The Q&A Super Topic: Ask Your Questions Here!

Thank you! I’m having difficulty figuring out how to post in a forum sans replying to a post in said forum. I’m not very adept as using forums, sadly.


I wasn’t either when I first arrived a couple months back so i’m sure you’ll get much better!

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So there’s a reply button in the bottom right corner of each post in a given thread.

If you go to the very bottom of the thread, there should be a teal reply button. That will add a post to the thread as a whole without it being a reply to a particular post above yours.


Do you mean posting a new topic? You can do that from the homepage of the forums. On the right corner of the page, there’s a + sign with a button that says New Topic. On mobile, it’s just a + sign. If you click that, it’ll let you write the new topic. There’s a bunch of options from there, including a drop down menu that lets you select what category you’d like to post your topic.

You can also do it from each individual category. So, for instance, if I wanted to create a new topic in Meet, Greet, & Discuss, I’d go here.

If you mean replying to a pre-existing topic, then you have to scroll down to the bottom of the topic and hit the green reply button. I think you can also hit reply to the original post, and it should do the same basic thing.


Ah! I see now, thank you!


Hey I’m new here and I followed the instructions and now I’m curious where to go in order to learn and join my guild and stuff. Should I just read the free book? Should I read through posts and such and try to piece things together? I want to be able to be a part of this and learn but I’m not sure how


I’d start by reading the books first as that way you avoid spoilers in here. As for joining your guild I believe there’s a post further up that shows you how to do that. Just to be safe though click the three lines in the top right and then click groups. Then find Gossmere and click join!


how long does it usually take to move from trust one to trust two? I’m just curious because it feels like I’ve been here for a while and while I’ve read everything I can see in-world, I am still awaiting my entry into it.


It’s not just reading threads, it’s the interaction. Post more, like posts, respond to specific posts, etc. You’ll get there!


Ye you gotta post and participate a lot


I feel pretty crazy asking this, but how do we post on our guilds welcome thread? I added myself to the guild, but it won’t let me post an introduction. :frowning:


Hey! Great to hear that you’re wanting to introduce yourself! The forum operates on a trust level system. Your level allows you to access different areas of the forum, opening up as you spend more time interacting. It’s just our way of making sure you don’t have to jump straight in at the deep end not knowing what’s going on.

To access the Guilds threads, you need to be trust level 1. Stick around, do some more reading, and you’ll be notifed when you can access them :slight_smile:

If you’d like a better explanation, one can be found in the Forum Primer.


This may have been answered somewhere else, but I’m not sure where to find it… is there a recommended reading order for things other than “Cosmos and Time comes after Flora and Fauna”?


You’re best to read flora and fauna and Cosmos and time before diving into any of the ongoing in world stuff here


I think @BairnSidhe means post TMP reading, which would be The Secret Society first, and then The Search for Magiq.


I’m not sure how I forgot what they were called :joy:


@CJB I did, thank you! I read fast, so I’m planning out how to spend my time before I’m at Trust 1 and can start getting more involved, and I figured adding the forum things would stretch me another day or two. Ha ha, I don’t have an addiction to binge reading things…:sweat_smile:


hey, um how do I invite people from the page itself… I noted there’s a badge for that and so far all I’ve been doing is fangirling at people and sending them the Guide page as a starter. I’m a gamer, though… I like badges.


Unfortunately that’s something that came with the base forum site, but isn’t something we can actually do, so those badges can’t really be gained :blossom:


Umm, you say that, but I have the Promoter Badge for inviting a user.
Not entirely sure how I did it though.