The Week of January 29th

Originally published at:


I actually like the look of the microphone there - feels more podcast-y (since you always call it a podcast anyways lol) and the two cameras, the angle and the lighting were fun and looked good too.

I can’t believe how fast time is flying and we are almost done Phase 2. I’m so excited to see what’s coming tonight and after phase 2!


Thanks @Kelsey!


Re: Things I liked about phase 2 - I thought the emails were really cool. Like having the ability to peer into such a personal medium and read what the characters were really thinking.

I also really, really enjoyed the character interaction. Talking with Marty and Cole, helping Cole navigate his relationship troubles. Throughout both phases, that was so awesome, like talking with The Devoted and our first interactions with Brandon. Definitely highlights of the game for me.

The real life magic was amazing too, but I don’t even think that needs to be said.


Awesome, so glad you enjoyed it @Revenir! I was so happy you were point person for Marty because that’s always fun, like @Robert for Cole in Phase 1. There are times I wish I could just play with you guys instead of puppet mastering!


Even though I was just a watcher (like I usually seem to be this time around) I think it was FANTASTIC! Everything with Cags and Lauren is so, so, sooo very different than phase 1. I initially thought it was gonna be about the same each time but boy CJ you sure proved me wrong. Phase 1 was super puzzle heavy, particularly with fragment 4, (not a bad thing to me) and Phase 2 really gets down into character interaction while keeping those puzzles, which is amazing. I can’t even imagine whats gonna happen afterwards!


Also, I must say… that recording was absolutely chilling. It sounds really… real. The voice actors made it sound very authentic, which is amazing. Ugh, I just can’t get over it!


Aww, thanks Bells! I’m going to do a making-of vlog in a few weeks where I break down how it was all done with my co-conspirator and official audio genius Simon Arrowsmith.