The Welcome Super Topic

I’m Orihah. I also found this through an Instagram add and I was very intrigued. I love RPGs and I’m really looking forward into diving into this! I’m a Gossmere! Which I’m super stoked about cause the description fits me so well!
My favorite thing about writing is world building and so I really love creating characters and the worlds they live in! My other hobbies include literally anything outdoors! Haha


Welcome @CercaTrova, @Trevon, @Skye, @Gold, @Axle-thornbush and @Orihah_Frandsen!!!

@Gold your guild leaders are @Ginger and @Deyavi

@Axle-thornbush your guild leader is @Sellalellen

@Orihah_Frandsen your guild leaders are @OracleSage and @Augustus_Octavian!

If you have any questions you can PN your respective leaders or any of the Wagoneers! There’s also a Q&A thread with lots of frequently ask questions and you can ask questions there as well.

First make sure you read the first post and the forum primer as both are super important!

When you’re read you can say hi to you fellow guild mates in the Gossmere, Thornmouth and Ebenguard welcome threads!

There are also several categories like #bookish and #the-creationary which contains loads of thread on books, writing and drawing! There’s also the werk thread where you can talk about your job and other stuff!


Hey ya’ll. I’m new around here, wassup. I’m Lilly, I’m 13 and I’m in 8th grade. I discovered this on an Instagram ad and immediately fell in love with it and all its magic and mystery. I’ve always been fascinated by magic and spiritual things and mystery, and this is so interesting! I’m glad I clicked on that add. Anyways, here’s a little about me;
-I’m obsessed with unicorns and all things rainbow, I have been since like 5th grade.
-I do karate, I’m going to be testing for my black belt this December.
-I love music, it’s my passion. It’s what I want to do most with my life. I think I’ll be a composer when I grow up.
-I’ve always been searching for some adventure all my life. I recently took a trip to Europe and discovered my passion for adventure ran deeper than I imagine. Whenever I get a chance to do something I’ll always remember, I know I have to do it.
-I’ve also always had a thing for fairy tales. I think fairy tales and my love for adventure go hand in hand.
-I’m a huge nerd and bookworm. I am always trying to figure out how one thing connects to another, and I’m always reading in my free time. I’m a huge fantasy fan.
-Lastly, I’m in Balimora. So hello to my new guild!!!
Thank all of you for reading, I can’t wait to dive deeper into this.


Hello @Wildwolf! Welcome to the forum!

The Balimora guild leaders are @Helios and @Nimueh! If any questions pop up please don’t hesitate to shoot them, hop over to the Balimora welcoming area or us Wagoneers a message! My virtual/metaphorical door is always open!

If you like fairy tails and books then I think you’ll love the #the-creationary! The creationary is where people write poems, draw art, write stories (I have a huge writing project showing up there in a bit :wink:) We also have the currently reading section! There is also the favorite fantasy books section!

I really hope you enjoy your time on the forum and I have a feeling we might run into each other at some point!




Hello! @Artemisdancing!

The Ebenguard leaders are @Ginger and @Deyavi! So if you have any questions ask them or us Wagoneers! You can also go to the Ebenguard guild hall!

Seeing as you didn’t put much into your message (which is fine!) I’m going to have to ask, what are some interests of yours? I’m sure we have a channel for at least one of them but I would just like to shoot you in the right direction!

I hope you enjoy your time around here! Hopefully you get settled rather quickly!


Welcome @Wildwolf and @Artemisdancing!!


I somehow missed this welcome message. I think its because I was still deciding on my path. Anyway, I think interests can be gleaned from my replies to various other posts.
And I was going to say that the only thing that’s missing is where I ‘hail from’ but I just revealed that in another post :laughing:. But to be more direct and make it easier, I’m from Florida.


Ahahah it’s quite alright


Hello I am Artemis i love film and going on adventures and i’m really excited to enter into the world of magic.


Where are you from @Artemisdancing?


Hello! I saw an ad for this on Instagram and had to click. I was sorted into Thornmouth and am going to start reading Flora & Fauna tonight. Very interested to see how this forum works and how the story plays out.

IRL, I work in digital forensics for a medical device company and am a catmom to two black kitties.


Morning M’Lady welcome to AG as you’ve probably been able to see we have had a lot of new recruits and @Sellalellen will be ecstatic to welcome another Thronmouth into the fold (she’s your guild leader! You can ask her anything in/out of world and she will be more than happy to help you out :grin: you can also ask any of the leaders if you like, we are all listed in the Primer Welcome again :grin::grin:


Shoo you pesky weatherwatch, this is our job :laughing:

Welcome @LadyVengenz, I love your name!! As Mr thunder stealer said you can PM you guild leader if you have questions. There is also a Q&A thread that contains lots of frequently asked questions and you can also ask questions there!

We strongly recommend you read through everything in the first post and the forum primer as it’s really important!

You can post pics of your cats over in the pets thread and talk about your work in the werk thread! When you’re ready you can also say hi to your guild mates over in the thornmouth welcome thread!


@Artemisdancing I know we have a couple topics that talk about movies and t.v. shows so you might like those! I don’t know if we have a topic dedicated to adventures however… Either way we have some awesome stuff over in the #the-creationary that are more of art and writing variety! Hope you enjoy your time on the forum!


Welcome @Wildwolf and @Artemisdancing, and welcome @LadyVengenz to Thornmouth!


Sorry I was MIA yesterday, I had a whole lot of errands to do before and after work and just had to crash when I got home.


@Rimor when I had replied she had gone a whole 10 min without a response! Not my fault I had to do your job for you :colelulz: :tedevil:


There’s a delay between a post and the email notification! :laughing:

(For new Mounties joining this will be fixed eventually)

