Wiki: Walking Stick


The Walking Stick is a magimystical object in the Briarverse.


The walking stick that appeared in The Monarch Papers was previously owned by Sullivan Green and was passed down to Deirdre along with his journals and chronocompass. The walking stick is a conduit for magiq. The more a magimyst travels, the more stories they make, the more they experience in places rich with magiq, the more it gathers. It’s useful for quickly conjuring, and most skilled magimystics find their “true stick” at some point in their lives. The stick, not intended for the mundane world, will splinter and break the more it is used.


In a blog post titled “My Mother’s Daughter,” Deirdre describes entering Neithernor for the first time. Knocking on the brownstone’s door led her to a broom closet in a warren, which she realized was thick with magiq. She received a note from her father in his journal, where he told her to explore Neithernor and to take his walking stick with her, which he had placed near the warren’s bed. When Deirdre performed magiq with the stick, as told in the post “The Storm - Part Three,” the stress caused the stick to gain a crack in its middle, which Deirdre noticed when she returned to the brownstone.

In the post “Mr. Wideawake,” Mr. Wideawake carried a walking stick of his own. The stick was like Deirdre’s father’s but made of paler wood. Gold light leaked out from its cracks.

After the Book of Briars was opening in Fragment Sixteen, it served as a catalyst for Deirdre to decide where she wanted to go next in her journeys. Like the stick, she believed that she belonged in Neithernor.

The Secret Society

Saberlane found a walking stick of his own the first time he knocked into Neithernor, where he was able to reunite the ghost of Woolie with the spirit of his family. The walking stick served as a representative of the magimystic element of The Wilds and was the final piece required to unlock Warner Green’s safe.