The First Four Fragments: The Flora Key

The summary for how we put the four fragments together and created the Flora Key will go here.

Each of the first four fragments yielded torn pieces of paper when their solutions were found. After Mountaineers uncovered a number of these sections of text it became apparent that these bits of paper would fit together to form one page. These, in combination with some extra scraps of paper found throughout these fragments, pieced together to form a recipe for a “Kindly Brew for Finding Things” potion. Just as this recipe was restored, the Book of Briars reached out.

The Book of Briars reached out to the Mountaineers again, this time informing them that their first Magimystical Assessment would commence on All Hallow’s Eve. This was something brand new for The Mounties. Come Halloween, all Mountaineers were as ready as they could be for an assessment they knew nothing of or how to prepare for it. The evaluation ended up being in two parts; the first was to gauge the magimystical sensitivity of the Mounties, while the second tested their retention and magimystical capabilities. The Moutaineers quickly realized it was a very good thing all of the scraps of paper were found and the entire recipe was pieced together as the second part of the assessment centered solely on this recipe. One by one, the Mountaineers completed their assessment, unlocking the Flora Key and becoming magimystic apprentices.

The Book required a number of Mountaineers to discover the Flora Key, as more than just one should shoulder a task this large. Once the Book was satisfied with the amount of Mounties finishing this assessment, the Flora Key unlocked one of the four Locks that seal the Book of Briars.


The writeup for The First Assessment/The Flora Key is above. I don’t know if this is what you are looking for CJ. If it isn’t, let me know and I can rework it. Also, I give you full permission to hack and slash it and make as many edits as you need.

I also don’t remember the title the book gave us after completing the assessment, so if someone can remind me or edit the wiki where it says “_________”, that would be awesome.


OMG, how am I just seeing this?! Thank you!!!