2. The Search For Magiq: The Neithercouriers

I honestly wouldn’t mind keeping my little burning ember around. Sort of shoo him into a pile of wood as needed to start up a campfire, and a convenient way to “lose” paperwork I don’t want to fill out! I can picture him circling my head like Alice’s Brakebills marble in The Magicians (the book).

Edit: On demand “fire alarm” work breaks!


@Tinker any reply yet?

Also guys have we considered using the travelers coins to try and get past the veil? They must have been securely left behind for us for a good reason. Did someone in the past know or think something like this was going to happen and hid the coins for safety for us to find later?


I believe @Tinker sent the last message?


Woops it seems I’m a bit behind :laughing:


No reply yet, but this is only day 6 and the last few messages I think were taking a whole week…so I’m keeping an eye out for unusual things but I’m not concerned yet


Well, I guess I spoke too soon…I’ve got a reply now!

To preface, I work in a regular office in a regular, solid building. So I definitely thought I had lost my very last marble when I heard splashing coming from the office across the hall. Like, not a little “someone dropped a coffee” kind of splash. I’m talking like, summer at the lake kind of splashing. But I went to investigate, and there was a large, seemingly very deep puddle on the floor…with a sea nymph just like…chillin’. Thankfully whoever usually occupies that room was out at the time, because the whole room looked thoroughly soaked.

In her hand, she had a rolled out note on what looked like kelp, so I went to take that. But then when she handed it over she suddenly looked really freaked out. Her puddle started shrinking and it like, sucked her back inside before I could do anything to help. And then it like…banged shut like a door?? I really hope she’s okay…

Anyway, I’ve typed up to message…kelp didn’t seem the most permanent of media.

We’re glad that despite what’s happening, we can still reach you, and you seem well. The couriers are taking longer to reach their destinations, and we were worried when we didn’t hear from you.

Apologies for our most recent delay, but after days of research we think we may have figured out a roundabout way for you to find “your door,” though it may be dangerous, and we won’t know just how dangerous until you try it.

We believe the dream Martin had was a clue from the Cagliostro that led us to a fraction of a spell that may help “illuminate the door.” We call it a “fraction” because the spell is incomplete, and it’s incomplete because it’s been proven impossible to perform fully. We’re colloquially calling it “the cataclysm.”

From what we’ve learned, centuries ago an unnamed seeker of magic attempted to subvert the currently understood laws by borrowing energy from objects with power, and earmarking them for a central, more powerful spell. Once the connection to the object was established, and its power lent, she would then try to use that collected core of energy to attempt to perform wrought magic, hoping that she could funnel the borrowed energy into a wrought spell and break it, while still honoring the initial mundane tether, and returning the borrowed magic to its source. In effect, the energy would for an instant be both borrowed and wrought, theoretically doubling the energy and creating what she hoped would be eternally sustainable magic.

But she found it to be impossible, and every time the spell was attempted, there was a brief but cataclysmic eruption of energy as the borrowed magic almost broke but instead rebounded, often snapping back to its sources and destroying them in the process. It’s believed that in her final attempt, the rebound destroyed her.

The eruption caused by this spell might be enough to push through the edges of your door. But there are two concerns.

One, given that you are within a near-impenetrable fort of magimystic energy, we don’t know if the eruption will dissipate through the unseen walls, or rebound against them, essentially crushing you in a tsunami of magimystic energy.

Two, the laws of magic as we know them continue to crumble as the last of magic fades from this world. What was once possible may not be for long. In essence, we don’t know how much longer this spell, or any other proven spell, will work the way it once did.

We are working on alternate methods to reach you should the couriers fail in the future, but we must be honest… we are running out of options, and the ways that may still be possible could be even more dangerous than the cataclysm and have longer-lasting effects. But trust me, no matter what, I won’t give up. If you’ve been hidden this well, it’s not without reason, and we will discover that reason.

As for your friends, they are not here in the sanctuary, but we can tell you that the ones you call Port and Alison did begin their search for magiq recently, and fates willing, should already be on their way to us as I write you. We don’t know the whereabouts of Aether, however.

The Cataclysm (Incomplete, unproven, and deemed impossible)

Though mundane magic usually borrows energy from the aether, for this spell, you must find 18 individual objects that you reasonably believe to hold true magimystic potential. Those objects and their inherent power will be “earmarked” for the cataclysm and tethered to the space you choose to perform the final portion of the spell (your forum would seem to make the most sense. As long as you all are present when the spell is cast, we have found that a “virtual” location often works without severe consequence in place of a physical one.)

Keep in mind that the objects should be bound to the “center point” slowly, no more than one a day, or else you risk overwhelming the spell and having to begin again.

Present the eighteen objects one at a time and share the story of their magimystic potential (this is customarily done verbally, but in writing should work.)

After each of the object’s stories is told, cast the following recitation:

Token, you are bound
Your power now promised
Vowed token unbound
When need of you has ended
You are claimed for a time
And tethered by my telling
Onward to the source
Until you are released

The spell usually fails at the point that all objects are tethered to the center, because no common wrought spell will naturally draw from the energy you’ve bound. It will instead search for untethered magic. Instead, the practitioner developed a recitation to break the magic bound in this spell specifically.

When all eighteen objects are bound, recite the following while visualizing a small, but fundamental change in the gathered energy:

See what I see in you
Become that which you cannot
Power bound and promised
Be broken and remade

We think spreading the 18 objects among individuals will help with the rebounding effect. But we’re not sure. It’s definitely a risk. But we don’t know what else to try that may be strong enough to break through the wall.

And now while we start breaking this apart, I’ve gotta get to work on a tiny balloon dock and a pond because I think I’ve had the least traumatizing courier experience and if we ever need to do this again, I’d like to encourage these two to come back…


So this spell could potentially destroy the forum and us…


I suppose the good news is that the creator of the spell tried it several times before getting deaded…
If we time it right we only need to cast it once.


We’ve been trapped behind this veil for too long now, and for what reason we don’t know. I say it’s time to bring a Cataclysm down upon it! I’ll volunteer a magimystic item.



I’ll need to do a deep dive to find it (moved a few times since it came to me, you know how it goes), but I think I have just the thing.


Ive got an item to offer.


Do we want to start a new topic for this spell, and start organizing volunteers there?

Edit: Just thinking it might help with organizing :sweat_smile:


We did it for gladitor, sure.

The search for magiq: something cataclysmic?


Okie doke…I can queue one up…will link when it’s ready


Well… A tidal wave a magiq drowning is doesn’t sound great, I’m not gonna lie. But it looks like we have few other options. This is something we can work towards, at least. That’s better than wandering around, confused and afraid, until the veil swallows us whole.

That said… I can think of something interesting, that just came into my possession recently. I’d like to throw my hat in the ring, if it’s alright.


The phrase “going out with a bang” comes uncomfortably to mind. I don’t have much experience with actually doing magiq, but I’d like to help if I can.


<Wackado theory≥

The book of kings was rewritten as the book of wilds(think I got that the right way round)
There are people who survived the removal of magiq and kept some element of memory about it, eg Marty and Sullivan Green.
They’re not exactly, at the time, high understanding magiq users.

What if this veil were trying to penetrate is a protection spell from the books to transfer magiq users from 1 book to the next safely?

The veil isn’t a great magiq at the end of a book, Ds show down with the storm was.

The king’s/wild rewrite had its own veil that protected Marty and Green etc, but as magiq users who didn’t know their power or have the desire to contact people, they didn’t notice the veil. As a rewrite, rather than a chronological transition the veil couldn’t 100% protect them as it wasn’t designed to work that way. Instead of coming out whole, they were got by the rewrite and the veil was able to leave a breadcrumb in their memory…

The door deciding what gets in/out is acting as a filter to only accept into the protection those who can’t protect themselves but need safety.
Anyone who is in or who can get to neithernor, is considered capable of getting themselves to safety and therefore not eligible for the veils protection.

</Wackado theory≥

I voice this theory as a result of fear that we don’t know the veils purpose, and we might through this spell or through other actions weaken that protection…


Okay! So, spell thread is up here! I’ve moved over our volunteers thus far, and can keep editing the list so we know who’s up!


Don’t worry, none of us knew what we were doing when we first jumped in. Hell, I don’t think anything could have set me up to send messages back in time! Defaintely see if you can find an item though, we need 18 after all.


We should also let the Searchers know we’re attempting the Cataclysm, and to watch for… something. “Lights” in the “cracks” in the walls.