Welcome Messages for New Readers

That’s been kind of a thought of mine for a while now. If it can’t be a guild leader then maybe a single welcome committee volunteer per guild?


I definitely 100 percent second a personal welcome DM. Lets people know that the forum is still active and gives a direct avenue to connect and ask questions without feeling like you’re bothering someone you don’t know.


Maybe even tweak it at some point and after, let’s say, general guidelines, add something guild-specific? And if you somehow haven’t gone through the guide, a link to it? I know it’s a bit of a hassle as an idea but I still believe there’s more to be told about the guilds themselves than what’s in the introduction. To make it not only personal but also inviting to explore on different levels?


This has all been really constructive and productive, everyone. Definitely keep them coming if you think of stuff but I just wanted to say you’ve been a tremendous help so far!! :cjheart:


I have kind of an odd suggestion. One of the big things that drew me to TMP was the multi-media aspect. Would it be possible to integrate that into some kind of welcome ‘hub’ page? I feel like the MAGIQ guide was a wonderful point of induction during TMP, but it might be good to have some additional content to explain the post-TMP world and all the things that went down.

I don’t know if something like that would be possible, but I thought I would bring it up!


Like a shuffling tarot deck where each of the major arcana introduces you to an aspect of AGP and TMP and the forum :heart_eyes:


Late to the conversation, but I am absolutely on board with the guild leaders reaching out. I remember when I first joined I had the likes of Bells, Rev, and Robert kind of guiding me into the fray. Having those familiar faces as I learned the ropes was really helpful, and is part of what makes Basecamp feel like home!


I definitely agree with the personal message from guild leaders etc.
For me @Skylad reached out and that helped me feel really welcome, and feel like I could really become a part of this community, so that was super helpful


Smells like the Amber deck from Zelazny’s series. I’m all for that!


Just doing what I do @annabloem :hugs::hugs: it’s good practice for when the boards of Weatherwatchers finish their walkabouts and join up


As a brand new member, I also enjoy the emails and general warm welcome on the forum but a bridge to being in world would be great. I’m reading the books but it seems like once I’m done that I showed up so late I couldn’t integrate myself in-world. How can I add to it when you guys seem to have done so much together? How do I build my character and what’s her entry point?


The Guilds category is the first in-world category new members gain access to. You are encouraged to explore your guild and your place in it to “get your feet wet” so to speak. Not long after that, you will be able to contribute to other, in world threads, and participate in the ongoing story. You don’t need to be an expert to join, half of us more experienced players don’t know what we’re doing either.
I’d say, start by exploring how your character fits within their guild and with the other guild members, and that will give you a good launching-off point to insert them into the rest of the Magiqverse.


@Sellalellen, you are so flipping helpful and welcoming! Are you an NPC? This is suspiciously NPC behavior but I like it.


Lol no I’m not but I’m flattered :joy: I’m just a volunteer leader doing my best to help out the community. Then again, that is what an NPC might say.


There are going to be plenty of new magiqal adventures for new friends and old to embark on together. Sel’s suggestion of playing around in the guilds category is a great way to start integrating into the community, and then you’ll be ready to hop on once the proverbial train gets going!


This is something I’ve been figuring out too, so I appreciate this question being asked and also what @Sellalellen and @Augustus_Octavian have contributed.

I wish I could remember who said it and where, but I saw somewhere else on the forum (perhaps in here!) that someone said they played around on the forums first before even getting to know the Magiqverse. That was really validating for me (I just joined a few days ago) since I’m reading the first book with my spouse, so my exposure to the lore is much slower than I’d typically like.

We’ll be learning the ways of this place together, @Spina! So far, it’s full of lovely people, and the story gets more interesting the longer I read. Looking forward to jumping into the deep end soon!


Yay cults! :heart_eyes:


I think currently I do feel like this as I’m at trust level 1- I’m happy to put the work in but would like to feel a little less “lost” !


@Sellalellen @Augustus_Octavian

**reads above comments…skips off to guild area ** :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Well I’m new here and it seems I came after all the chaos with the BOB was already finished… And ended up reading things about turtle messengers in the “search for magic” area which has left me very confused. So maybe some sort of a "here’s what you need to know in order to make sense of the chaos in this forum (mostly for the in-world stuff, spoiler warnings if necessary) would be appreciated