Welcome to Mountie Fitness Month!

I think the general theme is that this last week was tough for everyone. I certainly have had a couple of DAYS this week so far. I know we’re pushing into April, but I’ll post one more set of goals/breakouts before we close out the month.


Congratulations, Mounties! We made it through Fitness Month! We ran longer. We went faster. We explored new workouts and broadened our horizons! I’m so very proud of everyone who participated; much of what we do here is “low energy” and stepping outside of our collective comfort zone is a big deal. Thanks for @Sellalellen and @Ginger for helping me put this all together, and thanks to @Saberlane for keeping the lights on at AGP for us.

I leave you with one more goal and one more workout. The goal: keep it up. Theme months are good gimicks to get stuff started, but I hope everyone who participated makes fitness (and overall health) part of their everyday routine. I hope people who didn’t participate pick something from the posts above and try it! Just because March is over, we can still all keep fit.

Now, for the All-Guild Workout
:weatherwatch: :gossmere: :flinterforge: :ebenguard: :thornmouth: :balimora:

Keep climbing, Mountaineers!