The Welcome Super Topic

Hi @Rimor (and @Ignatius, @BrokenVoid) :slightly_smiling_face:

Itā€™s interesting to see folks with interests in archaeologyā€¦ I was a professional archaeologist until 2016, when I ended up leaving academia to pursue my interests with more freedom. I now work in tech in order to fund my own research - recreating the ancient mystery schools of Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and a few other areas of specialization as well.

Needless to say I am also involved in modern mystery schools (Freemasonry, etc).

My friends think of me as a real-life Indiana Jones/ Lara Croft cross-over, so I did laugh a bit when I read over the Weatherwatcher thread about ā€œWhat should we call ourselvesā€ and someone said ā€œPiratesā€ ā€“ haha. Convinced me I am in the right guild.

That aside, I am a dark fantasy fan; particularly Tolkien (as my name may suggest), Lovecraft, and honestly the entire Warcraft mythos for its interesting blend of these sources (among others).

The reason I was drawn to this site, is because when studying mystery schools (past and present) one is inevitably drawn to the question of why they exist. It seems apparent that our ancestors deeply believed in a war between Order and Chaos, and that the mortal mastery of magic was essential to determining the successor. The emphasis on this is certainly lost in modern mystery schools, where the esoteric is regarded as ā€œwhimsyā€ perhaps, or ā€œsomething we do because tradition says we shouldā€ ā€“ and perhaps a glance around at the modern ā€œempiresā€ of our world, and what they value, when compared to the values of past empires, demonstrates what happens when the ā€œreasonā€ for fighting the war gets lost beneath the distracting barrage of a constant stream of mediaā€¦ and being told how to think.

Obviously, I was intrigued by the paradigm laid forth in The Monarch Papers that suggests this is so :wink:


Hello ! my name is mora nadur. this is all very new to me but i hope i can contribute to all of this in some way! iā€™m not very good at introductions but i love anything magic and ive always got my nose stuck in a book so i started volunteering at a library so i could read on the job :sweat_smile::heartpulse: i love cute lil bugs and little critters that i get to see on my hikes! i know this is a bit long but i hope that my time here is a lot of fun!


Welcome @Mora_Nadur to the Ackerly Green Community! Iā€™m Rimor one of Thornmouths Wagoneers!

Do you know what guild youā€™re in?


AH IM SORRY ! i didnā€™t know i forgot to include it !!! iā€™m part of the Ebenguard guild!


@Aemorniel I said a bit not an essay! :joy:

You sound like an absolutely fantastic and super cool person! Youā€™re gonna have to tell everything about your work and your hobbies as they sound amazing! Also Iā€™d love to know more about Freemasonry as I have a friend whoā€™s part of it!

It was my suggestion we call Weatherwatch pirates as its really fitting :laughing: Also you definitely remind me of Lara Croft, Indiana Jones and Nathan Drake!

We have a fantasy book thread you can talk about your favourite dark fantasies in!

Also youā€™re gonna rival Professor @Robert with those lectures as I really wanna know more now! :laughing: Maybe when youā€™re more settled you can make a thread to talk about mystery schools and TMP!


Well dang you put my interesting job of being a medic to shame :joy:

@Mora_Nadur Your guild leaders are @Ginger and @Ashburn! Once youā€™ve been on the forum a bit you can go here to meet your guild mates! I highly recommend checking out the forum primer and if you have any troubles feel free to reach out to us @Wagoneers!


Ahaha donā€™t worry itā€™s fine, I gotta step away quickly but the wonderful Wagoneer @Ignatius will get you orientated and show you to some relevant threads!


Welcome @Mora_Nadur, Iā€™m Void, a Thornmouth Wagoneer! I also have quite the interest in bugs, so I think weā€™ll get along well. You can see pictures of a few of my critters in the pets topic.


As for the rest of your interests! Seeing as you volunteer at a library and read on the job I assume you like all things #bookish! Speaking of which you might like that category! As for hikes you might like mountie adventures! Although you could definitely also post about said hikes or any other hobbies in the hobbies topic!


iā€™ll be sure to check them out! thank you so much!!!


iā€™d love to see pictures of them !


@Mora_Nadur Iā€™m so sorry we messed up your welcome!

You should also check out the first post on this thread and the forum primer as they help you get orientated around here!

Also you can PM either of your leaders if you have any questions or any of the @Wagoneers such as myself, @Ignatius and @BrokenVoid. We also have a Q&A thread where you can also ask questions!

When youā€™re ready you can head over to the Ebenguard guild hall to introduce yourselves to your fellow guild mates!


thank you!


Hahaā€¦ after youā€™ve written a thesis (or two), your idea of what constitutes ā€œa bitā€ changes dramatically :wink:

Once Iā€™m settled in a bit, Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll have plenty to sayā€¦ :laughing: Thanks for all the links to explore with!


you didnā€™t mess it up at all! it was quiet nice to interact with you all ! iā€™ll go and check out the guild when i get the chance ! thank you for the warm welcome :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


We hope you both enjoy your time here!


Heā€™s referring to me being spread out, despite the fact that I am actively on job. Glares @Rimor

(Good spelling Rimor :joy:)


Hey Iā€™m watching Harry potter and we know which is more important! :wink::joy:

(Shhhh you didnā€™t see anything! :penguin:)


Hello, My name is Laura, The guild that was chosen for me was Weatherwatch. I am here because I have always had a close relationship with books, learning, mystery, magic, nature, etc. I am excited, and to be honest, a bit overwhelmed by all of this, but looking forward to where the journey takes me.
In real life, I am a nurse case manager. I have two amazing cats, Rory and Pandora. I wish I could travel more, read for a living, and be the crazy cat/dog lady! I have eclectic tastes in pretty much everything. I am an introvert by nature.


Hi Iā€™m Elm Lovebetter!
I have taken the assessment and I am a Thornmouth which suits me very well. I am excited to start reading The Monarch Papers, and I canā€™t wait to get more into this world.