19. The Secret Society: The Dreamer

Welp. That was an experience. The spectres came, and i woke up earlier than normal. They were definitely not like the spirits of the dead, or the psychopomps. their voices spoke with a buzzing, like on a black signal. I’m still a little disturbed by their buzzing noise. It’s gonna be following me for a minute.

No way they could tear me away from my tether, but im still a little shook. Here’s what I heard out in Texas:
“Found by a curious son.”


The object being described by the completed lines reminds me of two things. The Traveler’s Coin, and our Herman Pins.


“All that’s left of Ackerly printing House”
“A good luck charm taken to war”
“Lost as a family and company grew”
“A keepsake to a remarkable life.”
“Traveled the world in a pocket.”
“Found by a curious son.”

I’m thinking Sullivan’s pocket watch, that was taken then lost by King Rabbit.


that could also be it as well, though, “Lost as a family and company grew” has me a little shaky.


I figure that referred to us, “a family,” and the new iteration of AGP.


I like the pocket watch idea.

I assumed it was describing whatever is in Warners Vault. Although could it maybe both? Could the BoW pocketwatch be in there? Maybe King Rabbit had to remove the BoK one to prevent some paradox.

Or maybe I am just making up crazy stuff as usual. :tinfoilhat:


That was my line of thinking, too - the Book of the Wild version.


King Rabbit took the pocket watch as Deirdre was just starting to grow AG, so it makes sense. I suppose the family thing is a little less straightforward, but there’s the basecamp and also Deirdre growing to understand the family that she didn’t remember.


agreed. after reading back through it and the evidence presented, the watch makes the most sense.


Great work, @grimangel53.
Would that it were the pocket watch. It’s not.

It’s warmer today. Not warm, but warmer than it has been, and I put my winter coat away and pulled an old cardigan out of the back of the closet. I know the two front pockets were empty, because it’s been cleaned since last fall.

When I got to the office, I went to hang the sweater on the back of the door but missed the hook, and the sweater landed with a thunk on the floor. There was something in the pocket.

I know from microfiche research at the library that Ackerly Printing House’s “mascot” was a man’s face with leaves for hair and moustache. A traditional “Green Man”.

I guess it’s fitting that Warner would have kept a letterpress block from his time at the company. The place where me met his once best friend, Grey, and the place that began his career in publishing.

This was in my pocket, with “for WG” etched in the back:


It’s beautiful omg. A relic from a lost era, kind of heartbreaking if you think about it.

“Traveled the world in a pocket”, that line has me curious because it somehow ended up in Sabers pocket, when he’s certain it wasn’t there before. Pocket magiq? :scream:


To recap what we’ve received at the end of each of these rounds:

  1. The audio of a “Tales of Wonder” radio show (it matched the clues, though we didn’t exactly '“receive” it.)
  2. A ticket to “The Phantom Lighthouse”.
  3. The proof for Hermie stickers (not 100% sure this is the item but it was purposely hidden under the vault/safe.)
  4. Avis Green’s journal.
  5. Warner Green’s good luck charm letterpress block.

now all thats left is to open the vault right?


You mean our printer stand? :neutral_face:

It hasn’t done anything since it’s been here and I have no idea how to use this stuff to open it.



After each item/information arrived Woolie would then sends down a new path. I’m not sure he’s up to that now or there are any more paths.

Although, I do notice a lot of things here come in 6’s. So a 6th “round” may not be out of the question.

Avis knows (knew?) the word we needed to get to the mystery item in the vault. Maybe her journal has anything else inside?

Edit: That you are using it as a printer stand is hilarious…and practical.


Space is at a premium here in NYC. :man_shrugging:


Did you try (moving the printer :roll_eyes:) and placing the printing press block on the vault?

EDIT: or maybe the ticket, the proof, the journal and the block?


Yes. Nothing opens. Nothing happens.


Sorry if I seem short or irritated. Not sleeping much. :cjheart:


its completely fine. given you’re sharing the headspace, im sure sleeping is a bit difficult.

Hm… maybe we’ll get a final clue. like our magiq word.
Has anyone tried putting the journal and the printing press block together? maybe ink the block and press it into the journal?