The Quarters of "The Ascension" - A Weatherwatch Introduction Thread

Weatherwatch rolecall!
How are we all going guys?
Sorry I’ve been away from the forum for a looooong while! The wold has become a crazy place and still getting my bearings… hope your all doing well! I’ve pinned this thread so I get notified if anyone posts so feel free to hit me up here


Haha I’ve been in the same place. I had to just take an internet break as much as possible to focus on school with the little brainspace I have. How is everyone?


Glad to see your safe and working hard!!! I take my hat off to everyone who does or has completed tertiary study! There’s no way I could ever be focused enough to complete it :joy::joy:


I just finished an online course, and man, during pandemic it has taken all my energy to make it through that class let alone keep up with the delightfully every changing world of AG. :heart: I’m so glad disappearing and reappearing seems to be a pretty normal and acceptable part of things here, or at least within Weatherwatch ^-^"


Yes exactly! Starting grad school online like this requires a lot of brainpower. But I missed my Weatherwatch family!


Disappearing and reappearing is the signature move of all Weatherwatchers! I cannot count the times I’ve Irish smokebombed my friends and turned up a few weeks later :sweat_smile: (to the point when going out with friends they fit me with one of those toddler backpacks with the leash… pre apocalypse of course!)


I figured it was high time hello fellow Weatherwatchers! My name is Rietveld.

I took the assessment three times the first time I found out and got Weatherwatch twice. I took it one more time after coming back and, you’ll never believe this, Weatherwatch! Clearly, I’ve got some learning and catching up to do and I may be a bit biased but this seems like the best place to do it.

Out of the forum I’m someone who listens to far too many podcasts to reasonably keep up with, has spent far too much money on enamel pins, and is his trying to expand his library of punk, rap, and ska music. I also enjoy reading and writing, video games, and playing too many TTRPGs. Obviously there’s more to a person than a few listed qualities but what better way to get to know someone than to just ask?

That’s my way of trying to be clever in disguising the fact that I often forget to mention entire facets of myself despite them being huge parts of me.


Welcome again to the crew, @Rietveld! It’s always nice to have a new Weatherwatch join us and you’re right - there’s tons of great stuff to catch up on in this part of the forum.

I don’t think you’re alone in taking the assessment multiple times and still getting Weatherwatch. I’m not sure if it’s a strange thing with us Watchers (I’m sure there are people in other guilds who feel this way, too), but many of us seem to second-guess our assessment results, even when we have 3 (or dozens) of assessments which tell us otherwise. However, you’re in good company here and I hope you’ll find us to be a great new home!


I’m KitKat, also happy to be called Kit or Kat or pretty much anything close, KitKat is a nickname that I’ve used IRL a lot and I tend to use Kit in video games a lot if I’m playing a male or gender ambigious character :slight_smile: so ya I’ve started to use KitKat all over the place, it’s also one of my favourite chocolate bars. My friend introduced to me to the test and I have also done the guild bearing assessment and I got Weatherwatch, Celestant bearing.

I’ve only been around for a couple of days but I’m really enjoying chatting with the community and finding people who are similar to me and I have been loving reading the books c: I am basically at the end of the first book and I’m looking forward to having more time to read a bit faster over the Summer.

Outside of the forum, I am a Primary Education degree student and I’ll be doing my teacher training from September. I am also a big fan of DnD, I dungeon master a campaign with my friend I mentioned above and 2 people I met through a DnD discord server. I also play in a Pathfinder 2e campaign with a group of IRL friends and my boyfriend DMing.

I’m not sure what else to say but it’s great to be here! Looking forward to sticking around :grin:


Welcome, @Rietveld and @Kitkat ! ^-^


Hi :blush: thanks!


The gangs getting bigger @Remus :cjheart: :cagshearts:


@Kitkat can I just say how nice it is to log onto the forum in the morning and see how many threads you’re replying too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@Skylad What can I say? I’m a bit of a chatterbox! :rofl::blush: