The Welcome Super Topic

Brits represent! :grin:


Hello everyone!!

I’m so excited to have found this magical world! Like many of you, I found my way here through the magiq of Instagram, and found the test which sorted me into… Balimora! As a practicing witch in the outside world, it seemed like a perfect fit! I’m quite the bookworm, so for now I’ll be catching up on The Monarch Papers through the digital world until my physical copies arrive. For now, I can’t wait to get immersed!

Blessed Be,


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @VenustheEmpress!!! My name is James Rimor and I’ll be your this morning!

First off please make sure you read the first post at the top of this thread and the forum primer as they’re really important!!

Now you’ve done that I can introduce you to your amazing guild leaders are @Nimueh and @Helios! You can PM either of them if you have any questions or any of the @Wagoneers such as myself. We also have a Q&A thread where you can also ask questions!

When you’re ready you can head over to the Balimora guild hall to introduce yourself to your fellow guild mates!

Finally we have loads of book related topics you can explore such as book recommendations and currently reading!


Welcome to the community @VenustheEmpress!


Hello! I’m Dabbler!

I’ve been placed in Flinterforge, which is fitting since I am a freelance writer, designer, and hobby-ing maker! I love refinishing furniture and making cool things.

I’m excited to get into the stories and lore of this community!


Hello @dabbler and Welcome to the Community! I apologize for the wait but it’s 2 am here so I wasn’t expecting company…

@Viviane and @Tinker are your guild leaders! If you have any questions feel free to shoot them or us @Wagoneers a message!

If you want to meet your guild mates you can go here!

As for your interests we do have a couple writing topics over in #the-creationary! We actually have a hobby super topic so I’d love to hear or maybe see some of your “cool things”!

Once again I apologize for the wait and I hope you have a good rest of your day :smile:


Welcome @dabbler!!


Welcome to the community @dabbler!


Thanks so much @Ignatius! And @BrokenVoid and @Rimor! I’m so excited to learn more!


Hello! I’m Sarah, and like many others, the ad on Instagram caught my eye; I’m a big fan of interactive/mystery stories (escape rooms, ARG experiences, etc.), Harry Potter, and personality tests :wink:

I was sorted into Flinterforge, and even if I gain nothing else from this experience, I’m truly grateful for the sorting test; it gave me insights into my personality and passions I’d never fully considered.

I live in the US, in Maryland right between DC and Baltimore; my husband and I have two lovely little girls, and I stay at home with them for the time being.

I’m excited to dive in!


Welcome @theonesarah! Glad you found your way here.


Welcome @theonesarah to the Ackerly Green Community!!

First off please make sure you read the first post at the top of this thread and the forum primer as they’re really important!!

Next your amazing guild leaders are @Viviane and @Tinker! You can PM either of them if you have any questions or any of the @Wagoneers such as myself. We also have a Q&A thread where you can also ask questions!

When you’re ready you can head over to the Flinterforge guild hall to introduce yourself to your fellow guild mates!

Finally we have loads of book related topics you can explore such as book recommendations and currently reading!


Welcome to the community @theonesarah, very glad to have you here!


Hello Everyone,

I too found my way here through Instagram where I use the same handle, because keeping track of too many usernames is arduous :joy:
I hail from the antipodes where I am a laboratory technician by day and a keen gamer, crafter and reader by night, perhaps why I found myself sorted into Thornmouth. I hope to catch up on the books as I can, and look forward to meeting everyone, and learning all the things :grin:

All the best,


Hello and Welcome @Johquil!

The Thornmouth Guild leader is @Sellalellen! So if you have any questions feel free to reach out to her or us @Wagoneers! There is also a Q&A topic if you’d prefer doing that way!

To meet your guild mates you can go here!

I’d love to hear more about what kind of laboratory you work for over in the work/job topic! As for gaming we have the gaming topic! As for the crafty side that can be expressed here! As for books we have an entire category dedicated just to books! It’s called #bookish!

Once again welcome to the forum!


Welcome to the community and to Thornmouth @Johquil, very happy to have you here!


Welcome @Johquil!!


Hello everyone!


Hello @Sammilamb, Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community! I’m Ignatius! I’m a Gossmere but you’ll pretty much see me everywhere, although more than likely around the gaming or collections topics!

Your guild leader is @Sellalellen! So if you have any questions feel free to ask her or us @Wagoneers! There is also the Q&A topic if you’d prefer to ask questions there!

If you’d like to go ahead and meet your guild mates you can click here!

Seeing as you didn’t list any interests I’m going to just list a bunch but if you want to know if we have certain ones please shoot me a message and I’ll try and point you in the right direction! We have #the-creationary for creative things from forum goers, and we have the #bookish category for all things dealing with books! We also have a topic for hobbies as well as one for work/profession!

Once again welcome to the forum! If you haven’t already check out the first post in this topic as well as the forum primer!


Welcome to the community @Sammilamb! I’m also a Thornmouth so you’ll see me around the guild and in the gaming topic mostly.