The Week of January 8th

Originally published at: About CJ Bernstein - Ackerly Green

This week I challenge you, The Mountaineers, to a project to help new recruits get on board with The Monarch Papers, I discuss the first week of my Patreon campaign, myself, and a fantastic book I’m reading called The Water and The Wild by K.E. Ormsbee!




I really like this idea a lot C.J. Maybe creating a Basecamp 33 channel on youtube might be a good idea. If Mountaineers want to contribute a video we submit them to Itsuki, something like that? I’m already thinking about making a sort of narrated slideshow recap of the “Brandon chronicles”.
On that note, is it okay to use the audio and video files we’ve gotten so far? I wanted to ask permission before using anything.


Feel free to use it all! I’ll work out the YouTube side and maybe let’s just work out some rough guidelines so we keep them generally similar, like I’ll narrate all of them (but credit the writers/creators.) and keep them to around 2 minutes max. Wanna rough out the “rules”?


I mentioned this on youtube and i realized i should mention it here too, I am super willing to record some footage of me colouring some of my art for the videos. I would prefer to do sometime involving Fragment Four


I just wanted to help clarify for everyone that the art pieces don’t have to tell the story, the narration will do that. The art can be a collage of ideas or inspirations from the fragment, or one particular moment. Whatever you want. Let your magimystic inspiration flow! @Crytter just me a really cool video, drawing elements from fraylily. So impressed by you guys.