But then what kind of a berry is an ackleberry? Important questions, must know.
Maybe it’s a magiq Neithernor version of the Huckleberry?
Could be. Ackerly was known as the fish part of the hippocampus, maybe they grow in the water.
Ooo I like that! You should definitely write something about it!
What if it grew like a little Lily pad?
I like that! I do want to get other people to contribute to the description, if not just because my next idea was his fantastical tendencies might make the berries a natural hallucinogen, and not everyone wants that haha.
I was thinking kinda like a funky strawberry or something so just like a food item
If you’re thinking like ready to eat off the plant type food and it is like a lily, perhaps it’s like an upside-down bunch of grapes (not actually grapes, just that idea) on some sort of floating leaf thing.
Something magiqal happened in this discussion while I was at work, and I love it. I’m going to have to start researching ackleberries at the Thornmouth guild hall.
Can we make a whole topic discussing the specifics of ackleberries?
I mean you could
Ackleberry, huh. In my head i see it as a bright green fruit with a blue inside, and a red coloured vine. Slightly sour taste, about the size of a grape. Always magiqally cold, at all times, ever. once a berry drops off the plant it explodes into seeds which are light enough to be carried on wind, thus constantly in a state of procreation.
Do the berries explode if they’re purposefully plucked? Or just if it falls naturally?
I was thinking a red inside but other than that I was imagining it rather bell shaped and growing on lily pads therefore dropping seeds into the water to sprout
purposefully plucking them ruins the connection between the fruit and the vine, and it guts the inside of the fruit. The explosive is more like a sap inside the vine, and when the fruit is ripe enough to recreate itself, the vine injects it into the fruit like a syringe.
that would be interesting.
we should start a topic talking about magimystical plants. There already is one for neithernor, but all of you guys are quite far away from access to PRSFNE, so it would be a cool idea to make one for those outside the project.
I really like the Ackelberry… I kinda wanna eat one.
And its done! Magiqal Flora and Fauna topic is a go!