The Currently Reading Super Topic

Had to pull up my Goodreads since the beginning of this year was a different century, but I think I’m going with Addie Larue, Legendborn, and Song of the Abyss

Honorable mention to Hank Green’s Carls duology, because choosing things is hard.

Also fun fact, I read THREE king arthur adaptations this year!!


Ahh I want to read Legendborn too!! I really want to be better about staying up on new releases next year.


I had Legendborn sitting to be read next when I found Nora Robert’s The Awakening and that was so good and unfortunately the next book doesn’t come out till November. So now I’m reading her Year One book, I’m a few chapters in and I’m still not sure if I like it.


Just started Naomi Novik’s A Deadly Education: Lesson One of the Scholomance. So far so good, but the narrator’s voice is a little acerbic for my tastes.


Just started listening to A Wrinkle in Time. It’s been about 30 years since I last read it.I remember liking it, but it wasn’t Earth-shattering, so I’m trying it again.


I’m about 2/3 done with City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Claire…I only picked these books up for the first time this summer, and have been sort of spacing them out between other books. I definitely think the second half of The Mortal instruments series is better than the first, and I’m excited to get to the other series at some point soonish


Just started The Dutch House by Ann Patchett. Hooked me right in, although it’s a bit jarring because one of the main characters has the same name as me! I don’t usually read fiction, sticking more to YA and SF/Fantasy, but I’ve got a queue of fiction and historical novels ready to go.


My wife and I are working on the audiobooks for The Wizard of Earthsea and I Crawl Through It, but for my own personal reads, I’ve decided to re-read all of The Chronicles of Narnia books. I finished The Magician’s Nephew yesterday and just started The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and I’m honestly shocked at how much I don’t remember about these books. I’ll update when I’ve got them all wrapped up!


My daughter is currently reading The Chronicles of Narnia for the first time! She just finished Prince Caspian and said it was good but not quite as good as The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (fair.)

She’s reading from a box set collection and the first thing I did was rearrange it by publish date rather than narrative chronological order.

I am the first to say that writers sometimes don’t know what they’re talking about, even with regards to their own books, and C.S. Lewis was very very wrong about this thing in particular.

On subsequent reads it’s great, but reading The Magician’s Nephew before The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe on a first read through is patently ridiculous. It gives you all the answers before you’ve been able to ask the questions. Who is Jadis really? How does the wardrobe act as a portal? Why is there a lamppost in the middle of the woods? It negates all that beautiful curiosity.


Speaking of which, and sorry to derail, but it’s relevant, I swear!

The published Book of Briars will have a foreword that explains the Briarverse in very broad strokes and also explains that The Monarch Papers chronologically happened before the events of The Book of Briars but it’s not absolutely necessary to read before you read the BoB, though it’s pretty freaking helpful.

BUT, it goes on to say that there is also a place within the narrative of The Book of Briars which, if your interest is piqued, you can stop to read TMP and experience the story exactly like the characters in The Book of Briars are experiencing it!

When a certain someone gives Alistair both volumes of TMP


I totally understand that, though the reveal about the lamppost was one of the things I didn’t remember, so it was a pleasant surprise. I think I could support reading the publication order the first time and then chronological on a future read? Even though I don’t remember a lot of what happened in these books, I remember enough of the broad strokes that the magic remains. However, if I hadn’t read them before, it would be like that time I tried to read The Silmarillion before I read the rest of LOTR (except for The Hobbit). And that was definitely a mess (I was also a 7th grader at the time, so I was not ready for that Deep Lore™️).

Reading The Magician’s Nephew also demonstrated how similar Fillory’s cosmology is similar to Narnia’s in ways I didn’t realize. They’re definitely different, but it’s clear that Lev Grossman had a lot of inspiration from tge world of Narnia!


Lol. I’ve been passively searching for a multi-book version of The Chronicles (the single-volume is only cool looking, not cool reading. I refuse to buy an edition in chronological order.


Also, on an unrelated note, I’m reading The Last Unicorn and am slightly loathing myself for waiting until I was 40 years old to do this. Like, how have I been allowed to call myself a fantasy reader before this?


Thats a really clever idea to integrate the two!


I hadn’t even heard of it until my mid-20s! Had bought a special collected set of America songs and the theme from the movie was on there (had a laugh pre-concert about it, and then they played it that night, too! :deirdrexd:). Still haven’t read it, though.


I’ve seen the movie years ago & remember it being wonderful and sad and deep.

As I’ve done more reading in a literary educational environment, I’m adding to my “should have read or re-read as an adult” list and enjoying it immensely.


The Last Unicorn is second only to Middle-earth in my mind. I didn’t read it until adulthood, either, though I had adored the cartoon as a kid. If you don’t have the version with the coda ‘Two Hearts’ you should definitely find it somewhere! It is gorgeous and absolutely heartwrenching.

I also mentally kicked myself for not getting into Earthsea as a younger reader. Because WOW that world!


THANK YOU, the re-ordering of The Chronicles of Narnia is a tragedy that ruins multiple key moments of :sparkles: Wonder :sparkles: in LWW and never should have happened. #Iwilldieonthishill


I was gifted the Chronicles in a boxed set when I was in second grade, and Magician’s Nephew was placed first in the set. For me it didn’t detract from the wonder of LW&W, just gave a sense of history to it which I adored.

Update on Witches: it’s definitely an October read. It starts out slow, but once you get past around pg40 or so, it picks up though it’s still a contemplative pace much of the time. I’m now over 200 pages in and there’s intrigue showing up!


I just grabbed The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman at my local used bookstore. It sounds really interesting, and I’ve been super into his writing style lately.