The Welcome Super Topic

Okay we’re back online!


I love Chicago!! Great city!


Big fan of craft beers here too. Which region are you from? I’m from Quebec, Canada, and love to travel to try new breweries. :beers:


Hi everyone Callum here, quiz says im an Ebenguard! Im a 20 year old brit still new to this world


Hey @MadamePopova ! I’m in England so… I’ve not yet tried many from across the pond - they’re quite rare over here :sweat_smile: This weekend my local pub is hosting a Mikkeller San Diego event though, so I’m SUPER excited for that! I travelled to Copenhagen two weeks ago for the Mikkeller Beer Celebration which was insanely amazing.

Have you tried Other Half and The Veil? Those guys know how to brew :two_hearts:


Welcome @Callum_Hutchings!!

Your guild leaders are @Ginger and @Deyavi!! If you have any questions you can ask them or any of the Wagoneers! There’s also a Q&A thread you can check out!

Make sure you read through the first post and the forum primer as they’re super important!

When you’re ready you can introduce yourself to your guild mates in the Ebenguard welcome thread!

Now that the formalities are over tell us a little bit about your interests!


Welcome @Callum_Hutchings!


Welcome @Callum_Hutchings!


@Callum_Hutchings welcome to the forums! I’m another one of the Wagoneers so if you have a question (or many) feel free to ask away!


Hi there, I’m starlightgalaxy. I just literally found out about this place tonight, but it looks super cool!

I am a university student majoring in anthropology. Pretty fitting then that I’m Ebenguard! I’ve always had the urge to help and be a light for others to follow. I want to help the world, one way or another.

I’m also a huge bookworm, and I’m a writer myself! I can’t wait to see where this goes. :slight_smile:


Sounds like you have all the qualities of a budding Mountaineer, welcome to the family!

If you need any help don’t be afraid to reach out to the @Wagoneers or any of the guild leaders. We are here to help answer any of your questions as you make your way into the world of magiq! The forum can be an expansive place, but there truly is something for everyone here!
So pleased to make your acquaintance


Welcome @starlightgalaxy!!!

Your guild leaders are @Ginger and @Deyavi! If you have any questions you can PM them or any of the Wagoneers! Theres also a Q&A thread linked above where you can find loads of answers!

First off though make sure you read the first post and the forum primer as both are super important!

Once you’re ready you can introduce yourself to your guild mates over in the Ebenguard welcome thread!

You should also check out the #bookish category as it contains loads of book related threads!


Welcome @starlightgalaxy!


@MadamePopova hey! I’m going to Montreal for the weekend to visit a friend and I love beer. Any recommendations?


Hi everyone!
My name is MBWitch and I’m really shy when it comes to being new to a community so it may take me a while to get involved. I enjoy anything that has to deal with the supernatural and magic. When I took the assessment I was put into the Ebenguard which fits well with me. I’m also very passionate and expressive once people get to know me and I hope that soon I will be comfortable enough to be myself. I look forward to being a part of this world!


Hello @MBWitch welcome to the forum!

Your guild leaders are @Deyavi and @Ginger! If you have any questions shoot me, the other welcomes, or your guild leaders a message! The first post up at the top of this topic should also help you get situated!

Don’t worry about being shy! You might not notice it but I’m incredibly shy irl! Feel free to take this whole forum thing at your own pace!

If you want to split up your introduction I recommend introducing yourself over in the Ebenguard Guild Hall or if you don’t feel ready for that just send a message to me or your guild leaders and have a little conversation with them!

You might like the #the-creationary which has writings and works of art by your fellow forum goers! #bookish has all things related to books. If you have any interests I didn’t list feel free to shoot me a message and I’ll point you in the right direction!

I really hope you enjoy your time on the forum! My metaphorical/virtual door is always open!


Welcome @MBWitch!!!


Welcome @starlightgalaxy and @MBWitch!


Looks like I’m finally getting some time to sit down and read Flora & Fauna. This forum seems like such an interesting place, can’t wait to get a chance to meet some of you.


@Shadow Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy Flora and Fauna!

The guild leaders for Ebenguard are @Deyavi and @Ginger! If any questions pop up you can shoot them, or us @Wagoneers a message! Another great place to go for questions is the Q&A topic or the Ebenguard Guild House!

Seeing as you must like a good story to start on the TMP books I recommend you check out #the-creationary for art and writings by your fellow forum travelers and the #bookish category to talk about all things bookish!

I’m happy The Monarch Papers reached out to you, and i’m glad that you answered the call! Once again welcome to the forum and if you have any questions us Wagoneers and Leader’s aren’t but a few clicks away!