The Welcome Super Topic

Hello! I’m Charlemagne and I’m super excited to be here. I love role play stuff and immersive stories are always great. I’m a dungeon Master for DND and a Story Teller for VTM. I am going to get started on catching up on the lore and rules asap!


Hello @Charlemagne! Welcome to our community! I’m the Gossmere Wagoneer!

I highly recommend reading the forum primer over as it tells you a lot about the forum as well as linking you to the rules and other key places! If you need a link to the guild test you can click here!

After you figure out your guild feel free to shoot us @Wagoneers a message! The Wagoneers are myself, @BrokenVoid, and @Rimor! We’ll point you towards your guild leaders and guild hall! Edit: Your guild leader is @Sellalellen and you can find your guild hall here!

As for DND we have a topic for it which you can find here! If you like immersive stories I’m sure you might find something to your liking over in #the-creationary category!

Once again welcome and if you need anything feel free to shoot me or the other Wagoneers a message!


Welcome to the community and to Thornmouth @Charlemagne! I’m Void, a fellow Thornie and Wagoneer, feel free to message me anytime if you need something.


Welcome @Charlemagne!


Hello, Mountaineers!
I’m so glad your invitation found me. I’ve been sorted into Balimora (Ah, decay :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: )!
Things about me; I love theatre, tarot, and tea; Flora & Fauna just became my new favorite book and I am eagerly awaiting Cosmos & Time downloading (Hope KingRabbit717 isn’t meddling).
I just completed an MFA, moved, started a compost corner in my garden, and now have waaay too much time on my hands (if that’s TM-personal-I please let me know and I’ll edit), I look forward to spending some of that on here.


Welcome @Hekate to the Ackerly Green Community!! My name is James one of Thornmouths Wagoneers!

So to get started please make sure you read the first post at the top of this thread and the forum primer as they’re really important!!

Next up let me introduce you to your amazing guild leaders @Helios and @Nimueh! You can PM either of them if you have any questions or any of the @Wagoneers such as myself, @Ignatius and @BrokenVoid however they’re MIA currently. We also have a Q&A thread where you can also ask questions!

When you’re ready you can head over to the Balimora guild hall to introduce yourself to your fellow guild mates!

So as for threads you might be interested in we have one on gardening and food and drink! We don’t have any threads on tarot currently (feel free to make one) but a couple of Mounties were working on creating a deck!

Once again welcome to the community and if you have any questions or need someone to talk to feel free to drop me a message! - JR


That sounds great! I’ll take a look around those boards and see if I can find someplace to make my mark.
Thanks James!
(Also, are first names acceptable in OOW places? Trying to respect the rules :+1: )


(Oh James is just my informal forum first name, I missed my chance to change the username ages ago so Im stuck with Rimor :joy:. We tend not to use peoples real names on here)


Hello @Hekate! I’m Ignatius the Gossmere Wagoneer! As @Rimor said if you need anything feel free to shoot one of us a message!


Thanks, Ignatius! I’m kinda snooping around right now - I’ll be sure to reach out if I get too lost or intimidated by anything :sunglasses:


Hey, welcome to the forum @Hekate! I’m Void, another Thornmouth Wagoneer. Like Rimor and Ignatius I’m here if you need anything. Very happy to have you here!


Heya, Void! Wow, y’all are all so active - what a lovely way to meet folks.
Any tips on how to feel less awkward inserting myself into threads, or is that just part of starting out?


Nah, just find a thread you’re interested in and share a little bit. I was a little awkward starting out too because I had never talked been part of a forum before, but everyone here is very welcoming and understanding so feel free to share as much or as little as you like until you’re comfortable.


We’re always lurking on the forum somewhere :laughing: Everyone feels awkward at first but ya just gotta throw yourself into the deep end. All the Mounties on here are wonderful caring people so you’ll have a lot of support!


Hi all!

My name is Ali, and I found the forum through insta. I just started the Flora and Fauna book, and I’m excited to see what this is all about! I was sorted into the Ebenguard guild, which sounds perfect for me. My username is WitchOfBones because my day job is in animal skeletal anatomy. I read tarot cards and do a lot of plant tending and foraging, and I hope to meet some interesting people here!


@WitchOfBones Hello and Welcome! I’m Ignatius, the Gossmere Wagoneer! I highly recommend taking a peek at the forum primer if you haven’t already!

Your guild leaders are @Ashburn and @Ginger! If you have any questions feel free to reach out to them or us @Wagoneers! The Wagoneers besides myself are @Rimor and @BrokenVoid both of which are Thornmouths!

Once you’ve been on the forum a bit you’ll be able to post in the Ebenguard guild hall which you can find here!

As for your interests I’d highly recommend taking a peek at the hobbies topic! I’m sure you’ll find quite a few other users withtarot cards! I’d also love to hear about your work over in the work topic! We also have an awesome gardening topic!

Once again welcome and if you need anything feel free to shoot one of us a message!


Welcome @WitchOfBones! (Awesome FYI!) I’m Rimor one of Thornmouths Wagoneers!


Thank you and @Rimor for the warm welcome!


Welcome to the forum @WitchOfBones! Sorry about the delay, I’m Void, the other Thornmouth Wagoneer. You can message me anytime if you need help.


Hello :grin: I am Bandit

A really good friend of mine pointed me toward this lovely place. @Sapphire. I have recently got the books and working my way though them. I was hooked on the first page!
I larp as well so this is a welcome change of pace.

Assessment says I am Flinterforge, and I agree. Always feel good about having something in my hands.

Looking forward to really sinking into this. Thank you!