The Mountaineers

Originally published at: The Mountaineers | Basecamp 33

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@OracleSage, go to the forum and search for mentions of “Augernon.” He was as close to an Ebbie as we ever had.

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Ah… Who is Ebbie?
I don’t think iv’e heard of them

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Ah, sorry. Ebbie is my nickname for someone in Ebenguard. I think Ebenguardian is sliiiiiiightly pretentious. :sunglasses:

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Agreed. Heh I guess I’m a Goss then? Honestly I don’t hate it lol!


The old, romantic terms are a Gossmerin singular, and Gossmerim plural, which I think was inspired by someone’s Tolkien obsession years and years ago. But a Goss or just a Gossmere is used too. Thornmouths are just Thornmouths.