way back at the lighthouse?
It’s so frustrating… Protection can turn into imprisonment so easily, and Ascender of all people should know better than to close anyone off from anything without consulting them first!
I know, I know - safety, imminent danger, wards are failing, limited communication. STILL! If we found a way, they could have, too… What else is going on that we’re getting left in the dark about?
Also, is Lauren still in her Cagliostro-Cocoon? The pushback for King Bear was ugly enough that I’d hate to know what might’ve happened if Ascender did try to bother her in that state…


If the witch did end up attaching to Ascender before he cast the spell and the spell was enough to kill him, I wonder if the death of the host has any effect on the witch. We don’t know to what extent the witch is actually connected to the host. We don’t really know much at all about it…


I have a feeling we’re going to need to know soon, though. I’m hoping the harm or destruction of the host weakens the witch in some way.


Yeah me too, it would be so hard for us to deal with if it got into the mountaineers because we’re all so far apart. Or a lot of us anyway.