Wiki: Guild Houses


The Guild Houses are locations in Neithernor that belong to each of the six guilds.


The Guild Houses largely began as a thought experiment on the Basecamp 33 Forum. Unaware that Neithernor existed, the Mountaineers created extensive lore about the Guilds, such as where they would live, what holidays they would celebrate, and what familiars a guild would have. Because of the nature of the discussion, depictions of each guildhall varied wildly, with each guild member having a different interpretation. In some instances, many guild members would rally around ideas, creating a general acceptance that certain depictions were “canon.”

When Neithernor was discovered by Deirdre Green, she began seeing glimpses of some of the guild houses, and it soon became clear that the buildings were not merely conceptual. At the end of Fragment Sixteen, when Deirdre left with Cole Sumner to explore Neithernor and possibly find her father, she left a series of paintings that depicted each of the guild houses. When Mountaineers began to explore Neithernor themselves after forming PRSFNE, they soon realized that the things they imagined the guild houses to be were reflected in the houses themselves.