Wiki: Cumberland Books


Cumberland Books was a book store visited by Deirdre Green during Fragment Three.


Cumberland Books is an antique book store. Its precise location is unknown, though a phone number was found for the store. The number led to an answering machine that played a recording of a terse man who claims to be the store owner.


Cumberland Books was first mentioned by Deirdre in the blog post “Books! Books! Books!” while searching for lost copies of the Ackerly Green Publishing books. Deirdre spoke with a person who had come in to sell books, who showed her a 450-year-old book about a “pre-freemason society and their search for religious artifacts.” The buyer excused himself and the book owner. They disappeared into a back room and left Deirdre out front. This was when recruits discovered that they were unable to find a physical location for the store.

The number for Cumberland Books appeared in Fragment Four and was shared by Reader during the secret mission. Reader stated that the number was hand-written on Brandon Lachmann’s materials, either written by him or by Sacha.