The Cagliostro

Yeah, that’s why I was thinking of having him focus on the more mundane books first and then add ‘And whatever other posessions Sullivan may have had at the time of death that didn’t go to his next of kin’. Maybe we get lucky and a journal is found, but even just finding the 3 missing books would be a big help to Deidre.


A) Looks like we got a Weatherwatch on our hands. The magic she describes seems more under their realm.
B) Have any of us tried to get on the guest list? Send one of the leaders like Itsuki or Endri? It would be a risk but we may get a better understanding of whats going on?


As interesting as it would be to have someone get on the guest list, I think that would be quite difficult. Apparently, these people are vetted by security, at least according to the guest list. And they also spend a million dollars for a ticket, money I doubt any of us have.

EDIT: I also went ahead and sent an email to Marty, giving him our terms. Fingers crossed it turns out well.


Has anyone thought to contact The Calgistro? It’s not like he will immediately know we have been listening in…


More from Lauren:

Good evening,

I’ve come down with something. Fever and everything.

I’ve had trouble sleeping because when I close my eyes I hear the persistent music, and I see what you see.

You’re at dinner in a great old hall. You’re at the head of the long table, watched by severe faces, talking about the end of something. The doors are open and the sea is outside. Someone is talking to you, complimenting you, but your eyes and mind are on the painting behind her. The painting is of a beast with seven heads of all different species, on seven snakelike necks. The beast is on a precipice looking down at something I can’t see. It’s disturbing. I want to look away but can’t because you won’t.

I feel cold. Not from the fever. I feel too far away from you, from the connection we have. Is it you or your power that creates the warmth? I am trying to be the best assistant and apprentice I can be but I am lost here without you.

I’m studying, learning, I’ve performed minor magimystic “tricks.” I even conjured a spectral fog. I want to show you what I’ve learned, how I’ve failed, and learn from you.

I know you have commitments and have to prepare for your performance but please reach out with you can.

I’ve uploaded the floorplan for The Crimson Hall. If you want the layout changed, just let me know and I’ll see to it.

Yours faithfully,

The number in the corner (18T 586398 4511820) is the UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system) for Grand Central Terminal


I did a quick search for the seven headed beast - the most common mythological creature is the biblical beast:

Its usually depicted with seven heads of the same species but sometimes like in this Duerer Picture the heads look different:

Also I found some Cranach pictures from the Lutherian Bible in which it seems to have different heads. (In the picture its ridden by the whore of Babylon so the heads are supposed to represent the seven deadly sins.)


So have established the Crimson Hall is in Grand Central Terminal. Have we figured out where?


So, Marty responded and was…uh, not so amenable to the terms.

Lemme see if I can wrangle up a firstborn while I’m at it.

This is what I sent him in response:

Ok, then what can you offer me? This is quite a lot of information I have and I’m getting more every week. Just recently got the floor plan for his venue, in fact. But sharing it does come at some risk for myself. What can you give me that’s worth the risk?


For continuity sake, and as most Cagliostro e-mails are posted here, @Robert and @whitufangu found a new e-mail. Here it is:

From l@thecagliostro.comAdd contact Date Today 20:14
Message Body
I spent the weekend studying. I’ve read through all the “brachursis” materials, and practiced the arts, though I should’ve been in bed.

My fever finally broke today but I’m exhausted.

I still see what you see when I close my eyes.

I checked the journal. I noticed a new mark on the outer pages… (I’ve updated the index) so I opened the “triptych” and two new passages have appeared along with a new symbol. My brain is in a fog right now but as soon as I’m feeling better I will try and unravel the clues. If it could lead us to a new book I’d be thrilled, and assume you would be too.

Also, we now have nine pieces of heavy freight.

Please respond when you can.

Yours faithfully


This is likely to do with Fragment 7, but I think it is probably wise to keep a lot of these e-mails together.


Yeah, for continuity and tidy up purposes.


New email from The Cagliostro. I did not see any of this coming.


Our connection is not a product of our travels but not unexpected. You are willing the connection into being. You believe I am reaching out to you, but I feel your pull on me. I feel you behind my eyes. I am very impressed though my mind of late is not such a hospitable home and I fear the reason for your illness.

The dinner was an ending of sorts. The man at the end of the table is the intended next to take on the Cagliostro mantle. He’s been groomed since he was a child to supplant me. And though he is not magically inclined, the group governing all of this feels he is the most beneficial match. His wealth and influence will serve them well. I have little say in this matter. Funny, to posses all of this power yet still be at the whim of those who posses nothing more than flakes of paper and broken toys. If I had known I would have broken free when I still had the chance.

In the end I am tired and there is a part of me that wishes this all to be over. The never-ending hunt for power to sustain all of this. The incessant gnaw at what is left of my soul. Would you rather be a pawn in an invisible game of chess, waiting to be moved or tipped or swept aside, or would you rather be nothing at all?

I digress. I only share this because I feel you are close to not only breaching my eyes and ears, but my very thoughts. I don’t mind. The Cagliostro is a solitary King whose crown devours that which makes one human. To feel your “touch” is not unwelcome.

Onto the performance.

Let us cap the attendees at 30. I have two guests I wish like to invite to what will most likely be my final performance.

You and Martin Rank.

Martin is more than he says he is. A man who once had a glimpse through the veil and has chased after the truth for decades. He has fruitlessly pursued me and my kind, and I wish to give him a gift for his efforts.

There is one more piece of freight yet too come. Ten in total. I’m en route to collect the final piece. It is a finale I haven’t performed in decades called The Translation. An ancient relic built even before my time.

Yours faithfully,


There’s a metric ton of lore and info in here to unpack.


Wow, thats interesting. Oh it would be great if we could convince Marty to take a camera to the performance … on the other hand I wouldnt wonder if such devices don´t work there.
But this paints a much nicer picture of Cagliostro!


Yeah. @Revenir it looks like we’ve lost anything we can offer to Marty. If he’s going to be there it’s not like he needs the list. I’d say just let him know we wish him well and if we can help him with anything going forward to let us know. At this point all we can probably salvage is a good relationship with him.

And hey…maybe he’ll livestream it, who knows? :slight_smile:


So… Guys, how do we contact Marty?


We have his email address actually from when he tried to contact the Cagliostro. I can’t find it at this exact moment, but I’ll dig it up. @Revenir has been talking to him for a bit, trying to get his help.


Aw, well I gave it my best shot. :frowning: My guess is I will probably not hear from him again. Ah well, it was worth it to try, at least. :sweat:

@Ricardo - His email is - You can find it if you dig through the Cagliostro emails.


Don’t give up. If he sees what the Cagliostro is capable of, maybe he’d be a lot more willing to help us out in the future. Just keep the line open. Also if you let him know we’re aware of his invitation before he knows it or as he finds out, it confirms to him that we legitimately have access to information he might want in the future.


Should I or any other of us try to contact him?


I went ahead and sent him this final email.

Well, Marty, it seems like our deal won’t be working out. Not for any lack of enthusiasm on my part, of course, but you won’t need it anymore. Cagliostro is planning to invite you to what will be his final performance.

I can’t offer you anything better than the live performance, but if you do find yourself interested in magic - real magic - then perhaps drop me a line. Whatever the case, best of luck to you, wherever your endeavors lead you.

Who knows, maybe we’ll cross paths with him again at some point. But I’ve given him the opportunity to contact me in the future if he wants to, so that’s something.


Lauren’s reply. I wish we could help these two.

You asked me about my sister once. You must’ve known…

We visited my aunt and uncle in Virgina when I was eight. Jen and I spent every day playing in the woods around their house. On the last day there we were playing hide and seek and I got lost. I couldn’t find her and I couldn’t find my way back to the house. I wandered the woods until it started getting dark. The woods looked unfamiliar. And even though I screamed for help, no one came. And then it started snowing. I spent the night out there, alone, in the cold. I thought I was going to die.

The next morning I tried to backtrack, tried to imagine where I got lost. But I couldn’t find my way out. Couldn’t find where my sister was. And then I realized I could see through her eyes. I could hear my screams through her ears. She was looking for me too. And she was hurt. She was scared. I could feel it. Her cheeks were burning, her hands were frozen. I could feel them like they were mine. And then I realized I could move them just like I could move my own. I brought her to me, following my own voice. I didn’t know what I was doing. I was scared and cold and wanted my sister.

It took hours but she finally found me. She was hurt. But I think I was the one who hurt her. There was blood everywhere. I broke her. I let her mind go and she collapsed. She was never Jen again.

A search party found us the next night. I lied about Jen. I said she fell. They said I was a hero for keeping my sister safe and warm in the snowstorm.

I started believing what everyone told me. That it wasn’t my fault. That I saved her life. I forgot about what I did. What I was capable of doing. Almost forgot, I guess. But it’s true. I was able to touch the veil even before I met you. What kind of life would I have lived without you?

The journal changed again. More marks inside the triptych and now the front has a symbol that I’ve seen in the brachursis materials. I want to figure it out but I have to admit all I can think about is what you told me. This can’t be the end of you, of us. You woke me up. How can I live with the blindfold only half off? There has to be another way. You have so much power, how can they control you? We can figure something out together. Please write me back.

Yours faithfully,
