The Welcome Super Topic

Hi! My name is Consuelo (aka Connie) and I just finished reading Flora and Fauna. I’ve always been interested in interactive storytelling, so I was very excited when I came across the series on FB. I look forward to continuing to explore the story and to getting to know everyone :slight_smile:

Oh, I also kind of took the assessment twice which may or may not have been the best idea. It said that I was a Thornmouth the first time and then said I was a Flinterforge the 2nd time. I feel like I resonate with both, so yeah, I’m going to have to figure that one out lol


Hey there @ConnieM97, I’m Tinker, one of the Flinterforge leaders! Lots of us come in with a bit of a question mark around our guilds (I got Balimora on my first go). Once you’ve been around the forum a little bit (we’ve got lots of hobby-centric topics you can jump right into), you’ll get access to some of the guild areas where you can look around and maybe find what feels more comfy. If you’ve got any questions, feel free to let me or any of the other leaders know!


Thanks @Tinker, sounds good! I’ll for sure take these next few days to look around and see what happens


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @PlumGarden ! I’m Void, the Thornmouth Wagoneer.

To get started here on the forum make sure you read the initial post of this thread and the forum primer linked there, as those will give you the basic rules and info for getting around. Once you’ve done that you can start getting involved in our many discussion topics such as writing, currently reading, and hobbies! If you have an interest you’d like to talk about but can’t find a thread for it, let me know and I’ll help you out!

Once you’ve taken the MAGIQ Guild Assessment I’ll be able to direct you the pages for your guild where you’ll eventually be able to interact with other members of your guild.

We’re all very happy to have you here, and hope you enjoy being part of the magiq!


Utter newb here - eek. I was sorted into Thornmouth 4 different times. So, I guess that’s definitive. It makes sense because I love books. I love books about books. I love words and books about words. History, secrets, research, multiple open browser windows. falling down internet rabbit holes and burning midnight oil… You had me at Mindflame. What a perfectly fitting word to describe the undying passion for learning I feel in my core. The guild bearing I was sorted into is Lunivox - also fitting.
Happy to be here! I’m stumbling around a bit right now because I’m not as familiar with the forum environment but I hope to get up to speed. I should be finishing up the first book within a few days.


After you’ve been active on the forum for a few hours you’ll be able to interact with the guild page, where you can introduce yourself to your new guildmates and discover what it means to be a Thornmouth. The leadership roster will tell you your guild leaders as well as who takes care of what around the forum. There is also a Q&A for any further questions you may have.

Don’t worry about not knowing how to navigate a forum, I was new to it when I started too. You’re always welcome to just lurk around and see how things work or dive right into discussion, whatever you’re comfortable with.


G’day to all the new recruits who have joined up recently. its always exciting to see new faces ready to join the fray!

If there’s anything I can do to help don’t be afraid to reach out, regardless of guild (WEATHERWATCH RULES!!!)


Hi there :wave: my name is Cara
I found this wonderful community completely by accident through Facebook and a great deal of curiosity. I was sorted into Gossmere with Diaphane bearings. Bear with me whilst I catch up on the reading (very excited for that), I cant wait to be a part of this!


Welcome NightingaleSongs. I’m Sky, one of the Captains of Weatherwatch. Brokenvoid will be along shortly, he’s our only Wagoneer atm and does an amazing job at directing all the new Mounties towards the best resources for you but I’d like to take the opportunity to let you know you can ask any of the leaders for help :cjsmile:


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @NightingaleSongs I’m Void, the Thornmouth Wagoneer.

To get started here on the forum make sure you read the initial post of this thread and the forum primer linked there, as those will give you the basic rules and info for getting around. Once you’ve done that you can start getting involved in our many discussion topics such as currently reading, hobbies, and pets! If you have an interest you’d like to talk about but can’t find a thread for it, let me know and I’ll help you out!

After you’ve been active on the forum for a few hours you’ll be able to interact with the guild page, where you can introduce yourself to your new guildmates and discover what it means to be a Gossmerim. The leadership roster will tell you your guild leaders as well as who takes care of what around the forum. There is also a Q&A for any further questions you may have.

We’re all very happy to have you here, and hope you enjoy being part of the magiq!



My friend introduced me to here and I decided to get inolved! Assessment said I was Weatherwatch which I think suits me quite well but I’m interested in learning more about everything!

I am a student learning to teach which I am very excited for and play dungeons and dragons in my spare time :blush: and I absolutely love reading stories!

I am super excited to read more!


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Kitkat I’m Void, the Thornmouth Wagoneer.

To get started here on the forum make sure you read the initial post of this thread and the forum primer linked there, as those will give you the basic rules and info for getting around. Once you’ve done that you can start getting involved in our many discussion topics such as currently reading, hobbies, and tabletop gaming! If you have an interest you’d like to talk about but can’t find a thread for it, let me know and I’ll help you out!

After you’ve been active on the forum for a few hours you’ll be able to interact with the guild page, where you can introduce yourself to your new guildmates and discover what it means to be a Weatherwatcher. The leadership roster will tell you your guild leaders as well as who takes care of what around the forum. There is also a Q&A for any further questions you may have.

We’re all very happy to have you here, and hope you enjoy being part of the magiq!


Welcome to the forums (and Weatherwatch’s Crew), @Kitkat! I’m Remus, one of Weatherwatch’s Captains along with @Skylad. I’m sure he’ll be along soon to welcome you himself, but we’re glad to have you! Feel free to reach out to either of us with questions about the forum!


I certainly will be! (Sorry @Kitkat saw your intro post this morning but was rushing around getting ready for work)
Welcome again! It’s awesome to see not only a new recruit but a Weatherwatcher at that :deirdreexcited: don’t be afraid to reach out if you need any help.


Hi! I am new, a bit about me. I love bunnies! Best pets ever. I like to paint dnd minis and bead and sew. And not sure what else to say


G’day @Reboeh1, always nice to see a new recruit. I’m Skylad, one of the captains of Weatherwatch.
Easiest place to start us by taking the Magiq guide it will tell you which guild you’re best suited too from there you can introduce yourself to your guildmates in your guilds hall. If you have any trouble feel free to reach out to myself or any of the Leaders here


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Reboeh1! I’m Void, the Thornmouth Wagoneer.

To get started here on the forum make sure you read the initial post of this thread and the forum primer linked there, as those will give you the basic rules and info for getting around. Once you’ve done that you can start getting involved in our many discussion topics such as pets, tabletop gaming, and hobbies! If you have an interest you’d like to talk about but can’t find a thread for it, let me know and I’ll help you out!

Once you’ve taken the MAGIQ Guild Assessment I’ll be able to direct you the pages for your guild where you’ll eventually be able to interact with other members of your guild.

We’re all very happy to have you here, and hope you enjoy being part of the magiq!


I got the gossmere guild


Ah awesome! You’ll have Augo as a leader! He’s an amazing source for all things lore and is massively into a lot of community initiatives around the forum you can find the Gossmere campsite here. That’s where you can introduce yourself to your guildmates :blush:


Hello, um I’m very new and a little confused and overwhelmed. I’m Claeya, from the UK and the test said I am Gossmere?

:tipping_hand_woman:t4: I guess that’s me.