The Welcome Super Topic

Grumbles angrily about @Skylad cluttering the welcoming space.

Now grumbles at @Revenir for the same thing

(I don’t grumble at Kaia as she didn’t know)


I can’t for life of me figure out how to post in the guild intro thread. Is this something I have to wait to be able to post in, or am I just a young girl unlearned in the ways of the world?


Ah, I just realized the problem! The reason you can’t reply to the guilds topic is because you’re currently at trust level 0. To enter the guilds topic, you need to be trust level 1.

Trust level 1 can be earned by entering more topics and reading posts. If you lurk a little bit longer, you should be promoted in no time at all. :cjsmile:


Oh I see, I was wondering why I saw the reply button here and not there!


Hi there!

I saw the ad on Instagram I believe, and I was so immersed that I instantly clicked, took the quiz and promptly shared it to some of my friends I play DnD with who were all also similarly impressed by the Quiz and your marketing. Interest-orientated adverts are scary and not always correct but in this case I’m glad to have found my way here as this place looks super interesting. As an artist myself I must also say the branding is 10/10 and has my mouth watering cause everything is super shiny and fantasy mixed with graphic design? Absolutely, Yes.

I’ve always loved fantasy and would love to write my own fantasy story some day, but for now I’m just writing my own Dnd campaign. I was assessed as Ebenguard and the little details within the assessment identified with me. I’ve just got Flora & Fauna on my Kindle App so I hope to get through it soon. The immersive part of this community is definitely of interest to me, so I’m excited to eventually reach that point and in the mean time, I shall be reading and learning more about this strange new world!


@shawdust Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community!

The Ebenguard guild leaders are @Ginger and @Ashburn! If you have any questions feel free to send them or us @Wagoneers a message! There is also the Q&A topic where you can post questions if you prefer that!

As for meeting your guild mates there is the Ebenguard Guild Hall!

As for DND we have the DND discussion topic! We also have the #the-creationary which has all things creative from your fellow forum goers! If you have any other interests that you aren’t sure if we have a channel for please shoot me a private message by clicking on my name and I’ll try and help point you in the right direction!

Once again welcome to the community! I look forward to seeing you around!


Welcome to the community @shawdust!


Welcome @shawdust!!


Hi, I found the Magiqverse through an IG post like many others, and much like many others it instantly hooked me.

After reading the guide, I was sorted into Ebenguard and felt an affinity.

While I don’t have a great passion for the fantasy genre I do love the the language and the idea of the creative & immersive narrative that CJ has created - and that everyone else shapes.

I also really liked the idea of the guilds and their characteristics. This appealed to me most as my background is in research and psychology - which has given me a healthy fondness for personality tests and market segmentations.

I’m most looking forward to learning about the other guilds, and reading the literature (starting with the Monarch Papers). I’ve been looking to read more, so this presented as an interesting opportunity to do so.

I’m also from Australia, and would love to know how wide reaching the Magiqverse is.

Look forward to exploring,



Hey all! Adare here! Like most of you it seems, I found my way here from a mysterious advert and got sorted to Balimora :herb:

I work in financial services (despite my environmental science degree) so obviously use fantasy as an escape from the day to day!

Can’t wait to meet you all and get my teeth into The Monarch Papers properly!


Welcome, @Lithom and @Adare!

I’m Ashburn, one of the Ebenguard guild leaders along with @Ginger.

Our Balimora leaders are @Nimueh and @Helios.

I’m sure you’ve seen the link to the primer in the first post on this thread, but if you have any other questions about the forum or anything else, feel free to ask us or any of the @Wagoneers (we love being helpful :cjsmile:).

Once you’ve had a look around the forum a bit and can post in other areas, we have guild intro threads so we can get to know each other! Ebenguard’s is here, and Balimora’s is here.

We have lots of other get-to-know-you and special interest threads (the gaming one has been hopping since E3 recently, if that’s your thing), and #the-creationary if making things tickles your fancies.

Welcome again, and if you need help with anything, let me (or the rest of us) know! :hermanthumbs:


Thanks @Ashburn for the help!! I’ve not had much signal today.

Welcome @Lithom and @Adare!!!


Welcome @Lithom and @Adare to the Ackerly Green Community!

Once again thank you @Ashburn I just woke up so I really appreciate you being vigilante in mine and @Rimor’s absence, and I assume @BrokenVoid’s as well.


Welcome @Lithom and @Adare to to our community!

Yeah I’ve been at work, I’m only on break right now.


Thanks for the welcome all! Proper warm reception! :smiley:


Welcome @Adare and @Lithom you will find many wonderfully helpful people like @BrokenVoid @Ignatius and @Rimor
The @Mountaineers are very helpful and supportive with many guiding hands


Hi all,

I binge read Flora and Fauna today and am currently trying to wrap my head around everything that is going on in this creative and exciting new forum!

A little about me: I’m a Ravenclaw from Australia who is currently studying International Development and is very excited about joining Ebenguard and keeping the golden balance. I love books, tea and my bed, but I’m always up for an adventure! My personal aesthetic is ‘trendy grandma,’ and I try my best to be a walking contradiction.

I suppose I don’t have much else to add until I learn more about this world and spend more time exploring this forum and the related texts, but I am very much looking forward to doing so!

Bye for now,


Hi there, I’m another newbie from Instagram ads - I assume because I am getting deep back into tabletop RPGs at the moment.

I was sorted into Ebenguard and felt like it fit me nicely. I’m from Down Under and work in marketing, although I will shortly be unemployed and looking to work after I move across the country - planning on using reading up on everything Magiqverse related in my downtime to keep me sane during packing and moving!


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Jarrow and @Dryadalis

Please make sure you read the first post at the top and the forum primer as they’re really important!

Now that’s out of the way I can introduce you to your fabulous guild leaders @Ashburn and @Ginger!! You can PM either of them if you have any questions or any of the @Wagoneers. We also have a wonderful Q&A thread where you can ask questions!

When you’re ready you can head over to the Ebenguard guild hall to introduce yourselves to your fellow guild mates!

Some topics you guys might enjoy are Werk, D&D, Currently reading and Personality Types!


Hey guys (team?), I don’t know.

Guessing like a lot of people just getting here a weird link on my insta feed sent me to a quiz. Which told me I was belonged to a school or a guild called an Ebenguard. Then the quiz offered me a free book. And since I work in a bookstore that’s exactly how you lure me in and trap me.
Two days of reading later here I am, fully sucked in searching for more to read, and then I find out it’s some kind of crazy cool interactive experience bonanza?!?
Yes please