The Currently Reading Super Topic

Ooh I’ve been wanting to re-read Anne of Green Gables for a while now! I love re-reading books I read when I was little, especially classics.

Because I had a day or two between when I finished Fellowship of the Ring and when I could go pick up The Two Towers and I can’t go that long without reading, I started Dig by A.S. King and holy moly, it’s fantastic. Like, set my alarm a whole hour early so I could have extra time to read this morning fantastic. It’s a contemporary YA that is so timely and genuine and hearfelt, I still have a hundred pages left but I can’t recommend it highly enough!!


i’ll have to look into dig! And i’m the same way, I treat my books as well as I can but years down the road they end up looking very well loved from re-reading and re-reading. My harry potter books have shown that wear especially but i think it makes them all the better


Oh my copy of Sorcerer’s stone is held together about as well as Harry’s glasses :joy:
Between me and all of my siblings, I’m pretty sure it spent about a year on the floor of our minivan being picked up and put down on the way to school/extracurriculars. Definitely well-loved!


Liber Reparo!

Did it work?


Do you SEE the cracks in these spines? :confounded: I lost track of how many times I’ve read this trilogy. Something north of 15.


I love how this series toys with magical-reality; it feels like Neil Gaiman’s “Stardust” had a baby with Erin Morgenstern’s “Night Circus”. Divination cards are a catalyzing plot point - which I’m clearly obsessed with.
Anyone else fallen down this rabbit hole?



Well, I guess the TBR can get a bit longer… :ascendershrug:


Is that the book that inspired the show with Orlando Bloom? What was it called… They’re in The Burgh… Fae are slaves… Argh this will drive me nuts


Carnival Row?


YES!! Oh I want to watch it but I’m not subscribed to that streaming service


I just finished Chernobyl by Serhii Plokhi.

It was informative but hardly the best book I’ve read on Chernobyl. Midnight in Chernobyl was a much more enjoyable read, focusing more on the human element of the disaster, not to mention a more engaging writing style. Still, this did do an excellent job of covering the cover-up in the aftermath, something Midnight didn’t cover in as much detail.

So a little light easy reading :wink:


Not as far as I know - that series looks amazing though! Cara Delevingne as an angry, heart broken fae? Please and thank you!


I just got Priory of the Orange Tree from the library. I heard it was slow and world-buildy and it is, and I love it. It’s full of queens. And also dragons. :dragon:


Oh man I’m still on the waitlist for that one but I want it so bad!!

I’m reading Wilder Girls by Rory Power and it is certainly …wild.
It’s about a girls’ boarding school where all of the girls have been infected by this crazy disease and quarantined on the island where the school is so it’s very suspenseful and mysterious and I’m SO into it.


Yes! I love the Caraval books! I did the OwlCrate special box for Finale and read it a couple months ago!


I just finished it a couple nights ago! Those books are a snack. I love how Garber manipulates the expectation of magic - you never quite get what you think you’re gonna get. Such twists and swerves. What all came in the box with it?


I just blew through the entirety of Witchy during my shift yesterday (a webcomic that’s getting the professional comics printing treatment next month according to an email I got yesterday). Still ongoing, updates twice a week apparently.

People’s ability to use magic is determined by hair length in that universe (which really got my attention, because mine is stupid long), and the little spirits they have in it are so. stinking. cute. And there’s representation in prominent characters, which is always cool. :hermanthumbs:


I’m now working through The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. I’m trying to take it with a grain of salt because it paints a pretty bleak story about big tech, and historically, doomsaying is the most popular of all passtimes when any technology becomes popular, with everything from the novel to the umbrella to the bicycle having at one point or another been a harbinger of mankind’s imminent destruction, the collapse of morality, and look at what the youths are doing!

With that said, I did take a few moments tonight to comb through my app permissions and clean up some stuff that seems excessive.

It’s some really heavy reading (between this and the Chernobyl book I posted about before, I swear I read fun stuff on occasion too. These are just the two holds at my library that came up back to back.)

Next up I’ll be restarting the Wheel of Time series. I read the first 8 or 9 back in the early 2000s, but then there was a year or two’s gap between when I finished the last one and when the next one came out, and I wound up not remembering enough to get back in. Now that the series has finished, it’s high time I gave it another go.


Ugh, finishing up Surveillance Capitalism, and it predictably jumped the shark from, “Hey, these tech giants have capitalized on neoliberal economics to create a system whereby they are basically ungovernable at this point. Oh, and look at all the sketchy things they’ve done to get here,” which is perfectly tenable, to “Oh God, social media is poisoning the youths. These poor, stupid, ignorant teenagers just don’t understand that they are being ruined by this technology. When will they ever go outside without chasing the Pokemanzzzz!?”

If I weren’t 20+ hours into the audiobook with only a few left to go, I’d call it quits.


So…I’ve finished the books…
My idiot self decided to retake the assessment knowing what I know now. And got a different guild. Dunno what to do with any of the info swirling around in my head.