19. The Secret Society: The Dreamer

I’m willing to do whatever I can to help everyone stay safe as well


Ritual warding spell woven in to the scrying spell itself?

maybe we can include some items of protection. Like something made of Cold Iron, or something that can either conceal the user or ward off spirits. or both.

have the two extra items, and then add a few lines to the scrying spell in the first place.
If someone can quote the spell over, i can try to come up with some lines to it.
as well as add in my shield sigil along with concealment and warding sigils.


I thinhk i’ve built out a rune for warding and protection, and i’ve modified a previous sigil i created to be used for cconcealment, now to place them with my shield sigil.
i’ll draw them out again and place them together to give the basis should it be needed.


A wise man (well, fictional character) once said " fear leads to anger…anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering.". This has gone on long enough. It’s time to bring closure.


The scrying spell isn’t dangerous, but keep those on hand for the dreaming spell.


Jokes/awesome Star Wars quotes aside, I’m not afraid of getting lost among the shades, because I have three of the best anchors to this world I could ever possibly imagine right here with me. They need their dad, I need them, and not even the darkest, most dangerous magiq could keep us apart.


I’m home for a week before away from cell/wifi and was deep-diving the term “beautiful island.” I found this on wikipedia…

(Ilha) Formosa means “beautiful island”. The word is Portuguese and referred to a place in Taiwan? I don’t know how that connects to Austin, maybe something Portuguese, Taiwanese… not sure.

I mention it only because it might start some lateral thinking about the clue :grimacing: since we’re kinda stymied on it. Hope that’s cool.


I feel like I saw that a week or two ago, but don’t recall if it was just trying to translate things or if it was attached to something. :laurendizzy:

Back down the hole I go…

Edit: The Elisabet Ney Museum was once her studio, which she called Formosa. She sculpted busts of people, so lots of heads.
The one museum I saw and didn’t click on. :bashfacepalm:


Awesome work guys! We seem to at least have the places, now we either need @Viviane and @Echo to go check them out, or we need to send dreamers. (Had to seriously scroll to remember that we had 2 places to go still, and not one)


It’s a huge help collecting this info together in one place, Nimeuh. Thanks!


Welcome to the ordered side of my mind. We have spreadsheets and graphs in here! :smiley:

No, seriously, this side of me is like, super OCD. You either get chaotic me or OCD me, there’s no in between.


If we need to send a dreamer, I can do Austin.

Also, is Smurfette a member of the society? Cause she could go there too


I believe she is, just not sure how far out of the way is too far for her.

@Smurfette, is Austin too far of a trek for you to check someplace out?


Yeah that’s a 2.5hour commute.


You take Austin, I’ll take Dark Star Park?


I’m ready. Yes, I know it’s before 9 pm. The gym comes early, alright? Gimme a break.

Here’s my totem for under my pillow, filled with things from far-off places:

We have a wine cork from Monforte d’Alba, Italy (Barolo wine country, for you fellow wine enthusiasts), matches from Oia, Santorini, Greece, a bone charm from Oahu, Hawaii, a bee charm from Durango, Colorado, 10 kronur from Reykjavik, Iceland, and the most magiqal item of all: a prayer card for my favorite Catholic saint that literally just appeared in my pocket on a trip to NYC this past autumn.

My anchor to home:

A family ring I gave my wife for Christmas, with each of our sons’ birthstones, and the requisite nail, in the box my wedding band came in.

Off to Dark Star Park I go. Wish me luck, Mounties.


Oh gosh that was fast… @grimangel53 are those safety wards still at hand?


Well, that was… unsettling. I met the same spectres as the others, who tried to convince me to abandon my tether to my body and home. They couldn’t, but I’ve learned my lesson about mixing magiq and bravado. Anyway:

“Traveled the world in a pocket.”

@grimangel53, how did you fare?


I still need to do the spell. I was a bit…pre-occupied last night.
I’ll get the items prepared when i get home from work.

I will also be posting the safety wards, for the spell and spells ongoing.


Okay, so here’s what I got.

Our Shield Ward, a concealment ward, and protection ward in order.

And here’s my items for the scrying spell.

The items for my totem are my jade from china, given to me by a friend; my Celtic ring from here and my Celtic ring from Glastonbury England; a mala themed around my fire from Hawaii; some Palo Santo, my fave wood, that appeared at my house; a Gaia Memory Toy from kamen rider; a zippo I found whilst out in nature; and my silver fleur de Lis necklace from a ren faire.

My grounding items are Ferris, my Iron bird Familiar; a pocket watch, given to me from my future wife, inscribed with lines about finding each other from Howls moving Castle; the requisite nails (they’re small so I did my normal rule of 3); and all in a box that held the ring box for my fiancee’s engagement ring.

Let’s see how this goes. Off to Austin.