Wiki: Fragments

Magimystical Word

Fragments are the magimystical words used to unlock the Book of Briars’ Keyholes. There are sixteen in total, with four used to open each lock.


Fragments are broken up into four general groups, or Phases: Phase One, Phase Two, Phase Three, and Phase Four. Within each phase are four fragments that must be found in order to obtain the key.

The fragments within each phase each have a prevailing theme. For instance, the Phase One fragments were all paper scraps that had to be assembled into a completed page. Similarly, the Phase Two fragments were animal puzzle pieces that had to be printed out and assembled, after which a 3D model was provided by the Book of Briars.

Obtaining a Fragment

Fragments were obtained via puzzle solving. The method varied, from finding magimystical words in emails and blog posts to recreating the story of a pen and paper game.

Once a suspected fragment word was obtained, recruits had to enter it into the Book of Briars’ website. This was done by adding the word to the end of the Book’s URL. If the word was indeed a fragment, it would redirect the recruit to a special page. If the word was not a fragment, then the recruit would simply be redirected back to the Book of Briars’ home page.

Fragment words were typically unique to the Briarverse, indefinable by real-world terms. This fact made them easier to spot in puzzles where the word was not necessarily obvious.

Fragments List

The original threads for each fragment can be explored in-depth in The Monarch Papers Archive. The story has also since been adapted into a two-book series by the same name, which is available in e-book and paperback from the Ackerly Green Book Shop.