The General Discussion Super Topic

Has anyone else noticed that in journal topics, when someone comments, the guild icon shows up underneath their picture and covers up some of the text? I only just noticed it happening, and I’m not sure if it’s just my browser being weird (not unheard of).


I did notice that today, too. I thought it was my phone being its usual self.


I know on mobile it was doing that but it looks like at least in Edge it does it too. It almost looks like there’s some size setting for the frames on comments in journals that doesn’t match with the size of the user id bar


Hey @BrokenVoid and @DjangoSolare, could you post this issue, with screenshots and browser and platform info if possible, to the Site Feedback category?

We never use that for bug reporting (I forgot it was there, honestly), but it would be really helpful because I can immediately forward the issues to my plugin developer from there.

Thank you! :cjheart:


Sure thing, I’ll do that once I get home today.


Thanks so much, Void! I couldn’t replicate the issue on my iPhone so being able to show my developer images of the issue and what platform it’s happening on would be awesome. Thanks for bringing this up. :cjheart:


This!! I love this post so much!

My response would be that education should always be in the form of facilitating learning; by that I mean that as an educator you should not tell people how things are or how they should feel about them, but rather set up activities or experiences so that learners can start to see patterns, make connections, etc.

Of course, my personal view of formal education is that it should overwhelmingly be about cultivating critical thinking and problem solving skills. Especially nowadays, being able to search online for literally anything of interest, the focus of education should understand the modern expectations of the adults students will become, so research and discernment (of online sources specifically) is soooooo much more important than rote memorization.

Sorry if I got on a tangent, but I am an educator and just love the theory and psychology of it all.


Hey everyone! A quick update about events and scheduling and making sure everyone knows when things are happening here on the forum:

Calendar & Events:

We have a brand new plugin that allows leaders, mods, and myself to create community event posts that can be followed, RSVP’d, subscribed to, notified about, and shared to your own calendar!

Not only that, but it also creates a new item in the forum’s upper right menu called “Upcoming Events,” which links to a calendar where you can see all events at a glance!

The first Event announcement is for the monthly Guild Induction Ceremony, which is happening in less than two weeks!

(To add the event to your personal calendar, click the three dots in the upper right corner of the event itself and download the event.)


Sorry for the quiet time this week. We’re traveling for family obligations and scheduling and jet lag have really taken it out of me. I have narrative stuff ready to go and will get back into the swing tomorrow. :cjheart:


Quick Poll:

Do you use the In-World View for the forum?

(For those who don’t know, there is a setting in the main menu that allows only in-world content to be visible on the forum’s main page. It was added back in 2018 when the forum became more of a mix of in and out of world content and was primarily for those Mounties who were here when the forum was strictly in-world.)

It’s a bear to maintain that plugin and often creates conflicts with other more crucial plugins, so I’m curious how many of you use it (not that it’s going away, I just want to get a sense of its usage and whether it’s worth leaving it as is or rebuilding it.)

In-World View Poll
  • Yes, I use the forum In-World View
  • No, I don’t use or didn’t know about the forum In-World View
0 voters

I voted one way but I also have not finished the entire published series and wondered if I would use it as I got up to speed eventually


That’s a really good point to consider!


I have lots of narrative all ready to go and was going to post the next piece today, but I’m making the difficult but probably correct decision to not post on Friday which would have me monitoring the forum over the long weekend (for us Yankees) and not using the time to recharge and get my head screwed on right. :cjheart:

(I’m justifying much-needed self-care as really just taking care of the community so that I don’t steamroll right through it.)

Have a wonderful weekend and get ready for next week’s continuation! :cjtea:


Self-care is all-important. Have a great weekend, amd be careful!


You made the right decision. As someone who deals with deadlines & notices as a regular part of her job, I assure you that posting something new on a Friday is a terrible idea.


@CJB switched his Avatar and honestly I was unprepared

It’s great, but my initial reaction was oh who’s this new person they posting a LOT


Honestly? Same. :joy: You’d think since I’m relatively new I’d be more just generally immune to changes like that but it took me a solid couple of moments to wrap my head around it.

Like, don’t get me wrong, I love the new pic, and I am totally here for it! But also, yeah it took me longer than I would care to admit to realize who that was!


Haaaaa, I’m so sorry! I was spending time this weekend organizing all the art assets I bought since TMP and found this avatar creator. It wasn’t super useful for the characters in the narrative (because I didn’t want to impose my vision of them onto you all) but I’d made a little Saberlane as a test back in 2018!


Every time I look your new avatar when it’s small and I’m far away, I can’t stop seeing the Hippie enemy from Earthbound.


I’m okay with that.