The Welcome Super Topic: Volume One

Thanks and good to know.


Welcome, @CreshSkellek and @Darkus! Happy to have you both here on the forums! Iā€™m Remus, one of the guild leaders for Weatherwatch, so feel free to reach out if you have any questions about anything! Cresh, your guild leaders are @Revenir and @Viviane, so you can reach out to them if youā€™d like! Darius, youā€™ve already met your guild leader, but you can reach out to me as well! Again, welcome!


Hey, welcome to yā€™all! Itā€™s great to see fresh blood in here. If yā€™all need help getting started in the MAGIqverse, holler and we can give you guys ideas on how to get started. :cjheart:


So many new Flinters :flinterforge::flinterforge::flinterforge: (and new people in general)! Thereā€™s a lot to explore, but everyone is happy to helpā€¦donā€™t be afraid to shout if you need anything!


Welcome everyone! (Iā€™d @ you all but Iā€™m worried Iā€™d miss someone)


Iā€™d appreciate all the help I can get.


Hello all! Iā€™m new to this group, but also to the Magiqverse. Iā€™m looking forward to learning more and getting to interact with you all.


hullo! welcome!


Hello All,

It seems in my travels I stumbled upon this beautiful community by chance a couple of days ago, and Iā€™m not sure how I got here. Iā€™m still trying to orient myself and discern my right from my backside. I figured Iā€™d pop over here and say hello to everyone and see if anyone had any recommendations on what I should explore first. Iā€™m planning on spending a couple of late nights studying the ecology, flora, and fauna. Where should I look next?

Yours in Sincerity,


A very overwhelmed and excited new Thornmouth.


OMG, all the new thornmouths! Welcome, fren. @Sellalellen is your guild leader, i think, she can probably help you out if youā€™re overwhelmed and confused. Trust me, weā€™ve all been there.

Uh, good places to look atā€¦ oh boy. Well, the books are a good recap of the story (duh XP), but the archived pages are fun as a way of seeing how the insanity all went down. Other than that, CJB has a lovely recap/orientation page hes posted recentlyā€¦

EDIT: Try november 2018, lol. BAM Start Here! The Forum Table of Contents


Hey there, @Helvoc and @Cearwyn; itā€™s great to meet you both! It seems like Cj has already tot you off to a great start, but you might also want to check out the brand new FAQ (Itā€™s for Ackerly Green in general, but it might still be helpful) and the Whatā€™s Going on Right Now threads. Theyā€™re really great of youā€™re looking to jump in!

Also, feel free to reach out to any of the guild leaders, even if theyā€™re not yours! Weā€™re here to try and make everyoneā€™s experience better. Again, welcome to the forums!


Welcome to the forums @Helvoc and @Cearwyn! Itā€™s exciting to see you join!


Hi! Iā€™m sorry about this but I wonā€™t have wifi again until next week. New Thornies, I wonā€™t be available until Monday or Tuesday, but donā€™t hesitate to contact other leaders if you need help with something.


Iā€™m so glad somebody else is new with me too! Not quite sure what this is all about yet, but looking forward to the learning of it.


Itā€™s great to meet you and have someone else new to explore this community with. I kinda just stumbled upon this place and it seems magical (pun only slightly intended). I will finally have a free night tomorrow, so Iā€™m going to check out ā€œThe Monarch Papers: Flora and Faunaā€ after I get home from work. Have you by chance had the opportunity to read it yet?


@Cearwyn I started reading it while on my train tonight. Pretty good read so far. Sucks you in and is well written. I also read some of the early posts on Basecamp33. It is pretty fun to see how they are mentioned in the book itself and how they line up with the story, adds an extra layer of feeling to the story actually getting to see the original material.


Hi everyone! Iā€™m new here - I stumbled upon the interactive quiz on Facebook today and was instantly hooked. Iā€™m a massive Harry Potter nerd (and proud Ravenclaw) so magical worlds always suck me in. I havenā€™t delved into the book yet, but plan on getting some reading done tonight and this weekend. Iā€™m excited to learn more about this world and what it all entails!

Also, I was sorted, if thatā€™s the correct term, into Ebenguard!


Ravenclaw represent!


Welcome @Iris-Jaymes! While I myself am a Slytherin, itā€™s always great to meet a Ravenclaw!


Welcome, Iris-Jaymes, from one Ebenguard Ravenclaw to another!

Deyavi and Ginger are our guild leaders, but feel free to ask any of us if you have any questions. :laurensmile: