The Welcome Super Topic: Volume One

Welcome @Hadrian! A Balimora/Weatherwatch is an interesting combo…


Well what can I say, I’m an interesting guy.


Hey Hadrian! Welcome to the mounties, so glad to have some more Balimora and WeatherWatch around here! I myself am a Gossmere so if you need anything I’m around,If I’m not on Endri is. Can’t wait to see you in the Fragments!


Hi - I’m a new Ebenguard, and am wondering where to start?


Welcome @GladiusLumin! Nice to meet you! We are just at the halfway point of this adventure so it’s a great place to jump on.

@Eaves had been posting weekly recaps of what we’ve been doing for the first eight fragments. You can check those out from the menu and it’s a good place to start. The 9th fragment with be starting up sometime soon and it will likely be a mostly clean slate so if you know basic history you should be well off.

Any questions at all just hollar!


Hi, just found out about this stuff. I think I believe, I’ve always been looking for that thing missing from my life. Found out im a Gossmere, still gotta look into things.



I’m VictorianFlorist, VC for short, of Thornmouth

Welcome to basecamp! I’m pretty new too so don’t worry it’s not too hard to get caught up.

The best way to get caught up is to read over the weekly updates!

Everyone is still waiting for the 9th fragment to drop so until then you can participate in the Campfire for Guild related stuff and Magiq related stuff.

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Welcome to Gossmere @AverageSweater ! I’m OracleSage, a fellow Goss and head of operation Nepenthe. I don’t know if your any good on codes and puzzles, I’d so you’ll be a lot of help over in the Fragments. Me? I’m usually by the Campfire making scarves and such, so if you need help that’s where I’ll be. So excited to be seeing all these new Gossmere faces!!!


Hi, I’m quite new and quite confused but I’m always confused :neutral_face: Just wanted to say I’m a weatherwatch and it’s nice meeting everyone :ok_hand:t3:


Cool! I’m Oracle of Gossmere! If you have any questions just @ me!


Hello, hello! As shown by my username, you can call me Azamat. I stumbled across the link and decided to take a peek, and was a bit intrigued. Intrigued enough to join the site, obviously. From the results of the exam, I was put into the Ebenguard guild. After reading into it a bit, I’d say that’s more than a good fit for myself! At least I feel so.

I can’t say I can offer much to the community, as my skills are pretty limited, but I do have basic knowledge of cryptology, a rather vivid imagination, and a good head on my shoulders, so I should be able to help out with solving clues and the likes, hopefully!

Meanwhile, as the title says, this account will be a joint account, technically. That’s allowed, right? Certainly haven’t seen any rules against it, from what I’ve read so far. The person joining me here is Valia. She was sorted into Flinterforge, and according to her she felt that was “decent enough” for herself. While she may steal the laptop from time to time, I’ll generally be the one doing the posting around here.

So far the both of us have read through the “Chronological Posts” section. Valia is, as usual, treating it like a race, and is about half way through the “Weekly Recaps” section herself. Neither of us have really delved into anything here on the forums yet, but hopefully we’ll (mostly I) will be joining the fray and chatting with you all soon!


Welcome @Azamat (and Valia) mind if we call you Azamat for short? If you have questions ask away, glad to have you on board. :grinning:


I too am more than happy to answer any questions either of you may have.
And Ebenguard and a Flinterforge? This is exciting indeed! Can’t wait to see you both in the forums!


I appreciate the warm welcome! So far it seems like I’m actually going to have quiittte a few questions by the time I’m done reading through everything, so I thank you guys for the offer.

You’re free to simply refer to me as Azamat rather than Azamat and Valia when replying to the account, since like I said before, I’ll generally be the one doing most of the talking. Besides, if it’s Valia posting instead of me, you’ll know, trust me.


A vivid imagination is going to be your greatest tool here… I promise.


Hey, I’m new around here and I just popped in to say hi. I’m a flinterforge and I’ve already done some digging around the site to see what I could figure out for myself. As I was rather inteigues by this whole situation I decided to tell my friends, and they’ve joined in too. One is an Ebenguard, and one is a Flinterforge, like myself. I look forward to seeing what’s in store around here and figuring out what I can.


Hey, @Ethan3365! The welcome committee will be by any minute to check in with you.


Me and Victorian come matching in
Who? Us?

All jokes aside, Welcome! The more the merrier and we can use all the help we can get. The Fragments are where you will find our puzzles, the clues that will help us unlock the book of briars, and you can gear up for round three! I’m by the Campfire mostly, writing stories, working on my charity project Op Nepenthe, and I’d love to see you guys get involved! Any questions you have just look in explore, a loose thread can be a wealth of knowledge!


Omg, I’ve been here for such a short time, I didn’t realize how involved I’d become already.


A little late to the welcome party (and I’m not usually one to do it either) but hello! Good to see that your friends will be joining us! The more to help solve the fragments the better! If you or your friends need any help there are a lot of various resources here on the forum! Of course, Oracle will ALWAYS be around to answer those questions. I don’t know where we’d be without them welcoming everyone :joy:
Anyways, hope you enjoy your stay! The community is still developing but I’m sure you’ll find something to entertain yourself with around here until fragment nine clues start trickling out!