4.5. The Search for Magiq: Discover Your Guild Bearing

Couldn’t have. There are three results per page. You read your result and the one below it. The sun bearing was above.


I just took the bearing assessment for my polyguild and I’m a Lunivox-bearing Thornmouth, which upon reading makes complete sense to me.

You find that the words of your intellectual predecessors ignite the Mindflame of your soul with the fervent desire to consume and be consumed, driving you to make your contribution to the silent city of words wherein you now reside. You do not presume to match them in their status, yet you simply cannot help leaving your mark in the margins when the words move you beyond constraint. More often than not, it is as though the spirit of thinkers past moves you directly, moves within you, encouraging you to take liberties with their words that others might deem sacrilegious.

You have only the highest respect for these works, but it is against your nature to take things at face value, which is why you feel impelled to keep asking Why? And What if?

That pretty much sums up my approach to storytelling, and my Verdurant-bearing mentions exploring and collecting new stories, so they dovetail rather prettily.


huh. Maybe i WAS wrong, then. To be fair, i figured it out at 2 in the morning, so my brain wasnt exactly in top shape.


Im really excited by how varied all of these results are. Its super neat to see all the little niches we fill.


My bearing is Umbranor but because I needed to know I read up on the other two as well, Luminast and Lunivox.
I love how well mine fits.

Each bearing (to me at least) seems to show two deeper affinities with ‘Knowledge’, whether that be information or stories.

Luminasts consume and spread Knowledge.
Lunivoxers (Lunivoxes?) create and add to Knowledge.
Umbranors seek out and understand Knowledge.

These are my thoughts, and I’m wondering if anyone thinks the same or different, or if the other Guilds have a similar trend?


The Balimora bearings have a sort of tree pattern going on to my mind.

Maelisorns are the roots. Stable and nurturing, the place where life begins.
Anivaeus are the trunk of the tree. Standing on the barrier between like they do, they seem most like the central pillar of the guild and the bridge between light and shadow.
Verdurants are the branches and leaves. Changeable, like leaves in seasons, the part of the tree that moves and travels and draws in the sunlight.

And the Tree needs all of them working together and well to survive.


The Anivaeus Bearing is so exciting. It basically described my whole life, of living in the in-between of everything and everyone, and the exhaustion of it, but also how utterly fulfilling it is to be the person who orchestrates opportunities for others.
I’m eager to see what I can do with Inwardian Eye… I feel like that’s probably the affinity I have most often accidentally used throughout my life. As a massage therapist and a tarot reader I’m always gazing deeply into people’s energy, but also looking deeply into myself to figure out how I can best empower and ease their journey, as well as what I can learn from our exchange.
I can’t wait to see how everyone’s new affinities manifest. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Marentide for me and wow does it feel right. It even fits with username!


Finally got enough time to sit down and dig through this, and it turns out I’m a Celestant. Wasn’t looking to be dragged by the guide tonight, but there we go. This phrase struck home for me:

In your pack, you bear reminders of everywhere you have been and everywhere you have yet to go: maps and field notes, stories and sketches, piecing the world and its treasures together one step, one place, one person at a time. Though these trinkets remind you of past adventures and plans for paths that lie ahead, the truth is that you keep them to help make sense of the world and your place within it.

I’ve just finished decorating and all my pictures and trinkets are finally out of my bags, so I guess they’re on my mind tonight ^.^


I am a Thornmouth of the Umbranor bearing, affinity Encyclovation

If the high mountains had secrets, you would know them all by heart. You have devoted your life to the uncovering of ancient mysteries, to the dissection and preservation of the very core of knowledge, itself. There is little within this corner of the world or beyond that is not known to you or your peers, as you have dived deep into the ancient texts, have pulled apart the foundations of the magimystic word by word, letter by letter. To discover which combinations of sounds and intentions create light, create power, or simply create.

Reading through this I found I really liked this one part in particular

The potential and purpose of other things, thoughts, and people become clear to you as words printed upon a page. You are eager to understand both method and motivation, purpose and perspective, to see through the mist of ego and eloquence to the truth that waits beyond.

Honestly, I was starting to feel like a little bit of an outcast. Maybe like I wasn’t really in the right place after all. But this has helped reinforce that I do fit in where I am currently. So that’s good, much cheering.


There is room for all sorts of people within each guild. I’m glad you feel better about your place here. :cjheart:


Welp, after getting myself somewhat caught up with the new discoveries of the guide, I find myself stumped on how to find those page numbers.


Took me a while to figure out too!

Scroll through the guide and click the hyperlinks–every now and then one routes to a Guild page, and it tells you what page number it’s on.


I have sucessfully found all of the guild numbers. Now I have to type them in order :pleading_face::sob:


Order is

Tides - Ebenguard
Ore - Flinter
Thought - Thornmouth
Wild - Balimora
Light - Weatherwatch
Aether - Gossmere


I’m a Nautilore-bearing Ebenguard!


I’m a Diaphane-bearing Gossmere and can I just say? YES. That is basically me, 100%.
What a find, @what.the.kell, and you Mounties never cease to amaze me with your puzzle-solving skills!


Thank you, although I don’t feel like I can take much credit. It was more a happy accident than anything else, and there were others who worked much harder.

Regardless, I’m an Ardeonaut-bearing Weatherwatch, which feels extremely accurate.


Well, this definitely explains the sense that something was happening as I left the country last week. Back now, thankfully.

The assessment tells me that I, too, am a Corrilave-bearing Flinterforge. This might be the most right I’ve felt since I tested Flinterforged the very first time. :blush:


Okay, so I looked at all 3 of my bearings this time: Nautilore, Marentide, and Shoalwarden. I didn’t know I had two more this morning ‘cause I was preoccupied with getting ready for school.