The Welcome Super Topic

Welcome to Thornmouth @BohemianBird!


Hello there,

Iā€™m a huge lover of fantasy, mystery and books in general. So when I saw an ad for this forum I was pretty excited. Even though Iā€™ve never been part of anything like this, Iā€™m eager to experience it! The guild I was sorted into is Ebenguard.

I like spending time drinking tea, playing with my dog and tending to my plants. Iā€™ve just started Flora and Fauna and Iā€™m already delighted by what Iā€™ve read so far.



welcome, asteria!


Hi @Asteria welcome to the forum!

Your guild leaders are @Deyavi and @Ginger! Iā€™m glad to hear that your as into this kind of thing as lots of us are! I really recommend you go check out the Forum Primer if you havenā€™t already!

I really hope you enjoy your stay if you have any questions feel free to shoot me or your guild leaders a question!


My name is Tori and Iā€™m new to the AG forums! I found the quiz through IG and was sorted into Ebengaurd. I just started reading the book and am thoroughly enjoying it so far!


Hullo! @Zhepha Im really excited you heard and answered the call! Weā€™re happy to have you!

Your guild leaders are @Deyavi and @Ginger if you need help but please donā€™t forget us @Wagoneers are also here to help! Please check out the Forum Primer if you havenā€™t already and please enjoy yourself!


Thanks a bunch!


Welcome @Asteria and @Zhepha!!!


Hi! Iā€™m Artemis. I donā€™t know about the other guilds, but I got sorted into Weatherwatch, and I had to use two pixies and visit the Iremonger to get there, so it was hard won.

OC Iā€™m an actor and tabletop roleplayer. Nice to meet you all! :blush:


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Forum @Artemis!!!

Make sure you read everything in the first post and the forum primer!

@Skylad and @Remus are your guild leaders so you can PM them if you have any questions or you can contact any of the Wagoneers! You can also check out the Q&A thread for answers and questions!

This place is very heavy on roleplaying so youā€™ll definitely enjoy it here!

What drew you to the Guide?


Hello! Iā€™m Avery

Iā€™ve been put into Ebenguard and I found this through Facebook. Iā€™ve just started reading the Monarch Papers and Iā€™m very intrigued by this forum


Welcome @Avery!!!

Your guild leaders are @Ginger and @Deyavi! You can PM them if you have any questions or any of the Wagoneers! There is also a Q&A thread you can check out!

Make sure youā€™ve read everything above and the forum primer as its all super important!

The monarch papers are definitely the best place to start catching up on everything thatā€™s happened! Iā€™m sure youā€™re gonna love them!

What hobbies do you have aside from joining mysterious forums? :laughing:


Youā€™re so quick on the welcome draw every time!


Im stuck on a two hour train ride so I donā€™t have much else to do, aside from that I donā€™t have a life :joy:


Hello everyone!

I found this place through an ad on FB, and I was instantly drawn to the Guild symbols and names. I was sorted to Weatherwatch, and Iā€™m excited to find out exactly what the means, haha.

I love all things creative-fantasy, including writing my own story ideas (although I will admit Iā€™ve been suffering from a major case of writerā€™s block recently) and DMing a regular homebrew D&D group. So this concept really called to me and Iā€™m eager to start reading and catching up on this story.


cough @Wagoneers cough


Hello! I saw an advert on FB for the Guide and sent it to my girlfriend (she loves Harry Potter so I thought it might interest her. After doing the Guide for myself and receiving a copy of TMP1, I thought Iā€™d give it a read and became hooked. Iā€™m now into TMP2 and trying to catch up as fast as I can.

I was sorted into Thornmouth at first but realised that perhaps Iā€™d not been entirely honest with the test, so I had another crack at it a couple of hours later and it sorted me into Balimora. I instantly felt more connected to it (hence the username / PP).

I DM a group in D&D so the idea seemed pretty awesome! Iā€™m looking forward to being involved at some point in the future.


Welcome @Smebel and @Bookchin!

@Skylad and @Remus are your guild leaders Smebel and @Helios and @Nimueh are your guild leaders Bookchin!

If you have any questions you can PM them or any of the Wagoneers! You can also look at the Q&A thread linked above!

Make sure you read everything in the first post and the Forum Primer as itā€™s super important!


Hi There,
New to Everything here, but excited to get started.
I took the assessment and came up a Thornmouth, so we will see how it goes :call_me_hand:


@RangerHopton Welcome to the forum!

The Thornmouth guild leader is @Sellalellen so if you have any questions donā€™t forget to shoot her or us @Wagoneers a question! If you havenā€™t already go check out the Primer to get sorted on the forum! I really hope you have an amazing time here with us!

Why do you personally think you were put in Thornmouth and what guild affinity stood out to you?