Walk in the Sand with Ebenguard

Ah! Parkour. I’ve always wanted to try it :heart_eyes:


Scuba diving, it’s been on my mind cause I love the ocean and swimming quite a bit. It was a fear of mine for a while but I’ve worked on overcoming it and enjoy it now.


Parkour is so much fun! I got into it for a while with a friend, after he moved to Tennessee I kept up with it for a year but couldn’t find any training gyms in my area so I slowed down and eventually stopped.


Playing the piano or actually decently learning how to sing. I have no idea how to use my voice, still.

Other than that, writing! Used to do loads of it as a kid, often more comics since I was super into drawing, but nowadays I don’t do much, if any of it.


New question!

What’s your favourite season?
And if you can’t pick a favourite, then what’s your favourite thing about each season?


I’m all about the Fall. I like the feeling when the air gets a little quieter and the particular smell of foliage decomposing. I find it comforting…


Autumn, but only in the northern states. I miss the changing leaf colors, since all we have down here are Summer and a temper tantrum of cold fronts for maybe two months.


:snowflake: :snowman_with_snow: WINTER :snowman_with_snow: :snowflake:

Even if we only ever kind of get a month or so of it scattered in there. :sweat_smile:

So much of spring and fall are too much like summer. :sweat: :sweat_drops:


Fall, but I live in the South so it’s nothing but mid fifties or sixties weather with sunny skies. I’ve always wanted to visit up North during those times to watch leaves change and to witness snow for the first time.


Where in the south do you live? I’m in Southwest Louisiana.


Southwest Florida


As a Canadian, that is a wild concept to me, Ash.

I enjoy them all!

I love the cool crisp air in winter, because it’s refreshing and helps to clear my head. I love when there’s really wet snow that just covers everything because it’s breathtaking seeing all the trees and bushes covered. The way the snow sparkles in the sunlight, or the intricate patterns frost makes as it forms on surfaces. The sound of snow crunching under your feet.

I love the feeling of relief as the days get longer in spring. I have always loved rain, and always will, the scent of the wet earth, how much more saturated all the colours seem. I adore a good thunderstorm. It’s also inspiring and refreshing to see everything slowly coming back to life: the grass, the flowers, the trees growing their leaves back.

I will gladly spend as much time as possible outside soaking up the heat and sunshine. It’s finally warm enough that you can go and explore the mountains and surrounding forests without needing five million layers of clothing or being wary of getting stuck everywhere. When the lake water is finally warm enough to enjoy without risking hypothermia.

The colours of fall are incredible. I enjoy the crisp cool mornings and evenings, but the day being warm and pleasant still. The beauty of decay all around you. Walking through heaps of leaves, then later on feeling them crunch under you feet. Watching as the leaves dance in the wind once they fall off the trees. The world around you preparing for the cold that will come, but still offering warmth in its colours.

Nature is just so awe inspiring, and breathtaking.


Central Floridian here and I love Winter.

Lordy we have a lot of Floridians. Even Deyavi is floridian adjacent!


Cosplay, warbla armor making, leatherworking, metalworking (black and white smithing), tailoring, parkour, scuba, and melee weapon training (sword, shield, axe, and spear) are the things I wanna learn. As well as violin and piano, but that I REALLY dont have time for.


Question time!

You walk into a coffee shop. It is that perfect time of year where you can get literally anything, not so hot you can’t have a warm beverage yet not so cold you’ll be uncomfortable with something iced. And there’s a free drink coming your way, so you can be as spendy as you like. :cagsfabulous:

What do you order?


I usually stick to a chai latte, but I recently found this food truck that sells taro boba tea, and it’s really pretty and really good, and I’m all about it.


I can’t even remember the last time I had Boba Tea. I always wanted to try Ube Boba Tea because of my favorite color purple and I heard Ube had a sweet and subtle flavor.

Here’s a wiki page for people who want to know more about Ube: Dioscorea alata - Wikipedia


That looks suspiciously similar to taro boba, which is also a purple yam-like vegetable


(Not an Ebbie) but I just had to cut in and say that Taro is my go to boba flavour.
Also apparently taro and ube are both purple potatoes but not the same thing.


@Sellalellen Thanks for the clarification!