Werk Werk Werk Werk Werk: Professional Stuff

I had a friend a few years back who had a passion for, and opportunity to pursue, a similar career path. It was his dream job; a hard one for sure, but someone’s got to do it.
If that’s where you feel called, answer. I have a feeling you’ll always have a home here, no matter where or when you’re able to pop in.


After poking around in here I see a couple other space nerds @Aurora @Sellalellen :cjheart:
I’m currently studying aerospace engineering but am already working in the field as I’ve been working towards my degree. Most recently I’ve been interning at a space systems startup working on structures and propulsion for our newest orbital launch vehicle and our Cube Sat program.


@Psychopomp - I work closely with our local nuclear plant! You do important work, and I appreciate you.

I work in emergency management (planning and preparing for natural disasters and such) for the local government. It’s a lot of paperwork, but I also get to write exercises and help people learn how to respond and recovery if there’s a super bad day. Think of exercises like LARPing for first responders :sweat_smile:


Important but boring if everything is going well :joy:


Still trying to find my way around everything, and I’m so glad I stumbled onto this thread. You guys do some really cool work!

I currently work part time for the city Department of Education, helping to review education research proposals. It’s pretty interesting, but I’m mostly biding my time until I can submit applications for clinical psych PhD programs.


I am loving the number of space/science nerds on here. I’m right along with you. I am currently working on my PhD in inorganic chemistry, essentially trying to make the worlds smallest magnets. I’ve been a little late to the uptake after being super duper busy at work, but I am so glad I’m here!


Back to the drawing board. Didn’t make it two months before being laid off…


I’m sorry to hear that. Hopefully you’ll find something good that you enjoy soon.


I feel ya. I was turned down for a job - the person they hired no-call no-showed. I took over the position temporarily, and now I’m really glad I have the opportunity to pull my application for the full-time position.
Being between jobs is no fun, but being at the wrong job is no fun either.
What industry(ies) do you want to work in?


I’m 35 and I still don’t know. I’m best at secretarial skills. I want to get a degree in office management but I can’t even save enough money to pay for classes.


That’s rough. Office admin/secretary work has been one of my main staples, too. I like getting to interact with lots of folks and problem solve on the fly. What’s your favorite part of it?


I don’t know. It’s not my favorite thing to do, just that the skillset generally required is what I seem best-suited for. Organization, answering multi-line phone systems, typing, light cleaning…
I think as far as temperament, it’s ideal for me in the balance of solitary work and social interaction.


i mean, call center operator, emergency line operator…


What are some of your favorite things to do? The beauty of office/clerical work is that it translates so nicely into many different fields. If you’re fascinated by law, maybe look into being a paralegal. Do you feel strongly about children? You could look for case worker work.


I had thought about paralegal work at one point. But again: school = $$$.
Thanks, you guys. I’ll figure it out! I just spent the entire day at the library doing nothing but making applications. Something will come of it


Finally got a casual job at a local cafe! :pray: Now I can fulfil the uni student + hospo work stereotype and actually sustain my daily coffee purchases :’)


Who are my entrepreneurs in here? My boyfriend is trying to help me become my own boss (because working for other people is exhausting and miserable), and eventually I want to open up my own metaphysical shop where I can read tarot and do massage therapy/energy work and sell pretty rocks and delicious teas and cool stuff!
First! I’m gonna try just an online presence doing tarot readings and scheduling massage appointments.
Have any of you gone this route or know anyone who did? Any advice or “man, I wish I’d known ahead of time…” stories that could help me navigate this terrifying venture?


I am not personally an entrepreneur, but I have a close friend from college who started her own massage therapy/essential oils business, and really loves doing it! Absolutely look into it if those things are a passion for you.

That said, the biggest issue said friend ran into in that department was with licensing requirements. If you’re working with people in a Wellness context, there’s often a lot of paperwork required to become licensed to offer, for example, massage services at a state/local level, even on top of having the proper training and certification (insurance verification, small business licensure, etc.). Make sure you do your research on the licensing requirements within your state and locality. If you have trouble tracking down information, see about finding a non-profit or liaison org that advises entrepreneurs in jumping through those kind of hoops. Best of luck!


In the next couple days I’ll find out if I’m getting a new job.
Had the interview today and while it seems promising there’s always that chance it won’t come to anything.

I really hope it does. My current job is only getting worse.


I hope you get good news! The waiting is always so nail-biting.