2. The Search For Magiq: The Neithercouriers

This sounds suspiciously like Sacha’s description of Sweeper, every time she took the bus back from Kemetic Solutions to Boston. I would bet good money that The Silver is somehow behind this.


That’s…worrying. But at least we’ve confirmed that we’re well and truly hidden. We can’t reach out to our friends in any way. So that clears that up. We could try to ask…whoever it is we’re courier-ing to if they would try to reach out to our friends, but if this method of communication is using as much magiq as they’re saying, is there a more effective goal we could work towards?


Ooph, I can feel the fuzziness of the magiq from your description. My head is a bit dizzy.

It’s strange that even having an outsider try to walk to his place wasn’t working. This is definitely not good. I agree that this is something to share with the couriers next, as they asked about it

Now that we have a better idea of how strong the leaden veil is maybe they could get ahold of Marty? Despite the ever growing concerns of magiq weakening…I’m wondering if there is a way through this on a mundane level. :confused:


What could be more mundane than knocking on his front door though?


The sanctuary’s purpose is to protect those who search for magiq, and the herald’s mission is to help bring about the new age. She wants to create a brighter age than the last.

So we brought about the end of the last age and now we’re in a kind of limbo between the old and new age

when she could still look into the dark of the dawning age, she saw the potential of the new era. And the war that will someday be waged over it.

Oh and we’re gonna have to fight over it

And be mindful of the magiq you use.

We also can’t use magiq

Please be careful who you tell about the aliquary. Like all powerful objects, they are much sought after.

We have to keep this a secret which I’m assuming is the cabinet

We believe an entity is determining who is and isn’t allowed to find you, but we don’t know what it is, why it’s standing between you and the world, or how it makes its determination

To top it all off there’s some super entity deciding who is worthy

So we now know that the leaden veil is stopping us from talking to Marty which means that we haven’t found the edge yet. Have we tried reaching out to the old leaders?


So this is a bizarre thought, but in the age up delivery apps, what if you, say ordered a pizza to deliver Marty’s place and asked the driver to give Marty a note? Basically use a mundane app as a buffer? If that doesn’t work, I would posit that it sounds like Marty may be as cut off from us as we are from him.


I think we’re running into a bit of a dead end on what we can do to get around the Veil right now. But because of that, I was also doing some thinking on the “What We Know So Far” front, and that led me to piece some things together.

One of the initial posts we found detailing the 30 Day Spell mentioned someone whose daughter disappeared, but left the image list in a text message. I wonder if this disappearing daughter is someone in this Sanctuary, with the Herald?

Also, @Sellalellen brought up earlier that we don’t strictly know whether the Living Spirit spell would work through the Veil…but the 30 Day Spell did, right? At least in some sense, because that was how these Sanctuary people found us, right? Did it work because they seeded the spell, and whatever we contributed to it, the results were evident to the Sanctuary?

Also, they didn’t seem to know who we were at first, but as we contributed more and more to the spell (they posted on Instagram every 6 days, some Very Magiq Theory going on right there for sure) they seemed to come to the conclusion that it was US, the Mountaineers. How did they know it was us? Was finding that out what caused the Instagram funnel of communication to close? Will the Veil close off the Neithercouriers eventually, as well? Ugh. Sorry, I just feel like we’re short on time and low on answers. :grimacing:


Wow, that is creepy as heck. So it’s not just a digital blockade, but they’ve also managed to mess with our heads. This is super creepy…

Do we want to send this to the Searchers, or is there more that we should try? It feels like there’s nothing else to do, at least through mundane means, since even in-person messengers can’t get through. I’m hesitant to suggest magiq until we’ve sent out a message to the Searchers.


I would guess that pizza delivery would work the same as the busker…since it’s coming from us, the delivery guy might not be able to find the apartment either.

I think our best course of action is to reply back via the couriers. Update them on what happened with Marty (maaaaybe leave it open that we would be curious if they could reach him), ask some more questions about this sanctuary and herald business…brainstorm some next steps? Honestly I’m at a loss and that’s all I’ve got in terms of solid next-steps plans…


Ok so…

  • We need to mention what happened with Sabes. We learned it’s impossible to reach someone through phone, by physically walking to their home, or paying a physical courier to send a message.
  • Can they reach out to Marty for us? (Maybe Sabes could PM his address to the message writer so it’s not on a public board)
  • We should ask about the girl who went missing whose mother mentioned the 30 day spell
  • We should ask about the sanctuary, such as how are they involved with the rest of the magimystical community, who all lives there, why did they come there, etc.
  • How are the spells the Searchers are using reaching us, but nothing else is? Will the Neithercouriers eventually be barred from reaching us too?

Who wants to write a message?


I mean, if we want to try the couriers again, I could either a) ask them to speak with our friends for us, and include a message for them to pass on, or b) use the couriers to talk to one of our friends.


I would add something along the lines of “we’ve encountered this effect before, but on a much, much smaller scale,” and let them know what we know about the Silver’s collected adepts and their capabilities.


That’s pretty darn creepy indeed.

I like @Nighteater 's idea of a pizza. It gives me a lot of thoughts.

I doubt most of them would work forever. This seems pretty thorough.

I think writting back a message is the best idea.

Also, how creepy it would be if the ‘missing girl’ was one of us? And one of us has a mother who knows a bit of magiq and suddenly can’t see them? Let this be an important PSA: Always call your mother.


And if we’re hidden from the world instead of the world being hidden from us, what would it have looked like if Marty had walked outside his apartment while I was passing by? If I only experienced the side effect of the veil hiding me, what would he have experienced? The same distraction I felt, or some haze where I should’ve been? Would I have seemed like a stranger?


I was wondering about that too, you could’ve walked right by him…Creeeeepy


Wait, shouldn’t the moral be don’t tell your mother anything, because a magiqal veil might make her unable to see or speak to you? :scream:

Seriously getting chills though. I never thought she could be one of us…


It’s giving me time donut vibes @Robert :laughing:


Food metaphors/plans solve all magiqal problems


I made the suggestion of the pizza order to test a theory. We have been told we are behind a veil, that we are being hidden, and @Saberlane asking a stranger to try and contact Marty in person, I could see the veil interfering, the magiq sort of piggybacking off Sabes. If we use a more roundabout way of attempting contact and it still doesn’t work, it sounds like, to me, that the veil hiding us might not be the only one, what if Marty, et Al, are also being hidden by a veil, as a sort of 2 layer firewall.


Ok to add to this wild ride - I know they have a comment box on online deliveries. So you can tell the cooks “draw a dog on the box” or something like that. But theoretically, you could add a message on the pizza box. Not a long one but something like “Hi Marty, Saberlane says hello.”

This whole plan is amusing to me, but maybe we could try it. Although, how would we know if it succeeds? :scream: I suppose the driver might call if they get lost…right?